Internship Overview

ICT internships are an important part of our Master of Information Technology (MInfoTech) programme. Internships provide a unique opportunity for students to deliver on a real-world project, either with an employer or the University. For companies that wish to attract new talent, industry internships provide a chance to work with and recruit the next generation of rising ICT professionals. Each year we have three group of students seeking internship opportunities, one mid-year (July - September), one over the summer period (November - February) and a smaller cohort in Semester One (March - June).

Companies can either pay interns directly or pay the University $6000 plus GST to host an intern for 400 hrs/10-weeks. If paying through the University, interns receive a tax free grant of $5500. There is a possibility for the company to receive funding through Callaghan Innovation. For further information contact Callaghan Innovation directly.​