Images, Cameras, and Stereo Analysis

- An Introduction -

Short CCV course taught by Professor Reinhard Klette and tutor Hsiang-Jen (Johnny) Chien in the first semester 2015 at The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Taught subjects: Image processing and image analysis as basic digital imaging subjects, and also stereo vision as a selected subject for introducing into computer vision

This short CCV course defined one-third of a one-semester course on Industrial Automation (MECHENG 709) in the Mechatronics program at The University of Auckland. It was composed of 11 lectures (50 minutes each), 3 tutorials, one workshop, one assignment, and one review of all the taught material prior to the exam date.

The lectures followed the book Concise Computer Vision by Reinhard Klette, published in January 2014 by Springer, London, UK.

  1. Images, Windows, Histograms (Section 1.1 in CCV)
  2. Fourier Transform, Frequency Domain, Fourier Filtering (1.5 lectures, Sections 1.2, without 1.2.5, and 2.1.3 in CCV)

    Two tutorials on OpenCV discussing Exercise 1.1 in CCV and introducing into OpenCV

  3. Colour, RGB, HSI (Section 1.3 in CCV)
  4. Point, Local, and Global Operators (1.5 lectures, Section 2.1, without 2.1.3, in CCV)

    The assignment combines Exercise 1.3 in CCV with additional tasks in Fourier filtering.

    A third tutorial (about the assignment) and a workshop (practical advice by the tutor about possible ways for solving the assignment).

  5. Smoothing, Sharpening, Edges (Section 2.3 in CCV)

  6. Adjacency, Regions, and Their Borders (Section 3.1 in CCV)

  7. Area, Length, and Curvature (Section 3.2, without 3.2.4, in CCV)

  8. Cameras, Central Projection, Binocular Vision (Section 6.1, without 6.1.4, in CCV)

  9. Calibration, Rectification, Stereo Vision (Sections 6.2, 6.3, and 7.3 in CCV)

  10. Stereo Matching, Depth Maps, and an Application (selected material from Chapter 8 in CCV)

    See also the iSGM clip by Simon Hermann (iSGM was, together with fSGM for optical flow, the winning program of the Robust Vision Challenge at ECCV 2012)

  11. Review (of the lectures, tutorials, and assignment) by discussing Exercises for preparation for the written exam; the written exam about this short CCV course is a subset of slightly modified questions from this list.

Copyright for material (above) on this website (if not otherwise specified): Reinhard Klette
A few images (as used in the CCV book)
Image textures
Video sequences on EISATS

Pictures in Java
Intro into OpenCV by Gady Agam
2012 Handout OpenCV (by Haokun Geng), 2009 Handout OpenCV (by Tobi Vaudrey)
2009 Example 1 and 2008 Example 2
2005 example in Java, 2005 example in C++, 2005 example in C#
You can use example sources for LEARNING, but not for COPYING.

GIMP and ImageJ
Software-link on The Computer Vision Homepage.