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1    Introduction

1    Introduction to Migrating from ULTRIX to DIGITAL UNIX Systems
1.1    DIGITAL UNIX Features Unavailable on ULTRIX Systems
1.1.1    OSF/1 Kernel
1.1.2    Real-Time Kernel
1.1.3    Standards Compliance
1.1.4    Shared Libraries
1.1.5    Per-Process Open File Descriptors
1.1.6    Logical Storage Manager
1.1.7    Streams Kernel Mechanism
1.1.8    Memory-Mapped Files
1.1.9    Sixty-Four Bit Data Types and Addresses
1.1.10    Security Integration Architecture
1.2    Features Common to ULTRIX and DIGITAL UNIX Systems
1.2.1    User Applications, Commands, and Shells
1.2.2    Development Tools
1.2.3    File Systems
1.2.4    System and Network Administration Tools
1.2.5    Data Interoperability
1.2.6    Symmetric Multiprocessing
1.3    ULTRIX Features Unavailable on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
1.4    Migrating from ULTRIX to DIGITAL UNIX Systems
1.4.1    Migrating as a User
1.4.2    Migrating Your System and Network Administration Environment
1.4.3    Migrating Your Application    Migrating Source Code    Migrating Executables

2    Migrating Your User Environment

2    Overview of the DIGITAL UNIX User Environment
2.1    Differences in the DIGITAL UNIX DECwindows Interface
2.2    Differences in the DIGITAL UNIX Directory Structure
2.3    Differences in User Applications and Commands
2.4    Differences in Shells
2.4.1    Differences in the C Shell
2.4.2    Differences in the Korn Shell
2.4.3    Differences in the Bourne Shell
2.5    Differences in Security Features

3    Migrating Your ULTRIX User Environment to a DIGITAL UNIX System
3.1    Setting Environment Variables
3.1.1    Setting the C Shell filec and PATH Environment Variables
3.1.2    Setting the Bourne Shell PATH Environment Variable
3.1.3    Setting International Environment Variables    Setting the Environment Variable for Messages    Setting the Environment Variables for Data Handling
3.2    Migrating Shell Scripts
3.2.1    Modifying Commands Used in Scripts
3.2.2    Migrating Korn Shell Scripts
3.2.3    Migrating C Shell Scripts
3.2.4    Migrating sh Shell Scripts
3.2.5    Migrating sh5 Shell Scripts

3    Migrating Your System and Network Administration Environment

4    Overview of DIGITAL UNIX System and Network Administration
4.1    Installation and System Setup
4.2    Available System Setup Scripts
4.3    System Customization Files
4.4    System Configuration
4.5    System Security Features
4.6    Print Services
4.7    Terminal Capability Handling
4.8    Disk and File System Maintenance Features
4.8.1    DIGITAL UNIX Directory Structure
4.8.2    Differences in Creating a UNIX File System
4.8.3    Differences in Checking a UNIX File System
4.8.4    Differences in Mounting and Unmounting a File System
4.8.5    Differences in Monitoring File System Use
4.8.6    Specifying Disk Quotas
4.8.7    Differences in Setting Up and Maintaining NFS Software
4.8.8    Differences in Partitioning Disks
4.9    Event-Logging Features
4.10    Disk Shadowing Facilities
4.10.1    Logical Storage Manager
4.10.2    Logical Volume Manager
4.11    Networking Support
4.11.1    TCP/IP Network Management Commands
4.11.2    Simple Network Management Protocol Agent
4.12    Local Area Transport
4.13    Diskless Management Services
4.14    Remote Installation Services
4.15    Distributed System Services
4.15.1    Berkeley Internet Domain Service
4.15.2    Network Information Services
4.15.3    Time Services
4.16    The sendmail Utility
4.17    The uucp Utility
4.18    The tip and cu Utilities

5    Migrating Your ULTRIX System and Network Environment
5.1    Mounting an ULTRIX File System on a DIGITAL UNIX System
5.2    Migrating Shadowed Data
5.2.1    Migration Summary
5.2.2    Migration Example
5.3    Using the tar and pxtar Commands
5.4    Configuring Small Computer System Interconnect Devices
5.5    Configuring DIGITAL UNIX Shared Memory
5.6    Setting Up Internationalization Databases
5.7    Configuring the inetd Daemon for ULTRIX Compatibility
5.8    Configuring the mountd Daemon for ULTRIX Compatibility

4    Migrating Your Applications

6    Overview of the DIGITAL UNIX Programming Environment
6.1    Alpha Architecture
6.1.1    Data Representation
6.1.2    Data Access
6.1.3    Data Alignment
6.1.4    File Systems
6.2    Graphical Programming Environment
6.3    Software Development Tools
6.3.1    The C Preprocessor
6.3.2    The C Compiler
6.3.3    The Linker
6.3.4    The Debugger
6.3.5    Other Programming Tools
6.4    Source File Control
6.5    Product Installation Tools
6.6    Shared Libraries
6.6.1    Using Shared Libraries
6.6.2    Changing from Archive Libraries to Shared Libraries
6.7    Standard Application Programming Interfaces
6.8    Network Programming Software
6.8.1    X/Open Transport Interface
6.8.2    Data Link Interface
6.8.3    Sockets Interface
6.8.4    SNMP Compatibility
6.9    Distributed Services Programming Software
6.9.1    Remote Procedure Calling
6.9.2    Network Authentication
6.9.3    Naming Services
6.10    Internationalization Features
6.10.1    Message Catalog System    Message Extraction Tools (extract, strextract, and strmerge)    Tool for Translating Messages (trans)    Tools for Creating a Message Catalog (mkcatdefs and gencat)    Routines for Accessing a Message Catalog (catopen, catgets, and catclose)
6.10.2    Program Localization    Announcement Mechanism    The setlocale Routine
6.10.3    Creating Locale-Specific Information
6.10.4    The iconv Command
6.11    Event-Logging Software
6.12    Security
6.13    Curses Libraries

7    Migrating Your ULTRIX Application to a DIGITAL UNIX System
7.1    Modifying Your Makefile
7.2    Migrating References to Header Files
7.3    Migrating to a 64-Bit Environment
7.3.1    Pointers    Controlling Pointer Size and Allocation    Correcting the Pointer-to-int Assignment Problem    Use and Effects of the -taso Option    Limits on the Effects of the -taso Option
7.3.2    Constants    Integer and Long Constants--Assignment and Argument Passing    Integer and Long Constants--Shift Operations
7.3.3    Structures    Size    Member Alignment    Alignment    Bit Fields
7.3.4    Variables    Declarations    Assignments and Function Arguments    The sizeof Operator    Pointer Subtraction    Functions with a Variable Number of Arguments
7.3.5    Library Calls    The printf and scanf Functions    The malloc and calloc Functions    The lseek System Call    The fsetpos and fgetpos Functions
7.4    Correcting C Syntax Errors
7.4.1    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Predefined Symbols
7.4.2    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX C and ULTRIX C on RISC Systems    Differences that Apply to All Modes    Differences that Apply to the Default Mode    Differences that Apply to Strict ANSI Mode
7.4.3    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX C and DEC C
7.4.4    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX C and C on VAX Systems
7.4.5    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX C and VAX C (vcc) Software
7.5    Running lint to Find Other Errors
7.6    Linking Your Program
7.6.1    Changes in Libraries
7.6.2    ULTRIX BSD Compatibility Library
7.6.3    System V Compatibility Library
7.7    Porting Terminal-Dependent Applications
7.8    Differences in Standard Interfaces
7.9    Running Your Program

8    Postmigration Programming Features
8.1    Using Shared Libraries
8.1.1    Linking with Shared Libraries
8.1.2    Symbol Resolution and Shared Libraries    How Libraries Are Searched    When Symbols Are Defined More than Once
8.1.3    Using Your Makefile with Shared Libraries
8.1.4    Creating Shared Libraries from Object Files
8.1.5    Creating Shared Libraries from Archive Libraries
8.1.6    Optimizing Application Startup when Using Shared Libraries
8.2    Using Semaphores
8.3    Using File Descriptors

5    Appendixes

A    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Commands

B    Differences in ULTRIX and DIGITAL UNIX Header Files and Library Routines
B.1    Changes in the acct.h File
B.2    Changes in the disktab.h File
B.3    Changes in the dli_var.h File
B.4    Changes in the errno.h File
B.5    Changes in the fcntl.h File
B.6    Changes in the fstab.h File
B.7    Changes in the in.h File
B.8    Changes in the ioctl.h and ioctl_compat.h Files
B.9    Changes in the langinfo.h File
B.10    Changes in the limits.h File
B.11    Changes in the math.h File
B.12    Changes in the resource.h File
B.13    Changes in the stddef.h File
B.14    Changes in the stdio.h File
B.15    Changes in the stdlib.h File
B.16    Changes in the syslog.h File
B.17    Changes in the termio.h and termios.h Files
B.18    Nonexistent Header Files

C    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX System Calls

D    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Terminal Modem Control

E    Summary of XUI and Motif Differences
E.1    Terminology
E.2    Windows and Window Managers
E.3    Menus and Menu Items
E.3.1    Menu Bar and Standard Menus
E.3.2    File Menu Items
E.3.3    Edit Menu Items
E.3.4    Help Menu Items
E.4    Mouse Button Behavior
E.5    Standard Message Boxes
E.6    Keyboard Behavior

F    DECwindows Motif Component Names
F.1    Widget Classes
F.2    Function Names
F.3    Resource Names
F.4    Enumeration Literal Names
F.5    Callback Reason Names
F.6    Compound Strings
F.7    Fontlist Names
F.8    Clipboard Names
F.9    Resource Manager Names

G    Migration from ULTRIX Version 4.5 to DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0B
G.1    New Features and Changes in ULTRIX and UWS Version 4.5
G.2    New Features and Changes in DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0B
G.3    Common Desktop Environment
G.3.1    CDE Video Tour
G.3.2    CDE Screen Savers
G.3.3    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.4    X/Open-Compliant Curses
G.4.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.5    X11R6
G.5.1    X Keyboard Extension for X11R6 (XKB)
G.5.2    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6    Commands and Utilities
G.6.1    Changes to Mtools
G.6.1.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.2    sendmail Utility Supports Configurable GECOS Fuzzy Matching
G.6.2.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.3    df Supports Large File Systems
G.6.3.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.4    Compressed Reference Pages
G.6.4.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.5    Enhancements to terminfo
G.6.5.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.6    GNU Emacs Version 19.28
G.6.6.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.7    Performance Manager
G.6.7.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.8    Bootable Tape
G.6.8.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.9    Partition Overlap Checks Added to Disk Utilities
G.6.9.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.6.10    scsimgr Utility for Creating Device Special Files
G.6.10.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.7    Standards
G.7.1    Realtime is Compliant with Final POSIX 1003.1b Standard Interfaces
G.7.1.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.7.2    DECthreads is Compliant with Final POSIX 1003.1c Standard Interfaces
G.7.2.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8    Development Environment
G.8.1    Tcl/Tk Availability
G.8.1.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.2    DEC C++
G.8.2.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.3    Software Development Environment Repackaging
G.8.3.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.4    init Execution Order Modified for Static Executable Files
G.8.4.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.5    PC-Sample Mode of prof Command
G.8.5.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.6    atom and prof Commands and Threads
G.8.6.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.7    Thread Independent Services Interface
G.8.7.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.8    High-Resolution Clock
G.8.8.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.9    POSIX 1003.1b Realtime Signals
G.8.9.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.10    POSIX 1003.1b Synchronized I/O
G.8.10.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.11    POSIX 1003.1b _POSIX_C_SOURCE Symbol
G.8.11.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.8.12    DIGITAL Porting Assistant
G.8.12.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.9    Networking
G.9.1    New Version of the gated Daemon
G.9.1.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.9.2    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
G.9.2.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.9.3    Point-to-Point Protocol
G.9.3.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.9.4    Extensible Simple Network Management Protocol
G.9.4.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.9.5    SNMP MIB Support
G.9.5.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.10    Enhanced Security
G.10.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.11    File Systems
G.11.1    Advanced File System
G.11.1.1    New Tuning Parameters for AdvFS
G.11.1.2    AdvFS Now Supports Directory Truncation
G.11.1.3    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.11.2    File System Access Control Lists
G.11.2.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.11.3    Logical Storage Manager
G.11.3.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.11.4    Overlap Partition Checking
G.11.4.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.12    Internationalization and Language Support
G.12.1    Internationalization Configuration Utility for CDE
G.12.2    Unicode Support
G.12.3    The Worldwide Mail Handler No Longer Exists
G.12.4    Multilingual Emacs (mule)
G.12.5    Support for Catalan, Lithuanian, and Slovene
G.12.6    man Command Supports Codeset Conversion
G.13    Dynamic Device Recognition for SCSI Devices
G.13.1    ULTRIX Migration Issues
G.14    Interfaces Retired from DIGITAL UNIX
G.15    Features Scheduled for Retirement


3-1    Shell Script to Convert sh5 Scripts into sh Scripts
D-1    Modem Control for Outgoing Calls (ULTRIX)
D-2    Modem Control for Outgoing Calls (DIGITAL UNIX)
D-3    Modem Control for Incoming Calls (DIGITAL UNIX)


2-1    DIGITAL UNIX Directory Structure for General Users
4-1    DIGITAL UNIX Directory Structure for System Administrators
7-1    Layout of Memory Under the -taso Option


4-0    Setup Scripts Available on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
4--4    Differences in Disk Shadowing Facilities
6-0    C Language Data Types
7-0    Locations of Standard DIGITAL UNIX Header Files
7--2    Comparison of DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Predefined Symbols for the cc Command
7--2    Compilation Options that Are Compatible with ULTRIX C on RISC Systems
7--2    Compilation Options that Are Compatible with DEC C
7--2    Compilation Option that Is Compatible with C on VAX Systems
7--2    Compilation Option for Compatibility with VAX C Software
7--2    Routines in the ULTRIX BSD Compatibility Library
7--2    Routines in the System V Compatibility Library
7--2    Terminal Capability Differences
B--1    Differences in System Limits
B--3    ULTRIX Header Files Not Present on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
E-0    Terminology Differences Between XUI and Motif Interfaces
E-0    Differences Between XUI and Motif Windows and Window Managers
E-0    Motif Window Menu Items and Functions
E-0    Differences Between the XUI and Motif Menus in the Menu Bar
E-0    Differences Between the XUI and Motif File Menu Items
E-0    Differences Between XUI and Motif Edit Menu Items
E-0    Differences Between the XUI and Motif Help Menu Items
E-0    Differences in the XUI and Motif Mouse Buttons
E-0    Differences in the XUI and Motif Keyboard Mappings
F-0    Widget Class Name Changes
F-0    Function Name Changes
F-0    Resource Name Changes
F-0    Enumeration Literal Name Changes
F-0    Callback Reason Names
F-0    Compound String Names
F-0    Fontlist Names
F-0    Clipboard Names
F-0    Resource Manager Names

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