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C    Differences Between DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX System Calls

This appendix describes the differences between DIGITAL UNIX system calls and ULTRIX system calls.

To use the table in this appendix, look for the name of an ULTRIX system call in the left-hand column of the table. Read the second column of the table to determine what difference exists between the DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX system call. Read the right-hand column to determine how to get the effect of the ULTRIX system call on a DIGITAL UNIX system.

ULTRIX System Call Difference from ULTRIX Systems Using on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
getrusage The structure returned in the rusage parameter is different on DIGITAL UNIX systems from the structure returned on ULTRIX systems. The ULTRIX structure contains a field (ru_ismrss) that the DIGITAL UNIX structure does not contain. Modify your application to use the DIGITAL UNIX structure, rather than the ULTRIX structure. (The structure is defined in the resource.h file.)
open The O_FSYNC flag is not supported. Use the O_SYNC flag.
shmctl The SHM_LOCK and SHM_UNLOCK commands are not supported. Use the F_GETLCK and F_SETLCK requests to the fcntl call. See fcntl(2) for more information about these requests.
setsockopt The optval and optlen parameters are not optional; that is, they cannot be specified as zero (0). Pass the appropriate parameters for optval and optlen.
startcpu Not on DIGITAL UNIX systems. No equivalent use.
stopcpu Not on DIGITAL UNIX systems. No equivalent use.
vfork Makes a copy of the parent's address space when the child process attempts to write to it. Investigate using DECthreads software. (See the Guide to DECthreads.)

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