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7    Shell Overview

This chapter introduces you to the operating system shells. After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

This chapter covers features common to all operating system shells, with some descriptions of shell differences. For detailed information on specific Bourne, C, and Korn shell features, see Chapter 8.

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7.1    Purpose of Shells

The user interfaces to the operating system are called shells. The shells are programs that interpret the commands you enter, run the programs you have asked for, and send the results to your screen.

The operating system provides the following shells:

You may access any shell, depending upon the security restrictions in effect on your system as well as upon the licensing restrictions of the Korn shell. In any case, all shells perform the same basic function: they allow you to perform work on your system by executing commands.

In addition to interpreting commands, the shell can also be used as a programming language. You can create shell procedures that contain commands. Shell procedures are executed in the same way that you execute a program: on the command line after the shell prompt.

When you run a shell procedure, your current shell creates or spawns a subshell. A subshell is a new shell your current shell creates to run a program. Thus, any command the shell procedure executes (for example, cd) leaves the invoking shell unaffected.

Shell procedures provide a means of carrying out tedious commands, large or complicated sequences of commands, and routine or repetitive tasks.

See Section 7.10 for more information on shell programming.

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7.2    Summary of Bourne, C, and Korn Shell Features

The operating system provides the following shells that have both command execution and programming capabilities:

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7.2.1    More Information on C and Korn Shell Features

Both the C and the Korn shells offer the following interactive features:

The Korn shell provides an inline editing feature that allows you to retrieve a previously entered command and edit it. To use this feature, you must know how to use a text editor such as vi or emacs.

For more information about these shell features, see Chapter 8.

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7.2.2    The Restricted Bourne Shell

The operating system enhances system security by providing specified users a limited set of functions with a restricted version of the Bourne shell (Rsh). When these specified users log in to the system, they are given access to the restricted Bourne shell only. Your system administrator determines who has access to the restricted Bourne shell.

A restricted shell is useful for installations that require a more controlled shell environment. As a result, the system administrator can create user environments that have a limited set of privileges and capabilities. For example , all users that are guests to your system might be allowed access under the username guest. When logging in to your system, user guest would be assigned a restricted shell.

The actions of Rsh are identical to those of sh, except that the following actions are not allowed:

For more detailed information on Rsh, see the sh(1) reference page. For information on how system administrators create restricted shells, see your system administrator.

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7.3    Changing Your Shell

Whenever you log in, you are automatically placed in a shell specified by your system administrator. However, depending upon the security features in effect on your system, you can enter commands that will allow you to do the following:

The following sections describe these operations.

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7.3.1    Determining What Shell You Are Running

To determine what shell you are currently running, enter the following command:

echo $SHELL

The filename of the shell you are running will display.

In the following example, assume that you are running the Bourne shell (sh):

echo $SHELL


Table 7-1 lists the filename that displays for each shell as well as the default system prompt (your system prompt may vary).

Table 7-1: Shell Names and Default Prompts

Shell Shell Name Default Prompt
Bourne sh $
Restricted Bourne Rsh $
C csh %
Korn ksh $

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7.3.2    Temporarily Changing Your Shell

You may experiment with using other shells if the security features on your system allow it.

To temporarily change your shell, enter the following command:


The shellname is the filename of the shell you want to use. See Table 7-1 for valid shell file names to enter on the command line. Once the shell is invoked, the correct shell prompt is displayed.

Once you are done using the new shell, you can return to your default shell by entering exit or by pressing Ctrl/D.

For example, assume that the Korn shell is your default shell. To change to the C shell and then back to the Korn shell, enter the following commands:




If you are using the Bourne Restricted Shell, you cannot change to another shell.

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7.3.3    Permanently Changing Your Shell

You may permanently change your default shell if the security features on your system allow it. If your current shell is the C shell, use the chsh command to change your default shell. If you don't use the C shell, change your default shell by contacting your system administrator.

In the C shell, enter the following command to change the default shell:

Changing login shell for  user.

Old shell: /usr/bin/csh
New shell:

Enter the name of the new shell. See Table 7-1 for valid shell names to enter on the command line.

After entering the chsh command, you must log out and log in again for the change to take effect.

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7.4    Command Entry Aids

The following features of all operating system shells help you do your work:

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7.4.1    Using Multiple Commands and Command Lists

The shell usually takes the first word on a command line as the name of a command and then takes any other words as arguments to that command. The shell usually considers each command line as a single command. However, you can use the operators in Table 7-2 to execute multiple commands on a single command line.

Table 7-2: Multiple Command Operators

Operator Action Example
; Causes commands to run in sequence. cmd1 ; cmd2
&& Runs the next command if the current command succeeds. cmd1 && cmd2
|| Runs the next command if the current command fails. cmd1 || cmd2
| Creates a pipeline. cmd1 | cmd2

The following sections describe running commands in sequence (;), running commands conditionally (|| and &&), and using pipelines (|).

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You can enter more than one command on a line if you separate commands with the semicolon (;).

In the following example, the shell runs ls and waits for it to finish. When ls is finished, the shell runs who, and so on through the last command:

ls ; who ; date ; pwd

change  file3  newfile
amy    console/1      Jun 4 14:41
Tue Jun 4  14:42:51  CDT  1996

If any one command fails, the others still execute successfully.

To make the command line easier to read, separate commands from the semicolon (;) with blanks or tabs. The shell ignores blanks and tabs used in this way.

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When you connect commands with two ampersand (&&) or pipe (||) operators, the shell runs the first command and then runs the remaining commands only under the following conditions:

The shell runs the next command only if the current command completes (a command indicates successful completion when it returns a value of zero).

The shell runs the next command only if the current command does not complete.

The syntax for the two ampersand (&&) operator follows:

cmd1 && cmd2 && cmd3 && cmd4 && cmd5

If cmd1 succeeds, the shell runs cmd2. If cmd2 succeeds, the shell runs cmd3, and on through the series until a command fails or the last command ends. (If any command fails, the shell stops executing the command line).

The syntax for the pipe (||) operator follows:

cmd1 || cmd2

If cmd1 fails, then the shell runs cmd2. If cmd1 succeeds, the shell stops executing the command line.

For example, suppose that the command mysort is a sorting program that creates a temporary file (mysort.tmp) in the course of its sorting process. When the sorting program finishes successfully, it cleans up after itself, deleting the temporary file. If, on the other hand, the program fails, it may neglect to clean up. To ensure deletion of mysort.tmp, enter the following command line:

mysort || rm mysort.tmp


The second command executes only if the first command fails.

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7.4.2    Using Pipes and Filters

A pipe is a one-way connection between two related commands. One command writes its output to the pipe, and the other process reads its input from the pipe. When two or more commands are connected by the pipe (|) operator, they form a pipeline.

Figure 7-1 represents the flow of input and output through a pipeline. The output of the first command (cmd1) is the input for the second command (cmd2); the output of the second command is the input for the third command (cmd3).

Figure 7-1: Flow Through a Pipeline

A filter is a command that reads its standard input, transforms that input, and then writes the transformed input to standard output. Filters are typically used as intermediate commands in pipelines - that is, they are connected by a pipe (|) operator. For example, to cause the ls command to list recursively the contents of all directories from the current directory to the bottom of the hierarchy, and then to display the results, enter the following command:

ls -R | pg

In this example, the pg command is the filter because it transforms the output from the ls -R command and displays it one screen at a time.

Certain commands that are not filters have a flag that causes them to act like filters. For example, the diff (compare files) command ordinarily compares two files and writes their differences to standard output. The usual format for diff follows:

diff file1 file2

However, if you use the dash (-) flag in place of one of the file names, diff reads standard input and compares it to the named file.

In the following pipeline, ls writes the contents of the current directory to standard output. The diff command compares the output of ls with the contents of a file named dirfile, and writes the differences to standard output one page at a time (with the pg command):

ls | diff - dirfile | pg

In the following example, another kind of filter program (grep) is used:

ls -l | grep r-x | wc -l


In this example, the following takes place:

To get the same results without using a pipeline, you would have to do the following:

  1. Direct the output of ls -l /user to a file. For example:

    ls -l >file1

  2. Use file1 as input for grep r-x and redirect the output of grep to another file. For example:

    grep r-x file1 >file2

  3. Use the output file of grep as input for wc -l. For example:

    wc -l file2

As the preceding procedure demonstrates, using a pipeline is a much easier way to perform the same operations.

Each command in a pipeline runs as a separate process. Pipelines operate in one direction only (left to right), and all processes in a pipeline can run at the same time. A process pauses when it has no input to read or when the pipe to the next process is full.

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7.4.3    Grouping Commands

The shell provides two ways to group commands, as shown in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3: Command Grouping Symbols

Symbols Action
(commands) The shell creates a subshell to run the grouped commands as a separate process.
{commands} The shell runs the grouped commands as a unit. Braces can only be used in the Korn and Bourne shells.

The following sections describe the command grouping symbols of Table 7-3 in greater detail.

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In the following command grouping, the shell runs the commands enclosed in parentheses as a separate process:

(cd reports;ls);ls

The shell creates a subshell (a separate shell program) that moves to the reports directory and lists the files in that directory. After the subshell process is complete, the shell lists the files in the current directory (ls).

If this command were written without the parentheses, the original shell would move to the reports directory, list the files in that directory, and then list the files in that directory again. There would be no subshell and no separate process for the cd reports;ls command.

The shell recognizes the parentheses wherever they occur in the command line. To use parentheses literally (that is, without their command-grouping action), quote them by placing a backslash (\) immediately before either the open parenthesis [(] or the close parenthesis [)], for example, \( .

For more information on quoting in the shell, see Section 7.4.4.

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Using braces is valid only in the Bourne and Korn shells.

When commands are grouped in braces, the shell executes them without creating a subshell. In the following example, the shell runs the date command, writing its output to the today.grp file, and then runs the who command, writing its output to today.grp :

{ date; who }>today.grp


If the commands were not grouped together with braces, the shell would write the output of the date command to the display and the output of the who command to the file.

The shell recognizes braces in pipelines and command lists, but only if the left brace is the first character on a command line.

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7.4.4    Quoting

Reserved characters are characters such as the left-angle bracket (<), the right-angle bracket (.), the pipe (|), the ampersand (&), the asterisk (*), and the question mark (?) that have a special meaning to the shell. See Chapter 8 for lists of reserved characters for each operating system shell.

To use a reserved character literally (that is, without its special meaning), quote it with one of the three shell quoting conventions, as shown in Table 7-4.

Table 7-4: Shell Quoting Conventions

Quoting Action
\ Backslash - Quotes a single character.
' ' Single quotes - Quotes a string of characters (except the single quotation marks themselves).
" " Double quotes - Quotes a string of characters (except $, `, and \

The following sections describe the quoting conventions of Table 7-4 in greater detail.

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To quote a single character, place a backslash (\) immediately before that character, as in the following:

echo \?


This command displays a single question mark (?) character.

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When you enclose a string of characters in single quotes, the shell takes every character in the string (except the ' itself) literally. Single quotes are useful when you do not want the shell to interpret:

The following example shows how single quotes are used when you want to display a variable name without having it being interpreted by the shell:

echo 'The value of $USER is' $USER

The value of $USER is amy

The echo command displays the variable name $USER when it appears within single quotes, but interprets the value of $USER when it appears outside the single quotes.

For information on variable assignments, see Section 7.7.1.

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Double quotes (" ") provide a special form of quoting. Within double quotes, the reserved characters dollar sign ($), grave accent (), and backslash (\) keep their special meanings. The shell takes literally all other characters within the double quotes. Double quotes are most frequently used in variable assignments.

The following example shows how double quotes are used when you want to display brackets (normally reserved characters) in a message containing the value of the shell variable:

echo "<<Current shell is $SHELL>>"

<<Current shell is /usr/bin/csh>>

For information on variable assignments, see Section 7.7.1.

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7.5    The Shell Environment

Whenever you log in, your default shell defines and maintains a unique working environment for you. Your environment defines such characteristics as your user identity, where you are working on the system, and what commands you are running.

Your working environment is defined by both environment variables and shell variables. Your default login shell uses environment variables and passes them to all processes and subshells that you create. Shell variables are valid only for your current shell and are not passed to subshells.

The following sections discuss the shell environment, how it is configured, and how you can tailor it.

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7.5.1    The login Program

Whenever you log in, the login program is run. This program actually begins your login session using data stored in the /etc/passwd file, which contains one line of information about each system user. The /etc/password file contains your username, your password (in encrypted form), your home directory, and your default shell. For more information on the /etc/passwd file, see Chapter 5.

The login program runs after you enter your username at the login: prompt. It performs the following functions:

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7.5.2    Environment Variables

Your shell environment defines and maintains a unique working environment for you. Most of the characteristics of your working environment are defined by environment variables.

Environment variables consist of a name and a value. For example, the environment variable for your login directory is named HOME, and its value is defined automatically when you log in.

Some environment variables are set by the login program, and some can be defined in the login script that is appropriate for your shell. For example, if you use the C shell, environment variables will typically be set in the .cshrc login script. For more information on login scripts, see Section 7.6.

Table 7-5 lists selected environment variables that can be used by all operating system shells. Most of the values of these variables are set during the login process, and are then passed to each process that you create during your session.

Table 7-5: Selected Shell Environment Variables

Variable Description
HOME Specifies the name of your login directory, the directory that becomes the current directory upon completion of a login. The cd command uses the value of HOME as its default value. The login program sets this variable, and it cannot be changed by the individual user.
LOGNAME Specifies your login name.
MAIL Specifies the pathname of the file used by the mail system to detect the arrival of new mail. The login program sets this variable based upon your username.
PATH Specifies the directories and the directory order that your system uses to search for, find, and execute commands. This variable is set by your login scripts.
SHELL Specifies your default shell. This variable is set by login using the shell specified in your entry in the /etc/passwd file.
TERM Specifies the type of terminal you are using. This variable is usually set by your login script.
TZ Specifies the current time zone and difference from Greenwich mean time. This variable is set by the system login script.
LANG Specifies the locale of your system, which is comprised of three parts: language, territory, and character code set. The default value is the C locale, which implies English for language, U.S. for territory, and ASCII for code set. LANG can be set in a login script.
LC_COLLATE Specifies the collating sequence to use when sorting names and when character ranges occur in patterns. The default value is the ASCII collating sequence. LC_COLLATE can be set in a login script.
LC_CTYPE Specifies the character classification rules used in the ctype functions for the current locale. The default value is the classification for ASCII characters. LC_TYPE can be set in a login script.
LC_MESSAGES Specifies the language used for yes/no prompts. The default value is American English, but your system may specify another language.
LC_MONETARY Specifies the monetary format for your system. The default value is the American format for monetary figures. LC_MONETARY can be set in a login script.
LC_NUMERIC Specifies the numeric format for your system. The default value is the American format for numeric quantities. LC_NUMERIC can be set in a login script.
LC_TIME Specifies the date and time format for your system. The default value is the American format for dates and times. LC_TIME can be set in a login script.

Many of these environment variables can be set during the login process by the appropriate login script (see Section 7.6). However, you may reset them as well as set those for which no default values have been provided. See Section 7.7.1 for more information.

For more information on the LANG, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, and LC_TIME variables, refer to Appendix C which explains the variables in the context of other system features that support the languages and customs of different countries.

You may also create your own environment variables. For example, some systems have more than one mail program available to users. Assume that mail and mh are available on your system and that each has its own pathname. As a result, you could define a variable for the pathname of each mail program.

For more information about environment variables specific to each operating system shell, see Chapter 8. For a complete list of operating system shell environment variables, see the sh(1), csh(1), and ksh(1) reference pages.

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7.5.3    Shell Variables

Shell variables are valid only for your current shell and are not passed to subshells. Consequently, they can be used only in the shell in which they are defined. In other words, they may be thought of as local variables.

Shell variables can be accessed outside of the current shell by becoming environment variables. For more information about environment variables, see Section 7.7.1.

You may also create your own shell variables. For example, some mail programs use the pager variable to define the program that displays mail. Suppose that your mail program is mailx. You could define the PAGER variable to use the more program to display your mail.

For information on how to set shell variables, see Section 7.7.1.

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7.6    Login Scripts and Your Environment

A login script is a file that contains commands that set up your user environment. There are two kinds of login scripts:

If the C shell is your default, your environment can be further tailored with the .cshrc file. It executes when you log in (before .login) and whenever you spawn a subshell. The .cshrc file is the C-shell mechanism that automatically makes variables available to subshells.

On startup, the Korn shell will also execute any file pointed to by the ENV environment variable. This variable is typically set in the .profile file and is set to another file, usually in the $HOME directory. Some users prefer to call this file .kshrc or .envfile. To use such a file, place a line like this in your .profile file:


Such a file typically contains shell variables, alias definitions, and function definitions. This file will be referred to as .kshrc for the remainder of this document.

Creating your own login script is not mandatory as the system login script for your shell provides a basic environment. Your system administrator may have created a local login script that you can modify with a text editor.

When you are new to the system, you may want to use the default environment established for you. However, as you become more familiar with the system, you may want to create or modify your own login script.

Table 7-6 lists the system login and local login scripts for each operating system shell. All scripts for a given shell run whenever you log in to your system. In addition, when you enter csh at any shell prompt or execute a C shell script, the .cshrc file executes and creates an environment for the C subshell.

Table 7-6: System and Local Login Scripts

    System Local
Shell Pathname Login Script Login Script
Bourne /usr/bin/sh /etc/profile .profile
Korn /usr/bin/ksh /etc/profile .profile
C /usr/bin/csh /etc/csh.login .login

To determine if you have any local login scripts in your home directory, use the ls -a command. This command displays all files that begin with a dot (.) as well as all other entries.

The following customization features are commonly set in the local login scripts:

It is a good idea to check the contents of your system login script so that you can avoid duplication in your local login script. For example, if your system login script checks for news, there is no need to do the same in your local login script.

See Chapter 8 for specific examples of Bourne, Korn, and C login scripts.

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7.7    Using Variables

All operating system shells use environment and shell variables to define user environment characteristics. As part of the set-up process, your system administrator has provided default environment and shell variable values in the appropriate login scripts.

For most users, the default environment and shell variable values are sufficient. As you become more familiar with the system, however, you may want to modify some values. For example, you may want to reset the variable that defines your shell prompt so that it is more personalized. Or you may want to set a shell variable that specifies a very long directory pathname so that you can save time keying commands that use the directory (see the examples in Section 7.7.1). Or you may find setting variables useful when writing shell procedures. You will find that you may use variables creatively to enhance your work environment.

Some environment variables may be reset and some are read-only and cannot be reset. That is, these variables can be used, but not modified. For more information on this topic, see the appropriate shell reference page; sh(1), csh(1), or ksh(1).

To reset environment variables as well as define your own shell variables, do one of the following:

At any time, you may reference the value of any variable as well as display its value. You may also clear the value of any variable.

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7.7.1    Setting Variables

The following sections describe how to set, reference, display, and clear variable values.

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In the Bourne and Korn shells, you set variables with an assignment statement. The general format for setting variables is the following:


The name entry specifies the variable name. The value entry specifies the value assigned to the variable. Be sure you do not enter spaces on the command line.

For example, you can create a variable called place by assigning it a value of U. S. A. with the following statement:

place='U. S. A.'


From then on, you can use the variable place just as you would use its value.

For a more useful example, assume that you are using the Bourne shell and that you temporarily want to personalize your shell prompt. The default Bourne shell prompt is a dollar sign ($) set by the PS1 environment variable. To set it to What Shall I Do Next? >, enter the following command:

PS1='What Shall I Do Next? >'

What Shall I Do Next? >

If you want to make the shell prompt available to subshells, enter the following command:

export PS1

This What Shall I Do Next? > prompt will be in effect throughout your session. If you want to make the new prompt more permanent, enter the same assignment statement and the export command in your .profile file. When you export a shell variable, it becomes an environment variable.

As another example, to save keying time you want to define a variable for a long pathname that you use often. To define the variable reports for the directory /usr/sales/shoes/women/retail/reports, enter the following:


To reference the variable after setting it, enter a dollar sign ($) before the variable name. For more information on referencing variables, see Section 7.7.2.

You can now use the variable reports in any commands you enter during this session. If you want to make this variable permanent, enter the same assignment statement in your .profile file.

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In the C shell, you set environment variables with the setenv command. The general format of the setenv command is the following:

setenv name value

The name entry specifies the variable name. The value entry specifies the value assigned to the variable.

For a example of setting the PATH environment variable, see Section 7.8.

You set shell variables with the set command. The format of the set command is:

set name=value

The name entry specifies the variable name. The value entry specifies the value assigned to the variable. If the value entry contains more than one part (has spaces), enclose the whole expression in single quotes (').

For example, assume that you want to change your prompt. The default C shell prompt is a percent sign (%). To set it to Ready? >, enter the following on the command line:

set prompt='Ready? >'

Ready? >

The Ready? > prompt will be in effect throughout your session. If you execute another shell from the Ready? > prompt, you will get the new shell's prompt. To make the new prompt permanent, enter the same command in your .cshrc file.

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To set or reset environment or shell variables in any operating system shell, do one of the following:

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7.7.2    Referencing Variables (Parameter Substitution)

To reference the value of a variable in a command line, enter a dollar sign ($) before the variable name. The dollar sign ($) causes the shell you are using to substitute the value of the variable for the variable name. This is known as parameter substitution.

For example, assume that you have previously defined the variable sales for the long pathname /user/reports/Q1/march/sales, and that you want to use this variable with the cd command. To do so, enter the cd command with the sales variable:

cd $sales


Then, enter the pwd command to verify that the directory is changed:



In this example, the shell substitutes the actual pathname of the directory /user/reports/Q1/march/sales for the variable name sales.

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7.7.3    Displaying the Values of Variables

You can display the value of any variable currently set in your shell. Variable values can be displayed either singly or as a group.

To display the value of a single variable, use the echo command in the following general format:

echo $variable

The variable entry identifies the variable you want to display.

For example, assume that you use the Korn shell and want to display the value of the SHELL environment variable. To do so, enter the following command:

echo $SHELL


For the Bourne and Korn shells, to display the value of all currently set variables, use the set command without any options. For example, the following example lists the currently set values in the Bourne shell (your output will vary):



For the C shell, to display the value of all currently set shell variables, use the set command without any options. To display the value of all currently set environment variables, use the setenv command or the printenv command without any options.

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7.7.4    Clearing the Values of Variables

You may remove the value of most any current variable. Please note, however, that the following variables cannot be cleared:

For more information on these variables, see the appropriate shell reference pages; sh(1), csh(1), or ksh(1).

In the Bourne and Korn shells, you can clear both environment and shell variables with the unset command. The format of the unset command is:

unset name

The name entry specifies the variable name.

In the C shell, you clear environment variables with the unsetenv command. The format of the unsetenv command is:

unsetenv name

The name entry specifies the variable name.

You clear shell variables with the unset command. The format of the unset command is:

unset name

The name entry specifies the variable name.

For an example, assume that you use the Korn shell and have created a variable called place and have assigned it a value of U. S. A.. To clear the variable, enter the following:

unset place


For more detailed information about setting and referencing variables, see the appropriate shell reference pages; sh(1), csh(1), or ksh(1).

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7.8    How the Shell Finds Commands

Every time you enter a command, your shell searches through a list of directories to find the command. This list of directories is specified by the PATH environment variable.

At many installations, system administrators specify default PATH directories for new users. However, more experienced users may need to change these PATH directories.

The PATH variable contains a list of directories to search, separated by colons (:). The order in which the directories are listed is the search order that the shell uses to search for the commands that you enter.

To determine the value of PATH, use the echo command. For example, assume that you are using the C shell and have entered the following:

echo $PATH

% _

This output from the echo command (your output may vary) tells you that the search order of the preceding example is the following:

Typically, PATH is set as an environment variable in the appropriate login script. In the Bourne and Korn shells, the PATH variable is normally set in the .profile script. In the C shell, it is normally set in the .login script.

If you want to change the search path, you can assign a new value to the PATH variable. For example, assume that you use the Bourne shell and that you have decided to use your own versions of some operating system commands. As a result, you want to add $HOME/usr/bin/ to the search path. To do so, enter the following on the command line if you want the new PATH variable value to be in effect for the current login session:

export PATH=$HOME/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11


If you want this new PATH variable value to be in effect for all future sessions, modify the PATH variable in your .profile script. When you next log in, the changes you have made in your .profile script will take effect.

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7.9    Using Logout Scripts

You can create a logout script that automatically runs every time you end your session. Just like login scripts, the .logout file must reside in your home directory.

You can use logout scripts for the following purposes:

To create a logout script, do the following:

  1. Create a file called .logout in your home directory with a text editor.

  2. Place the commands you want in the file. See Section 7.9.2 for ideas.

  3. Save the text and exit the editor.

  4. Enter the following command to ensure that the .logout file has the appropriate executable permissions:

    chmod u+x .logout


Using a .logout file is not mandatory; it is a convenience that may enhance your work environment.

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7.9.1    Logout Scripts and the Shell

If you are using the C shell, the .logout script executes automatically when you log out.

If you are using the Bourne or the Korn shell and want to use a logout script, you must ensure that a special trap is set in your .profile script. A trap is a command sequence that looks for a specified signal from a terminal, and then runs a specified command or set of commands.

If the following line is not set in your .profile script, you must add it with a text editor:

trap $HOME/.logout 0

This statement tells your system to run the .logout script whenever it receives a zero (0) signal, which occurs automatically when you log out.

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7.9.2    A Sample .logout File

The following example .logout file does the following:

Note that lines beginning with the number sign (#) are comment lines that describe the commands below them.

# Clear the screen

# Display the name of your system, your username, # and the time and date that you logged out echo `hostname` : `whoami` logged out on `date`
# Run the find command in the background. This command # searches your login directory hierarchy for all # temporary files that have not been accessed in # 7 days, and then deletes them. find ~ -name '*.tmp' -atime +7 -exec rm {} \; &
# A parting message echo "Good Day. Come Back Soon"

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7.10    Using Shell Procedures (Scripts)

In addition to running commands from the command line, the shell can read and run commands contained in a file. Such a file is called a shell procedure or shell script.

Shell procedures are easy to develop, and using them can help you work more efficiently. For example, you may find shell procedures useful because you can place frequently used commands in one file, and then execute them by entering only the name of the procedure. As a result, they are useful for doing repetitious tasks that would normally require entering many commands on the command line.

Because shell procedures are text files that do not have to be compiled, they are easy to create and to maintain.

Each shell has its own native programming language. The following are some programming language features that apply to all shells:

For more information on specific programming features of your shell, see Chapter 8.

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7.10.1    Writing and Running Shell Procedures

To write and run a shell procedure, do the following:

  1. Create a file of the commands you need to accomplish a task. Create this file as you would any text file: with vi or another editing program. The file can contain any system command or shell command (described in the sh(1), csh(1), or ksh(1) reference pages).

  2. Use the chmod +x command to give the file x (execute) status. For example, the command chmod g+x reserve gives execute status to the file named reserve for any user in your group (g). See Chapter 5 for information on using the chmod command.

  3. Run the procedure by entering its name. Enter the pathname if the procedure file is not in your current directory.

The following example shows a simple shell procedure named lss that sorts ls -l command output by file size:

# ! /usr/bin/csh
# lss: sort and list
ls -l | sort -n +4

Table 7-7 describes each line in lss.

Table 7-7: Description of Example Shell Script

Shell Command Description
#! /usr/bin/csh Specifies the shell where the shell procedure should run.[Table Note 1]
#lss: list and sort Comment line that describes the purpose of the shell procedure.
ls -l | sort -n +4 These are the commands in the shell procedure. This procedure lists the files in a directory (ls -l). Output from the ls -l command is then piped to the sort command ( | sort -n +4). This command skips over the first four columns of the ls -l output, sorts the fifth column (the file size column) numerically, and writes the lines to the standard output.

Table notes:

  1. See Section 7.10.2 for more information.

To run the lss procedure, enter lss. Sample system output looks similar to the following:


-rw-rw-rw-  1 larry  system   65 Mar 13 14:46 file3
-rw-rw-rw-  1 larry  system   75 Mar 13 14:45 file2
-rw-rw-rw-  1 larry  system  101 Mar 13 14:44 file1

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7.10.2    Specifying a Run Shell

At times, you may want to specify the shell where a shell procedure should run. This is because of possible syntactic differences between the shells, but is especially true of differences between the C shell and the other shells.

By default, the operating system assumes that any shell procedure you run should be executed in the same shell as your login shell. For example, if your login shell is the Korn shell, by default your shell procedures will run in that same shell.

The ability to override the default is very useful for shell procedures that many users run because it ensures that the procedure executes in the correct shell, regardless of the user's login shell. To change this default run shell, include the following command as the first line of the shell procedure:

#! shell_path

The shell_path entry specifies the full pathname of shell where you want the procedure to run.

For example, if you want a shell procedure to run under the C shell, the first line of the procedure should be the following:
