Computer Science

Resources: COMPSCI 230 Semester 2, City Campus

  • Students who completed their introductory programming courses in some language other than Java should complete the Getting Started trail in The Java Tutorials. You may also find it helpful to work through the introductory Java lesson at
  • Students who are proficient in Python may find it helpful to read Java for Python Programmers.
  • The Java Tutorials.
  • Eclipse documentation - previous release (Kepler), 2013. Note: Eclipse 4.3.1 Kepler is installed on the lab stations you'll be using at University, so you should download this version for your Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux box if you want to do practical work in this course on your own equipment.
    • Note: if you really don't want to learn how to use Eclipse, we won't force you to do so -- you may use any Java development environment for this course, and we won't be examining you on the specifics of Eclipse. However we strongly encourage you to use Eclipse, and to attend your tutorials in weeks 2 and 3 of lectures so that you can get some help with learning the basics of development in this full-featured and open-source IDE. We'd also encourage you to work through the Basic tutorial for Eclipse.
  • Java Platform Standard Edition 7 Documentation. Note: the Eclipse build you'll find on the computer science lab stations are set up to develop in Java 7, rather than in Java 8. Accordingly, we will require you to develop in Java 7 for your homework assignments.
  • Any good text on object-oriented programming with Java, for example
    • An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, by Timothy Budd.
    • Effective Java (2nd Edition), by Joshua Bloch. Available through our library's e-book collection.
  • Other texts will be advised as necessary.

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