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![]() | cryptlib implements full X.509 certificate support, including all X.509 version 3 and X.509 version 4 extensions as well as extensions defined in the IETF PKIX certificate profile. cryptlib also supports additional certificate types and extensions including SET certificates, Microsoft AuthentiCode and Netscape and Microsoft server-gated crypto certificates, Identrus certificates, qualified certificates, S/MIME and SSL client and server certificates, SigG extensions, and various vendor-specific extensions such as Netscape certificate types and the Thawte secure extranet. |
![]() | In addition to certificate handling, cryptlib allows the generation of certification requests suitable for submission to certification authorities (CAs) in order to obtain a certificate. Since cryptlib is itself capable of processing certification requests into certificates, it is also possible to use cryptlib to provide full CA services. cryptlib also supports the creating and handling of the certificate chains required for S/MIME, SSL, and other applications, and the creation of certificate revocation lists (CRLs) with the capability to check certificates against existing or new CRLs either automatically or under programmer control. In addition to CRL-based revocation checking, cryptlib also supports online status protocols such as RTCS, OCSP, and SCVP. cryptlib also implements the CMP protocol which fully automates the management of certificates, allowing online certificate enrolment, issue, update/replacement, and revocation of certificates, and the SCEP protocol, which automates the certificate issue process. Using CMP removes from the user any need for technical knowledge of certificate management, since all details are managed by the CA. |
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cryptlib can import and export certification requests, certificates,
certificate chains, and CRLs, covering the majority of certificate transport
formats used by a wide variety of software such as web browsers and servers.
The certificate types that are supported include:
![]() | In addition cryptlib supports X.509v3, IETF, S/MIME, SET, and SigG certificate extensions and many vendor-specific extensions including ones covering public and private key usage, certificate policies, path and name constraints, policy constraints and mappings, and alternative names and other identifiers. This comprehensive coverage makes cryptlib a single solution for almost all certificate processing requirements. |
![]() | To handle certificate trust and revocation issues, cryptlib includes a certificate trust manager that can be used to automatically manage CA trust settings. For example a CA can be designated as a trusted issuer that will allow cryptlib to automatically evaluate trust along certificate chains. Similarly, cryptlib can automatically check certificates against RTCS and OCSP responders and CRLs published by CAs, removing from the user the need to perform complex manual checking. |
![]() | cryptlib utilizes commercial-strength RDBMS' to store keys in the internationally standardised X.509 format. The certificate store integrates seamlessly into existing databases and can be managed using existing tools. For example a key database stored on an MS SQL Server might be managed using Visual Basic or MS Access; a key database stored on an Oracle server might be managed through SQL*Plus. |
![]() | In addition to standard certificate stores, cryptlib supports the storage and retrieval of certificates in LDAP directories, HTTP access for keys accessible via the web, and external flat-file key collections such as PKCS #15 soft- tokens and PGP/OpenPGP key rings. The key collections may be freely mixed (so for example a private key could be stored in a PKCS #15 soft-token, a PGP/OpenPGP key ring or on a smart card with the corresponding X.509 certificate being stored in a certificate store, an LDAP directory, or on the web). |
![]() | Private keys may be stored on disk encrypted with an algorithm such as triple DES or AES (selectable by the user), with the password processed using several thousand iterations of a hashing algorithm such as SHA-1 (also selectable by the user). Where the operating system supports it, cryptlib will apply system security features such as ACLs under Windows NT/2000/XP and file permissions under Unix to the private key file to further restrict access. |
Sample code that illustrates retrieving the public key for "John Doe" from a key database and the corresponding private key from a smart card is:
/* Get the public key certificate for a given user from a key database */ cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptKeyset, cryptUser, CRYPT_KEYSET_DATABASE, "Public Keys", CRYPT_KEYSET_READONLY ); cryptGetPublicKey( cryptKeyset, &cryptCertificate, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "John Doe" ); cryptKeysetClose( cryptKeyset ); /* Use the private key for a given user stored in a smart card */ cryptDeviceOpen( &cryptDevice, cryptUser, CRYPT_DEVICE_PKCS11, "Gemplus" ); cryptGetPrivateKey( cryptDevice, &cryptPrivateKey, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, "John Doe", NULL ); cryptDeviceClose( cryptDevice );
The key loaded into cryptCertificate and cryptPrivateKey can then be pushed into an envelope or secure session for use with the cryptlib programming interface, or used with cryptlib's certificate management functions.