First Conference of the
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science

9-13 December 1996
Auckland, New Zealand

DMTCS'96, the first of a planned series conferences organised by the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, a joint venture involving the Computer Science and Mathematics Departments of the Universities of Auckland and Waikato, will be held held at the University of Auckland (City Campus) from 9 to 13 December 1996.

The conference will present papers in all areas of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, but especially in the areas of combinatorics, complexity, computability and constructivity. The papers have been reviewed by an international programme committee. The proceedings, edited by D.S. Bridges, C.S. Calude, J. Gibbons, S. Reeves and I. Witten, will be published by Springer-Verlag, Singapore, and will be available to the participants during the conference.

Springer-Verlag, Singapore, will organize a book exhibition during the conference.

The registration fee for the conference is NZ$250, which includes the excursion, dinner and proceedings (NZ$50 for students, including only the proceedings). Full board will be approximately NZ$65 per day. To register for the conference, fill in the electronic registration form or contact Paul Bonnington at

The conference will present invited speakers from around the world, including:

For more information, please consult the web page of the Centre, or contact the conference secretary, Steve Reeves, at or any other member of the conference committee: