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J    Sample Text-Based Installations

This appendix contains samples of the text-based default and custom installations.

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J.1    Sample Text-Based Default Installation

This section shows a sample text-based default installation from a a remote installation services (RIS) server. Use this sample to follow the progress of your own default installation.
*** Performing RIS Installation from kramer

Loading installation process and scanning system hardware.

       Welcome to the Digital UNIX Installation Procedure

This procedure installs Digital UNIX onto your system.  You will
be asked a series of system configuration questions.  Until you
answer all questions, your system is not changed in any way.

During the question and answer session, you can go back to any
previous question and change your answer by entering:  history
You can get more information about a question by entering:  help

There are two types of installations:

o  The Default Installation installs a mandatory set of
   software subsets on a predetermined file system layout.

o  The Custom Installation installs a mandatory set of
   software subsets plus optional software subsets that you
   select.  You can customize the file system layout.

The UNIX Shell option puts your system in single-user mode with
superuser privileges.  This option is provided for experienced
UNIX system administrators who want to perform file system or
disk maintenance tasks before the installation.

The Installation Guide contains more information about installing
Digital UNIX.

1) Default Installation
2) Custom Installation
3) UNIX Shell

Enter your choice: 1

Hostname "george" has been assigned to this system.

Enter a password to use as the root (superuser) password.
Be sure to remember this password, because it is needed to
log in as the user "root" following installation.

Enter root password:

Retype root password:

Location and time zone have been set from server: US/Eastern

System clock has been set via network: Fri Dec 13 22:48:56 GMT 1996

** Scanning system for disk devices.  Please wait ...

Choose a disk to be the system disk where the Digital UNIX
software will be installed using the default layout:

  * root file system on the "a" partition, type UFS
  * /usr file system on the "g" partition, type UFS
  * /var as part of /usr
  * first swapping area (swap1) on the "b" partition
  * no second swapping area (swap2)

This table lists the disks connected to your system.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0

Enter your choice: ?

The disk which holds the root file system ("/") is called
the system disk.  The root file system is always in the "a"
partition of the system disk.  If you use the default file
system layout, the other file systems will be placed in other
partitions on this same disk.  This question requires you to
choose which of your disks will be the system disk.

Choose a disk to be the system disk where the Digital UNIX
software will be installed using the default layout:

  * root file system on the "a" partition, type UFS
  * /usr file system on the "g" partition, type UFS
  * /var as part of /usr
  * first swapping area (swap1) on the "b" partition
  * no second swapping area (swap2)

This table lists the disks connected to your system.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0

Enter your choice:  1

Using default partitions for device rz1

root will use file system type UFS.

/usr will be on partition g of disk rz1

/usr will use file system type UFS.

swap1 will be on partition b of disk rz1

Because this is the default disk layout, no secondary
swap area (swap2) will be created.

Because this is the default disk layout, /var will be on /usr.

** Reviewing available software subsets.  Please wait ...

Because this is a Default installation, only the mandatory
software subsets will be loaded.  These are:

  * Adobe Fonts
  * Base System
  * Base System - Hardware Support
  * Base System Management Applications and Utilities
  * Basic Networking Configuration Applications
  * Basic Networking Services
  * Basic X Environment
  * CDE Desktop Environment
  * CDE Mail Interface
  * CDE Minimum Runtime Environment
  * Compiler Back End
  * DECwindows 100dpi Fonts
  * Graphical Base System Management Utilities
  * Graphical Print Configuration Application
  * Graphical System Administration Utilities
  * Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files
  * Hardware Kernel Modules
  * Kernel Header and Common Files
  * LK401 Keyboard Support
  * Local Printer Support
  * NFS(tm) Configuration Application
  * NFS(tm) Utilities
  * Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0
  * Old X Environment
  * Standard Kernel Modules
  * Tcl Commands
  * Tk Toolkit Commands
  * X Fonts
  * X Servers Base
  * X Servers for TurboChannel

You have now answered all questions needed to install
Digital UNIX on this system.  Press CTRL/C to cancel the
installation; or type "history" to modify your earlier
answers; or press RETURN to proceed with installation:

Continuing installation...

 *** Creating the root file system on device rz1a ***

 *** Creating the usr file system on device rz1g ***

 *** Creating the swap1 file system on device rz1b ***

 *** Loading the operating system software subsets ***

 The installation procedure will now load the software on your
 disk partitions.  This process will take from 45 to 120 minutes
 to complete depending on your distribution media and processor type.

Checking file system space required to install specified subsets:
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:51:36 EST 1996

File system space checked OK.

30 subset(s) will be installed.

Loading 1 of 30 subset(s)....

Base System
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:51:53 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:53:55 EST 1996

Loading 2 of 30 subset(s)....

Base System - Hardware Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:54:28 EST 1996

Loading 3 of 30 subset(s)....

Compiler Back End
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:54:53 EST 1996

Loading 4 of 30 subset(s)....

Kernel Header and Common Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:55:20 EST 1996

Loading 5 of 30 subset(s)....

Standard Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:56:29 EST 1996

Loading 6 of 30 subset(s)....

Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 7 of 30 subset(s)....

Hardware Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:57:05 EST 1996

Loading 8 of 30 subset(s)....

Basic Networking Services
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:57:36 EST 1996

Loading 9 of 30 subset(s)....

NFS(tm) Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 10 of 30 subset(s)....

Local Printer Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 11 of 30 subset(s)....

Basic X Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:58:15 EST 1996

Loading 12 of 30 subset(s)....

CDE Minimum Runtime Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:59:16 EST 1996

Loading 13 of 30 subset(s)....

CDE Desktop Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:59:42 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 18:01:44 EST 1996

Loading 14 of 30 subset(s)....

LK401 Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 15 of 30 subset(s)....

X Servers Base
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 18:02:19 EST 1996

Loading 16 of 30 subset(s)....

X Servers for TurboChannel
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 17 of 30 subset(s)....

X Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 18:02:43 EST 1996

Loading 18 of 30 subset(s)....

DECwindows 100dpi Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 19 of 30 subset(s)....

Adobe Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 20 of 30 subset(s)....

Old X Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 21 of 30 subset(s)....

CDE Mail Interface
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 22 of 30 subset(s)....

Tcl Commands
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 23 of 30 subset(s)....

Tk Toolkit Commands
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 24 of 30 subset(s)....

Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 25 of 30 subset(s)....

Base System Management Applications and Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 26 of 30 subset(s)....

Basic Networking Configuration Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 27 of 30 subset(s)....

NFS(tm) Configuration Application
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 28 of 30 subset(s)....

Graphical Base System Management Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 18:05:05 EST 1996

Loading 29 of 30 subset(s)....

Graphical System Administration Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 30 of 30 subset(s)....

Graphical Print Configuration Application
   Copying from kramer (inet)

30 of 30 subset(s) installed successfully.

The installation software has successfully installed your system.

There are logfiles that contain a record of your installation.
These are:

	/var/adm/smlogs/install.cdf	- configuration description file
	/var/adm/smlogs/install.log     - general log file
	/var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log  - file system creation logs
	/var/adm/smlogs/setld.log       - log for the setld(8) utility
	/var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log     - verification log file

The above message is also recorded in /etc/motd for your
future reference.

Issue the following console commands to set your default
bootpath variable and to boot your system disk to multiuser:

	>>> set boot_osflags A
	>>> set bootdef_dev DKA100
	>>> boot

syncing disks... done
CPU 0: Halting... (transferring to monitor)

  PC= FFFFFC00.004014F0 PSL= 00000000.00000005

 >>> set boot_osflags A

 >>> set bootdef_dev DKA100

 >>> boot

System initialization messages display as the system boots from the newly-installed system. Software configuration begins next:


Configuring "Base System " (OSFBASE410)

Configuring "Base System - Hardware Support " (OSFHWBASE410)

Configuring "Compiler Back End " (OSFCMPLRS410)

Configuring "Kernel Header and Common Files " (OSFBINCOM410)

Configuring "Standard Kernel Modules " (OSFBIN410)

Configuring "Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files" (OSFHWBINCOM410)

Configuring "Hardware Kernel Modules " (OSFHWBIN410)

Configuring "Basic Networking Services " (OSFCLINET410)

Configuring "NFS(tm) Utilities " (OSFNFS410)

Configuring "Local Printer Support " (OSFPRINT410)

Configuring "Basic X Environment " (OSFX11410)

Configuring "CDE Minimum Runtime Environment " (OSFCDEMIN410)

Configuring "CDE Desktop Environment " (OSFCDEDT410)

Configuring "LK401 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK401410)

Configuring "X Servers Base " (OSFSER410)

Configuring "X Servers for TurboChannel " (OSFSERTC410)

Configuring "X Fonts " (OSFMITFONT410)

Configuring "DECwindows 100dpi Fonts " (OSFFONT15410)

Configuring "Adobe Fonts " (OSFDPSFONT410)

Configuring "Old X Environment " (OSFOLDX11410)

Configuring "CDE Mail Interface " (OSFCDEMAIL410)

Configuring "Tcl Commands " (OSFTCLBASE410)

Configuring "Tk Toolkit Commands " (OSFTKBASE410)

Configuring "Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0 " (OSFNETSCAPE410)

Configuring "Base System Management Applications and Utilities"

Configuring "Basic Networking Configuration Applications" (OSFNETCONF410)

Configuring "NFS(tm) Configuration Application " (OSFNFSCONF410)

Configuring "Graphical Base System Management Utilities" (OSFXSYSMAN410)

Configuring "Graphical System Administration Utilities" (OSFXADMIN410)

Configuring "Graphical Print Configuration Application" (OSFXPRINT410)

The system name assigned to your machine is 'george'.

       The system will now automatically build a kernel
       and then reboot. This will take approximately 15
       minutes, depending on the processor type.

       When  the login prompt appears after the system
       has rebooted, use 'root' as the  login name and
       the SUPERUSER  password that was entered during
       this procedure, to log into the system.

	Working....Fri Dec 13 09:32:02 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 09:34:04 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 09:36:05 EST 1996

syncing disks... done
rebooting.... (transferring to monitor)

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J.2    Sample Text-Based Custom Installation

This section shows a sample text-based custom installation from a a remote installation services (RIS) server. Use this sample to follow the progress of your own custom installation.
*** Performing RIS Installation from kramer

Loading installation process and scanning system hardware.

       Welcome to the Digital UNIX Installation Procedure

This procedure installs Digital UNIX onto your system.  You will
be asked a series of system configuration questions.  Until you
answer all questions, your system is not changed in any way.

During the question and answer session, you can go back to any
previous question and change your answer by entering:  history
You can get more information about a question by entering:  help

There are two types of installations:

o  The Default Installation installs a mandatory set of
   software subsets on a predetermined file system layout.

o  The Custom Installation installs a mandatory set of
   software subsets plus optional software subsets that you
   select.  You can customize the file system layout.

The UNIX Shell option puts your system in single-user mode with
superuser privileges.  This option is provided for experienced
UNIX system administrators who want to perform file system or
disk maintenance tasks before the installation.

The Installation Guide contains more information about installing
Digital UNIX.

1) Default Installation
2) Custom Installation
3) UNIX Shell

Enter your choice: 2

Hostname "george" has been assigned to this system.

Enter a password to use as the root (superuser) password.
Be sure to remember this password, because it is needed to
log in as the user "root" following installation.

Enter root password:

Retype root password:

Location and time zone have been set from server: US/Eastern

System clock has been set via network: Fri Dec 13 22:24:09 GMT 1996

** Scanning system for disk devices.  Please wait ...

Select a disk for Digital UNIX installation.  The root file
system will be placed on the "a" partition of this disk.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0
3)    RZ26L       rz9          9        SCSI           1
4)    RZ29B       rz10        10        SCSI           1

Enter your choice: 4

The default disk layout is:

  * root file system on the "a" partition, type UFS
  * /usr file system on the "g" partition, type UFS
  * /var as part of /usr
  * first swapping area (swap1) on the "b" partition
  * no second swapping area (swap2)

Use this default disk layout (y/n) ? n

Select the file system type for the root file system.

1) UFS -- UNIX file system
2) AdvFS -- advanced file system

Enter your choice: 1

Select the disk where the /usr file system will reside.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0
3)    RZ26L       rz9          9        SCSI           1
4)    RZ29B       rz10        10        SCSI           1

Enter your choice: 4

Select the rz10 partition where the /usr file system
will reside.

   Partition   Start     Size       End     Overlaps
1)       b     131072    401408    532479   c
2)       d     532480   2623488   3155967   c g
3)       e    3155968   2623488   5779455   c g h
4)       f    5779456   2600624   8380079   c h
5)       g     532480   3936256   4468735   c d e
6)       h    4468736   3911344   8380079   c e f

Enter your choice: h

Select the file system type for the /usr file system.

1) UFS -- UNIX file system
2) AdvFS -- advanced file system

Enter your choice: 1

Select the disk where the first swapping area (swap1) will reside.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0
3)    RZ26L       rz9          9        SCSI           1
4)    RZ29B       rz10        10        SCSI           1

Enter your choice: 4

Select the rz10 partition where the first swapping area (swap1)
will reside.

   Partition   Start     Size       End     Overlaps
1)       b     131072    401408    532479   c
2)       d     532480   2623488   3155967   c g
3)       g     532480   3936256   4468735   c d e

Enter your choice: g

You may choose to have a second swapping area (swap2).
Do you want a second swapping area (y/n) ? y

Select the disk where the second swapping area (swap2) will reside.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0
3)    RZ26L       rz9          9        SCSI           1
4)    RZ29B       rz10        10        SCSI           1

Enter your choice: 4

swap2 will be on the "b" partition of disk rz10 because all of its
other partitions are already in use.

You can make /var a separate file system, or you can have it
share space on the /usr file system.
Should /var be a separate file system (y/n) ? y

Select the disk where the /var file system will reside.

      Disk       Device     Device   Controller   Controller
      Type        Name      Number      Name        Number
1)    RZ26        rz1          1        SCSI           0
2)    RZ26        rz3          3        SCSI           0
3)    RZ26L       rz9          9        SCSI           1

Enter your choice: 1

Select the rz1 partition where the /var file system
will reside.

   Partition   Start     Size       End     Overlaps
1)       a          0    131072    131071   c
2)       b     131072    262144    393215   c
3)       c          0   2050860   2050859   a b d e f g h
4)       d     393216    552548    945763   c g
5)       e     945764    552548   1498311   c g h
6)       f    1498312    552548   2050859   c h
7)       g     393216    819200   1212415   c d e
8)       h    1212416    838444   2050859   c e f

Enter your choice: 2

Select the file system type for the /var file system.

1) UFS -- UNIX file system
2) AdvFS -- advanced file system

Enter your choice: 1

You have requested this file system layout:

  * root file system on rz10a, type UFS
  * /usr file system on rz10h, type UFS
  * /var file system on rz1b, type UFS
  * first swapping area (swap1) will be on rz10g
  * second swapping area (swap2) will be on rz10b

Is this the correct file system layout (y/n) ? y

** Reviewing available software subsets.  Please wait ...

The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed
automatically unless you choose to exit without installing
any subsets:

  * Adobe Fonts
  * Base System
  * Base System - Hardware Support
  * Base System Management Applications and Utilities
  * Basic Networking Configuration Applications
  * Basic Networking Services
  * Basic X Environment
  * CDE Desktop Environment
  * CDE Mail Interface
  * CDE Minimum Runtime Environment
  * Compiler Back End
  * DECwindows 100dpi Fonts
  * Graphical Base System Management Utilities
  * Graphical Print Configuration Application
  * Graphical System Administration Utilities
  * Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files
  * Hardware Kernel Modules
  * Kernel Header and Common Files
  * LK401 Keyboard Support
  * Local Printer Support
  * NFS(tm) Configuration Application
  * NFS(tm) Utilities
  * Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0
  * Old X Environment
  * Standard Kernel Modules
  * Tcl Commands
  * Tk Toolkit Commands
  * X Fonts
  * X Servers Base
  * X Servers for TurboChannel

Free space remaining after mandatory subsets (root/usr/var):
30.4 MB/1.7 GB/127 MB

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J.2.1    Optional Software Subsets for a Custom Installation

This section lists the optional software subsets that are available for a custom installation regardless of the interface (text-based or graphical) you are using.
Optional subsets are listed below.  There may be more optional
subsets than can be presented on a single screen.  If this is
the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen, or all at
once on the last screen.  All of the choices you make will be
collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.

 - General Applications:
 1) Additional Terminfo databases
 2) Computer Aided System Tutor
 3) DOS tools
 4) GNU Emacs
 5) Local Area Transport (LAT)
 6) UNIX(tm) SVID2 Compatibility
 7) UNIX(tm) to UNIX(tm) Copy Facility

 - Kernel Build Environment:
 8) ATM Kernel Header and Common Files
 9) ATM Kernel Modules
10) Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and Common Files
11) Logical Storage Manager Kernel Modules
12) POLYCTR advfs Kernel Modules

 - Mail Applications:
13) DECwindows Mail Interface
14) RAND Corp. Mail Handler (MH)

 - Network-Server/Communications:
15) ATM Commands
16) Additional Networking Services
17) Dataless Management Services
18) Remote Installation Service

 - Printing Environment:
19) Adobe Font Metric Files

 - Reference Pages:
20) Ref Pages: Admin/User
21) Ref Pages: CDE Admin/User
22) Ref Pages: CDE Development
23) Ref Pages: Programming
24) Ref Pages: Realtime
25) Ref Pages: Windows Admin/User
26) Ref Pages: Windows Programming

 - Software Development:
27) CDA(tm) Software Development
28) CDA(tm) for X/Motif Development
29) CDE Software Development
30) GNU Revision Control System
31) Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11
32) Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11 Release Notes
33) Ladebug Debugger Window Interface
34) Ladebug Debugger remote server
35) Programming Examples
36) Realtime Software Development
37) Software Development Desktop Environment
38) Software Development Tools and Utilities
39) Source Code Control System
40) Standard Header Files
41) Standard Programmer Commands
42) Static Libraries
43) X Window and X/Motif Header Files
44) X Window and X/Motif Programming Examples
45) X Window and X/Motif Software Development
46) X Window and X/Motif Static Libraries

 - Supplemental Documentation:
47) XIE Version 5 Online Documentation

 - System Administration:
48) C2-Security
49) C2-Security GUI
50) Kernel Debugging Tools
51) Logical Storage Manager
52) Logical Storage Manager GUI
53) Logical Volume Manager
54) Obsolete Commands and Utilities
55) Obsolete Locale databases
56) POLYCTR advfs
57) Single-Byte European Locales
58) System Accounting Utilities
59) System Exercisers

 - Text Processing:
60) Doc. Preparation Tools
61) Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions

 - Windowing Environment:
62) DECwindows 75dpi Fonts
63) LK201 Keyboard Support
64) LK411 Keyboard Support
65) LK421 Keyboard Support
66) LK444 Keyboard Support
67) PCXAL Keyboard Support
68) X Customizations for OEM
69) X Servers for Open3D
70) X Servers for PCbus
71) X/Motif 1.1

 - Windows Applications:
72) Additional DECwindows Applications
73) Additional X Applications
74) CDE Additional Applications
75) Demo X Applications
76) Nested X Server
77) Old Additional DECwindows Applications
78) Virtual X Frame Buffer

The following choices override your previous selections:
79) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets
80) MANDATORY subsets only
81) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus

Add to your choices, or press RETURN to confirm previous choices.
Free space remaining (root/usr/var): 30.4 MB/1.7 GB/127 MB
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):  79

The following subsets will be loaded:

  * System Accounting Utilities
  * POLYCTR advfs
  * POLYCTR advfs Kernel Modules
  * Adobe Font Metric Files
  * ATM Commands
  * ATM Kernel Modules
  * ATM Kernel Header and Common Files
  * Base System
  * Standard Kernel Modules
  * Kernel Header and Common Files
  * C2-Security
  * CDA(tm) Software Development
  * CDE Additional Applications
  * CDE Software Development
  * CDE Desktop Environment
  * CDE Mail Interface
  * Ref Pages: CDE Development
  * Ref Pages: CDE Admin/User
  * CDE Minimum Runtime Environment
  * Basic Networking Services
  * Compiler Back End
  * Obsolete Locale databases
  * Doc. Preparation Tools
  * Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions
  * Additional DECwindows Applications
  * Dataless Management Services
  * DOS tools
  * Adobe Fonts
  * GNU Emacs
  * Single-Byte European Locales
  * Programming Examples
  * System Exercisers
  * DECwindows 100dpi Fonts
  * DECwindows 75dpi Fonts
  * Base System - Hardware Support
  * Hardware Kernel Modules
  * Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files
  * Standard Header Files
  * Additional Networking Services
  * LK201 Keyboard Support
  * LK401 Keyboard Support
  * LK411 Keyboard Support
  * LK421 Keyboard Support
  * LK444 Keyboard Support
  * PCXAL Keyboard Support
  * Kernel Debugging Tools
  * Local Area Transport (LAT)
  * Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11
  * Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11 Release Notes
  * Ladebug Debugger Window Interface
  * Ladebug Debugger remote server
  * Computer Aided System Tutor
  * Static Libraries
  * Logical Storage Manager
  * Logical Storage Manager Kernel Modules
  * Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and Common Files
  * Logical Storage Manager GUI
  * Logical Volume Manager
  * Ref Pages: Programming
  * Ref Pages: Admin/User
  * Ref Pages: Realtime
  * Ref Pages: Windows Programming
  * Ref Pages: Windows Admin/User
  * RAND Corp. Mail Handler (MH)
  * X Fonts
  * X/Motif 1.1
  * Basic Networking Configuration Applications
  * Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0
  * NFS(tm) Utilities
  * NFS(tm) Configuration Application
  * Obsolete Commands and Utilities
  * Old Additional DECwindows Applications
  * Old X Environment
  * Standard Programmer Commands
  * Local Printer Support
  * GNU Revision Control System
  * Remote Installation Service
  * Realtime Software Development
  * Source Code Control System
  * Software Development Tools and Utilities
  * Software Development Desktop Environment
  * X Servers for Open3D
  * X Servers Base
  * X Servers for PCbus
  * X Servers for TurboChannel
  * UNIX(tm) SVID2 Compatibility
  * Base System Management Applications and Utilities
  * Tcl Commands
  * Additional Terminfo databases
  * Tk Toolkit Commands
  * UNIX(tm) to UNIX(tm) Copy Facility
  * Basic X Environment
  * Graphical System Administration Utilities
  * C2-Security GUI
  * CDA(tm) for X/Motif Development
  * Demo X Applications
  * X Window and X/Motif Software Development
  * X Window and X/Motif Programming Examples
  * XIE Version 5 Online Documentation
  * X Window and X/Motif Header Files
  * X Window and X/Motif Static Libraries
  * DECwindows Mail Interface
  * Additional X Applications
  * Nested X Server
  * X Customizations for OEM
  * Graphical Print Configuration Application
  * Graphical Base System Management Utilities
  * Virtual X Frame Buffer

Are these the subsets that should be loaded (y/n) ? y

[Return to Library]  [TOC]  [PREV]  --SECT  SECT--  [INDEX] [Help]

J.2.2    File System Creation and Software Subset Load

This section shows file system creation and software subset loading.
You have now answered all questions needed to install
Digital UNIX on this system.  Press CTRL/C to cancel the
installation; or type "history" to modify your earlier
answers; or press RETURN to proceed with installation:

Continuing installation...

 *** Creating the root file system on device rz10a ***

 *** Creating the usr file system on device rz10h ***

 *** Creating the var file system on device rz1b ***

 *** Creating the swap1 file system on device rz10g ***

 *** Creating the swap2 file system on device rz10b ***

 *** Loading the operating system software subsets ***

 The installation procedure will now load the software on your
 disk partitions.  This process will take from 45 to 120 minutes
 to complete depending on your distribution media and processor type.

Checking file system space required to install specified subsets:
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:30:27 EST 1996

File system space checked OK.

108 subset(s) will be installed.

Loading 1 of 108 subset(s)....

Base System
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:31:23 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:33:07 EST 1996

Loading 2 of 108 subset(s)....

Base System - Hardware Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:33:34 EST 1996

Loading 3 of 108 subset(s)....

Compiler Back End
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:33:58 EST 1996

Loading 4 of 108 subset(s)....

Kernel Header and Common Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:34:28 EST 1996

Loading 5 of 108 subset(s)....

Standard Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:35:30 EST 1996

Loading 6 of 108 subset(s)....

Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 7 of 108 subset(s)....

Hardware Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:35:58 EST 1996

Loading 8 of 108 subset(s)....

ATM Kernel Header and Common Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 9 of 108 subset(s)....

ATM Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 10 of 108 subset(s)....

Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and Common Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 11 of 108 subset(s)....

Logical Storage Manager Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 12 of 108 subset(s)....

POLYCTR advfs Kernel Modules
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 13 of 108 subset(s)....

Basic Networking Services
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:36:57 EST 1996

Loading 14 of 108 subset(s)....

Additional Networking Services
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 15 of 108 subset(s)....

ATM Commands
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 16 of 108 subset(s)....

NFS(tm) Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 17 of 108 subset(s)....

Remote Installation Service
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 18 of 108 subset(s)....

Dataless Management Services
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 19 of 108 subset(s)....

Local Printer Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 20 of 108 subset(s)....

Adobe Font Metric Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 21 of 108 subset(s)....

Doc. Preparation Tools
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 22 of 108 subset(s)....

Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 23 of 108 subset(s)....

Basic X Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:38:20 EST 1996

Loading 24 of 108 subset(s)....

CDE Minimum Runtime Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:39:14 EST 1996

Loading 25 of 108 subset(s)....

CDE Desktop Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:39:36 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:41:11 EST 1996

Loading 26 of 108 subset(s)....

LK201 Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 27 of 108 subset(s)....

LK401 Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 28 of 108 subset(s)....

LK411 Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 29 of 108 subset(s)....

LK421 Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 30 of 108 subset(s)....

LK444 Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 31 of 108 subset(s)....

PCXAL Keyboard Support
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 32 of 108 subset(s)....

X Servers Base
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:42:06 EST 1996

Loading 33 of 108 subset(s)....

X Servers for PCbus
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 34 of 108 subset(s)....

X Servers for TurboChannel
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 35 of 108 subset(s)....

X Servers for Open3D
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:42:40 EST 1996
Broken pipe

Loading 36 of 108 subset(s)....

X Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:42:56 EST 1996

Loading 37 of 108 subset(s)....

DECwindows 100dpi Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 38 of 108 subset(s)....

DECwindows 75dpi Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 39 of 108 subset(s)....

Adobe Fonts
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 40 of 108 subset(s)....

X Customizations for OEM
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 41 of 108 subset(s)....

Old X Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 42 of 108 subset(s)....

RAND Corp. Mail Handler (MH)
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 43 of 108 subset(s)....

CDE Mail Interface
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 44 of 108 subset(s)....

DECwindows Mail Interface
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 45 of 108 subset(s)....

UNIX(tm) SVID2 Compatibility
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 46 of 108 subset(s)....

DOS tools
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 47 of 108 subset(s)....

Local Area Transport (LAT)
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 48 of 108 subset(s)....

UNIX(tm) to UNIX(tm) Copy Facility
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:44:53 EST 1996

Loading 49 of 108 subset(s)....

Computer Aided System Tutor
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:45:09 EST 1996

Loading 50 of 108 subset(s)....

Additional Terminfo databases
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:45:30 EST 1996

Loading 51 of 108 subset(s)....

GNU Emacs
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:45:53 EST 1996

Loading 52 of 108 subset(s)....

Tcl Commands
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 53 of 108 subset(s)....

Tk Toolkit Commands
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 54 of 108 subset(s)....

Additional X Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:47:04 EST 1996
Broken pipe

Loading 55 of 108 subset(s)....

Nested X Server
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 56 of 108 subset(s)....

Virtual X Frame Buffer
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 57 of 108 subset(s)....

Demo X Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 58 of 108 subset(s)....

CDE Additional Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:47:37 EST 1996

Loading 59 of 108 subset(s)....

Additional DECwindows Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 60 of 108 subset(s)....

Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 61 of 108 subset(s)....

Old Additional DECwindows Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:48:13 EST 1996

Loading 62 of 108 subset(s)....

System Accounting Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 63 of 108 subset(s)....

Logical Storage Manager
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 64 of 108 subset(s)....

   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 65 of 108 subset(s)....

Logical Volume Manager
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 66 of 108 subset(s)....

System Exercisers
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 67 of 108 subset(s)....

Single-Byte European Locales
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 68 of 108 subset(s)....

   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 69 of 108 subset(s)....

Kernel Debugging Tools
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 70 of 108 subset(s)....

Base System Management Applications and Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 71 of 108 subset(s)....

Basic Networking Configuration Applications
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 72 of 108 subset(s)....

NFS(tm) Configuration Application
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 73 of 108 subset(s)....

Graphical Base System Management Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:50:14 EST 1996

Loading 74 of 108 subset(s)....

Graphical System Administration Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 75 of 108 subset(s)....

Graphical Print Configuration Application
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 76 of 108 subset(s)....

C2-Security GUI
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 77 of 108 subset(s)....

Logical Storage Manager GUI
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 78 of 108 subset(s)....

GNU Revision Control System
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 79 of 108 subset(s)....

Source Code Control System
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 80 of 108 subset(s)....

Software Development Tools and Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:51:30 EST 1996

Loading 81 of 108 subset(s)....

Standard Programmer Commands
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 82 of 108 subset(s)....

Standard Header Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 83 of 108 subset(s)....

Static Libraries
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 84 of 108 subset(s)....

X Window and X/Motif Software Development
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 85 of 108 subset(s)....

X Window and X/Motif Header Files
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 86 of 108 subset(s)....

X Window and X/Motif Static Libraries
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:52:54 EST 1996
Broken pipe

Loading 87 of 108 subset(s)....

CDE Software Development
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:53:16 EST 1996

Loading 88 of 108 subset(s)....

CDA(tm) Software Development
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 89 of 108 subset(s)....

CDA(tm) for X/Motif Development
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 90 of 108 subset(s)....

Realtime Software Development
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 91 of 108 subset(s)....

Software Development Desktop Environment
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 92 of 108 subset(s)....

Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:54:15 EST 1996

Loading 93 of 108 subset(s)....

Ladebug Debugger Window Interface
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 94 of 108 subset(s)....

Ladebug Debugger remote server
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 95 of 108 subset(s)....

Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11 Release Notes
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 96 of 108 subset(s)....

Programming Examples
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 97 of 108 subset(s)....

X Window and X/Motif Programming Examples
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:55:06 EST 1996

Loading 98 of 108 subset(s)....

Obsolete Locale databases
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 99 of 108 subset(s)....

Obsolete Commands and Utilities
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

Loading 100 of 108 subset(s)....

X/Motif 1.1
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:55:39 EST 1996
Broken pipe

Loading 101 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: Admin/User
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:55:56 EST 1996

Loading 102 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: Windows Admin/User
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 103 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: Realtime
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 104 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: Programming
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:57:05 EST 1996

Loading 105 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: Windows Programming
   Copying from kramer (inet)
	Working....Fri Dec 13 17:58:02 EST 1996

Loading 106 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: CDE Development
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 107 of 108 subset(s)....

Ref Pages: CDE Admin/User
   Copying from kramer (inet)

Loading 108 of 108 subset(s)....

XIE Version 5 Online Documentation
   Copying from kramer (inet)
Broken pipe

108 of 108 subset(s) installed successfully.

The installation software has successfully installed your system.

There are logfiles that contain a record of your installation.
These are:

	/var/adm/smlogs/install.cdf	- configuration description file
	/var/adm/smlogs/install.log     - general log file
	/var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log  - file system creation logs
	/var/adm/smlogs/setld.log       - log for the setld(8) utility
	/var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log     - verification log file

The above message is also recorded in /etc/motd for your
future reference.

Issue the following console commands to set your default bootpath variable
and to boot your system disk to multiuser:

	>>> set boot_osflags A
	>>> set bootdef_dev DKB200
	>>> boot

syncing disks... done
CPU 0: Halting... (transferring to monitor)

  PC= FFFFFC00.004008F0 PSL= 00000000.00000005

 >>> set boot_osflags A

 >>> set bootdef_dev DKB200

 >>> boot

System initialization messages display as the system boots from the newly-installed system. Software configuration begins next:


Configuring "Base System " (OSFBASE410)

Configuring "Base System - Hardware Support " (OSFHWBASE410)

Configuring "Compiler Back End " (OSFCMPLRS410)

Configuring "Kernel Header and Common Files " (OSFBINCOM410)

Configuring "Standard Kernel Modules " (OSFBIN410)

Configuring "Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files" (OSFHWBINCOM410)

Configuring "Hardware Kernel Modules " (OSFHWBIN410)

Configuring "ATM Kernel Header and Common Files " (OSFATMBINCOM410)

Configuring "ATM Kernel Modules " (OSFATMBIN410)

Configuring "Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and
Common Files" (OSFLSMBINCOM410)

Configuring "Logical Storage Manager Kernel Modules" (OSFLSMBIN410)

Configuring "POLYCTR advfs Kernel Modules " (OSFADVFSBIN410)

Configuring "Basic Networking Services " (OSFCLINET410)

Configuring "Additional Networking Services " (OSFINET410)

Configuring "ATM Commands " (OSFATMBASE410)

Configuring "NFS(tm) Utilities " (OSFNFS410)

Configuring "Remote Installation Service " (OSFRIS410)

Configuring "Dataless Management Services " (OSFDMS410)

Configuring "Local Printer Support " (OSFPRINT410)

Configuring "Adobe Font Metric Files " (OSFAFM410)

Configuring "Doc. Preparation Tools " (OSFDCMT410)

Configuring "Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions " (OSFDCMTEXT410)

Configuring "Basic X Environment " (OSFX11410)

Configuring "CDE Minimum Runtime Environment " (OSFCDEMIN410)

Configuring "CDE Desktop Environment " (OSFCDEDT410)

Configuring "LK201 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK201410)

Configuring "LK401 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK401410)

Configuring "LK411 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK411410)

Configuring "LK421 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK421410)

Configuring "LK444 Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDLK444410)

Configuring "PCXAL Keyboard Support " (OSFKBDPCXAL410)

Configuring "X Servers Base " (OSFSER410)

Configuring "X Servers for PCbus " (OSFSERPC410)

Configuring "X Servers for TurboChannel " (OSFSERTC410)

Configuring "X Servers for Open3D " (OSFSER3D410)

Configuring "X Fonts " (OSFMITFONT410)

Configuring "DECwindows 100dpi Fonts " (OSFFONT15410)

Configuring "DECwindows 75dpi Fonts " (OSFFONT410)

Configuring "Adobe Fonts " (OSFDPSFONT410)

Configuring "X Customizations for OEM " (OSFXOEM410)

Configuring "Old X Environment " (OSFOLDX11410)

Configuring "RAND Corp. Mail Handler (MH) " (OSFMH410)

Configuring "CDE Mail Interface " (OSFCDEMAIL410)

Configuring "DECwindows Mail Interface " (OSFXMAIL410)

Configuring "UNIX(tm) SVID2 Compatibility " (OSFSVID2410)

Configuring "DOS tools " (OSFDOSTOOLS410)

Configuring "Local Area Transport (LAT) " (OSFLAT410)

Configuring "UNIX(tm) to UNIX(tm) Copy Facility " (OSFUUCP410)

Configuring "Computer Aided System Tutor " (OSFLEARN410)

Configuring "Additional Terminfo databases " (OSFTERM410)

Configuring "GNU Emacs " (OSFEMACS410)

Configuring "Tcl Commands " (OSFTCLBASE410)

Configuring "Tk Toolkit Commands " (OSFTKBASE410)

Configuring "Additional X Applications " (OSFXMIT410)

Configuring "Nested X Server " (OSFXNEST410)

Configuring "Virtual X Frame Buffer " (OSFXVFB410)

Configuring "Demo X Applications " (OSFXDEMOS410)

Configuring "CDE Additional Applications " (OSFCDEAPPS410)

Configuring "Additional DECwindows Applications " (OSFDECW410)

Configuring "Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0 " (OSFNETSCAPE410)

Configuring "Old Additional DECwindows Applications" (OSFOLDDECW410)

Configuring "System Accounting Utilities " (OSFACCT410)

Configuring "Logical Storage Manager " (OSFLSMBASE410)

Configuring "POLYCTR advfs " (OSFADVFS410)

Configuring "Logical Volume Manager " (OSFLVM410)

Configuring "System Exercisers " (OSFEXER410)

Configuring "Single-Byte European Locales " (OSFEURLOC410)

Configuring "C2-Security " (OSFC2SEC410)

Configuring "Kernel Debugging Tools " (OSFKTOOLS410)

Configuring "Base System Management Applications and Utilities"

Configuring "Basic Networking Configuration Applications" (OSFNETCONF410)

Configuring "NFS(tm) Configuration Application " (OSFNFSCONF410)

Configuring "Graphical Base System Management Utilities" (OSFXSYSMAN410)

Configuring "Graphical System Administration Utilities" (OSFXADMIN410)

Configuring "Graphical Print Configuration Application" (OSFXPRINT410)

Configuring "C2-Security GUI " (OSFXC2SEC410)

Configuring "Logical Storage Manager GUI " (OSFLSMX11410)

Configuring "GNU Revision Control System " (OSFRCS410)

Configuring "Source Code Control System " (OSFSCCS410)

Configuring "Software Development Tools and Utilities" (OSFSDE410)

Configuring "Standard Programmer Commands " (OSFPGMR410)

Configuring "Standard Header Files " (OSFINCLUDE410)

Configuring "Static Libraries " (OSFLIBA410)

Configuring "X Window and X/Motif Software Development" (OSFXDEV410)

Configuring "X Window and X/Motif Header Files " (OSFXINCLUDE410)

Configuring "X Window and X/Motif Static Libraries" (OSFXLIBA410)

Configuring "CDE Software Development " (OSFCDEDEV410)

Configuring "CDA(tm) Software Development " (OSFCDAPGMR410)

Configuring "CDA(tm) for X/Motif Development " (OSFXCDADEV410)

Configuring "Realtime Software Development " (OSFRTDEV410)

Configuring "Software Development Desktop Environment" (OSFSDECDE410)

Configuring "Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11 " (OSFLDBBASE410)

Configuring "Ladebug Debugger Window Interface " (OSFLDBGUI410)

Configuring "Ladebug Debugger remote server " (OSFLDBSRV410)

Configuring "Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-11 Release Notes" (OSFLDBDOC410)

Configuring "Programming Examples " (OSFEXAMPLES410)

Configuring "X Window and X/Motif Programming Examples" (OSFXEXAMPLES410)

Configuring "Obsolete Locale databases " (OSFCTABLOC410)

Configuring "Obsolete Commands and Utilities " (OSFOBSOLETE410)

Configuring "X/Motif 1.1 " (OSFMOTIF11410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: Admin/User " (OSFMANOS410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: Windows Admin/User " (OSFMANWOS410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: Realtime " (OSFMANRT410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: Programming " (OSFMANOP410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: Windows Programming " (OSFMANWOP410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: CDE Development " (OSFCDEMANOP410)

Configuring "Ref Pages: CDE Admin/User " (OSFCDEMANOS410)

Configuring "XIE Version 5 Online Documentation " (OSFXIEDOC410)

The system name assigned to your machine is 'george'.

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J.2.3    Kernel Build Procedure

This section shows the kernel build procedure.


    Selection   Kernel Option
	1	System V Devices
	2	Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
	3	NTP V3 Kernel Phase Lock Loop (NTP_TIME)
	4	Kernel Breakpoint Debugger (KDEBUG)
	5	Packetfilter driver (PACKETFILTER)
	6	Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
	7	STREAMS pckt module (PCKT)
	8	X/Open Transport Interface (XTISO, TIMOD, TIRDWR)
	9	File on File File System (FFM)
	10	ISO 9660 Compact Disc File System (CDFS)
	11	Audit Subsystem
	12	ACL Subsystem
	13	Logical Storage Manager (LSM)
	14	LAN Emulation over ATM (LANE)
	15	Classical IP over ATM (ATMIP)
	16	ATM UNI 3.0/3.1 Signalling for SVCs
	17	Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
	18	Advanced File System (ADVFS)


	19	All of the above
	20	None of the above
	21	Help
	22	Display all options again

Enter the selection number for each kernel option you want.
For example, 1 3 [20]: 19

You selected the following kernel options:

	System V Devices
	Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
	NTP V3 Kernel Phase Lock Loop (NTP_TIME)
	Kernel Breakpoint Debugger (KDEBUG)
	Packetfilter driver (PACKETFILTER)
	Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
	STREAMS pckt module (PCKT)
	X/Open Transport Interface (XTISO, TIMOD, TIRDWR)
	File on File File System (FFM)
	ISO 9660 Compact Disc File System (CDFS)
	Audit Subsystem
	ACL Subsystem
	Logical Storage Manager (LSM)
	LAN Emulation over ATM (LANE)
	Classical IP over ATM (ATMIP)
	ATM UNI 3.0/3.1 Signalling for SVCs
	Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
	Advanced File System (ADVFS)

Is that correct? (y/n) [y]:

Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]:

       The system will now automatically build a kernel
       and then reboot. This will take approximately 15
       minutes, depending on the processor type.

       When  the login prompt appears after the system
       has rebooted, use 'root' as the  login name and
       the SUPERUSER  password that was entered during
       this procedure, to log into the system.

	Working....Fri Dec 13 08:03:58 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 08:06:00 EST 1996
	Working....Fri Dec 13 08:08:01 EST 1996

syncing disks... done
rebooting.... (transferring to monitor)

 [TOC]  --SECT