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1    Introduction to Realtime Programming

A realtime application is one in which the correctness of the application depends on the timeliness and predictability of the application as well as the results of computations. To assist the realtime application designer in meeting these goals, DIGITAL UNIX provides features that facilitate efficient interprocess communication and synchronization, a fast interrupt response time, asynchronous input and output (I/O), memory management functions, file synchronization, and facilities for satisfying timing requirements. DIGITAL UNIX provides realtime facilities as part of the standard DIGITAL UNIX kernel and optional subsets.

Realtime applications are becoming increasingly important in our daily lives and can be found in diverse environments such as the automatic braking system on an automobile, a lottery ticket system, or robotic environmental samplers on a space station. The use of realtime programming techniques is rapidly becoming a common means for improving the predictability of our technology.

This chapter includes the following sections:

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1.1    Realtime Overview

Realtime applications provide an action or an answer to an external event in a timely and predictable manner. While many realtime applications require high-speed compute power, realtime applications cover a wide range of tasks with differing time dependencies. Timeliness has a different definition in each realtime application. What may be fast in one application may be slow or late in another. For example, an experimenter in high-energy physics needs to collect data in microseconds while a meteorologist monitoring the environment might need to collect data in intervals of several minutes. However, the success of both applications depends on well-defined time requirements.

The concept of predictability has many connotations, but for realtime applications it generally means that a task or set of tasks can always be completed within a predetermined amount of time. Depending on the situation, an unpredictable realtime application can result in loss of data, loss of deadlines, or loss of plant production. Examples of realtime applications include process control, factory automation robotics, vehicle simulation, scientific data acquisition, image processing, built-in test equipment, music or voice synthesis, and analysis of high-energy physics.

To have control over the predictability of an application, the programmer must understand which time bounds are significant. For example, an understanding of the average time it takes for a context switch does not guarantee task completion within a predictable timeframe. Realtime programmers must know the worst-case time requirements so that they can design an application that will always meet worst-case deadlines.

Realtime systems also use techniques to reduce the hazards associated with a worst-case scenario. In some situations, a worst-case realtime deadline may be significantly faster than the non-realtime, average time.

Realtime applications can be classified as either hard or soft realtime. Hard realtime applications require a response to events within a predetermined amount of time for the application to function properly. If a hard realtime application fails to meet specified deadlines, the application fails. While many hard realtime applications require high-speed responses, the granularity of the timing is not the central issue in a hard realtime application. An example of a hard realtime application is a missile guidance control system where a late response to a needed correction leads to disaster.

Soft realtime applications do not fail if a deadline is missed. Some soft realtime applications can process large amounts of data or require a very fast response time, but the key issue is whether or not meeting timing constraints is a condition for success. An example of a soft realtime application is an airline reservation system where an occasional delay is tolerable.

Many realtime applications require high I/O throughput and fast response time to asynchronous external events. The ability to process and store large amounts of data is a key metric for data collection applications. Realtime applications that require high I/O throughput rely on continuous processing of large amounts of data. The primary requirement of such an application is the acquisition of a number of data points equally spaced in time.

High data throughput requirements are typically found in signal-processing applications such as:

Likewise, a continuous stream of data points must be acquired for many of the qualitative and quantitative methods used in the following types of applications:

For some applications, the throughput requirements on any single channel are modest. However, an application may need to handle multiple data channels simultaneously, resulting in a high aggregate throughput. Realtime applications, such as medical diagnosis systems, need a response time of about one second while simultaneously handling data from, perhaps, ten external sources.

High I/O throughput may be important for some realtime control systems, but another key metric is the speed at which the application responds to asynchronous external events and its ability to schedule and provide communication among multiple tasks. Realtime applications must capture input parameters, perform decision-making operations, and compute updated output parameters within a given timeframe.

Some realtime applications, such as flight simulation programs, require a response time of microseconds while simultaneously handling data from a large number of external sources. The application might acquire several hundred input parameters from the cockpit controls, compute updated position, orientation, and speed parameters, and then send several hundred output parameters to the cockpit console and a visual display subsystem.

Realtime applications are usually characterized by a blend of requirements. Some portions of the application may consist of hard, critical tasks, all of which must meet their deadlines. Other parts of the application may require heavy data throughput. Many parts of a realtime application can easily run at a lower priority and require no special realtime functionality. The key to a successful realtime application is the developer's ability to accurately define application requirements at every point in the program. Resource allocation and realtime priorities are used only when necessary so that the application is not overdesigned.

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1.2    DIGITAL UNIX Realtime System Capabilities

The DIGITAL UNIX operating system supports facilities to enhance the performance of realtime applications. DIGITAL UNIX realtime facilities make it possible for the operating system to guarantee that the realtime application has access to resources whenever it needs them and for as long as it needs them. That is, the realtime applications running on the DIGITAL UNIX operating system can respond to external events regardless of the impact on other executing tasks or processes.

Realtime applications written to run on the DIGITAL UNIX operating system make use of and rely on the following system capabilities:

All of these realtime facilities work together to form the DIGITAL UNIX realtime environment. In addition, realtime applications make full use of process synchronization techniques and facilities, as summarized in Section 1.3.

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1.2.1    The Value of a Preemptive Kernel

The responsiveness of the operating system to asynchronous events is a critical element of realtime systems. Realtime systems must be capable of meeting the demands of hard realtime tasks with tight deadlines. To do this, the operating system's reaction time must be short and the scheduling algorithm must be simple and efficient.

The amount of time it takes for a higher-priority process to displace a lower-priority process is referred to as process preemption latency. In a realtime environment, the primary concern of application designers is the maximum process preemption latency that can occur at runtime, the worst-case scenario.

Every application can interact with the operating system in two modes: user mode and kernel mode. User-mode processes call utilities, library functions, and other user applications. A process running in user mode can be preempted by a higher-priority process. During execution, a user-mode process often makes system calls, switching context from user to kernel mode where the process interacts with the operating system. Under the traditional timesharing scheduling algorithm, a process running in kernel mode cannot be preempted.

A preemptive kernel guarantees that a higher-priority process can quickly interrupt a lower-priority process, regardless of whether the low-priority process is in user or kernel mode. Whenever a higher-priority process becomes runnable, a preemption is requested, and the higher-priority process displaces the running, lower-priority process.

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The standard UNIX kernel is a nonpreemptive kernel; it does not allow a user process to preempt a process executing in kernel mode. Once a running process issues a system call and enters kernel mode, preemptive context switches are disabled until the system call is completed. Although there are context switches, a system call may take an arbitrarily long time to execute without voluntarily giving up the processor. During that time, the process that made the system call may delay the execution of a higher-priority, runnable, realtime process.

The maximum process preemption latency for a nonpreemptive kernel is the maximum amount of time it can take for the running, kernel-mode process to switch out of kernel mode back into user mode and then be preempted by a higher-priority process. Under these conditions it is not unusual for worst-case preemption to take seconds, which is clearly unacceptable for many realtime applications.

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A preemptive kernel, such as the DIGITAL UNIX kernel with realtime preemption enabled, allows the operating system to respond quickly to a process preemption request. When a realtime user process engages one of the fixed-priority scheduling policies, the DIGITAL UNIX kernel can break out of kernel mode to honor the preemption request.

A preemptive kernel supports the concept of process synchronization with the ability to respond quickly to interrupts while maintaining data integrity. The kernel employs mechanisms to protect the integrity of kernel data structures, and defines restrictions on when the kernel can preempt execution.

The maximum process preemption latency for a preemptive kernel is the exact amount of time required to preserve system and data integrity and preempt the running process. Under these conditions it is not unusual for worst-case preemption to take only milliseconds.

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Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 illustrate the process preemption latency that can be expected from a nonpreemptive kernel and a preemptive kernel. In both figures, a higher-priority realtime process makes a preemption request, but the amount of elapsed time until the request is honored depends on the kernel. Latency is represented as the shaded area.

Figure 1-1 shows the expected latency of a nonpreemptive kernel. In this situation, the currently running process moves back and forth between user and kernel mode as it executes. The higher-priority, realtime process advances to the beginning of the priority process list, but cannot preempt the running process while it runs in kernel mode. The realtime process must wait until the running process either finishes executing or changes back to user mode before the realtime process is allowed to preempt the running process.

Figure 1-2 shows the expected latency of a preemptive kernel. In this situation the running process is quickly preempted and the higher-priority, realtime process takes its place on the run queue.

Figure 1-1:  Nonpreemptive Kernel

Figure 1-2:  Preemptive Kernel

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1.2.2    Fixed-Priority Scheduling Policies

The scheduler determines how CPU resources are allocated to executing processes. Each process has a priority that associates the process with a run queue. Each process begins execution with a base priority that can change as the application executes depending on the algorithm used by the scheduler or application requirements.

The algorithm or set of rules that governs how the scheduler selects runnable processes, how processes are queued, and how much time each process is given to run is called a scheduling policy. Scheduling policies work in conjunction with priority levels. Generally speaking, the higher a process's priority, the more frequently the process is allowed to execute. But the scheduling policy may determine how long the process executes. The realtime application designer balances the nature of the work performed by the process with the process's priority and scheduling policy to control use of system resources.

If the realtime subset is installed on your system, the DIGITAL UNIX operating system supports two distinctly different scheduling interfaces: the nice interface and the realtime interface. The nice interface provides functions for managing nonrealtime applications running at nonrealtime priority level. The nice interface uses the timesharing scheduling policy, which allows the scheduler to dynamically adjust priority levels of a process. You have access to the realtime scheduling interface only if you have installed the realtime subset.

The DIGITAL UNIX realtime interface supports a nonrealtime (timesharing) scheduling policy and two fixed-priority, preemptive scheduling policies for realtime applications. Under the timesharing scheduling policy, process priorities are automatically adjusted by the scheduler. Under the fixed-priority scheduling policies (round-robin and first-in, first-out), the scheduler will never automatically change the priority of a process. Instead, the application designer determines when it is appropriate for a process to change priorities.

The realtime interface provides a number of functions to allow the realtime application designer to control process execution. In addition, realtime scheduling policies are attached to individual processes, giving the application designer control over individual processes.

POSIX scheduling policies have overlapping priority ranges: The highest priority range is reserved for realtime applications, the middle priority range is used by the operating system, and the lowest priority range is used for nonprivileged user processes. Realtime priority ranges loosely map to the nice priority range, but provide a wider range of priorities for a realtime process. Figure 2-4 illustrates the priority ranges for both the nice and realtime scheduling interfaces.

Not all realtime processes need to run in the realtime priority range. When using the realtime interface, each process begins execution under the timesharing scheduling policy with an associated timesharing priority. The application designer determines which processes are time-critical and under what circumstances processes should run at an elevated priority level. The application designer calls P1003.1b functions to set the appropriate priority and scheduling policy.

Under the first-in first-out (SCHED_FIFO) scheduling policy, a running process continues to execute if there are no other higher-priority processes. The user can raise the priority of a running process to avoid its being preempted by another process. Therefore, a high-priority, realtime process running under the first-in first-out scheduling policy can use system resources as long as necessary to finish realtime tasks.

Under the round-robin (SCHED_RR) scheduling policy, the highest-priority process runs until either its allotted time (quantum) is complete or the process is preempted by another, higher-priority process. When a process reaches the end of its quantum, it takes its place at the end of the run queue for processes that have the same priority. Processes at that priority continue to execute as long as the waiting processes are lower-priority. Therefore, high-priority processes running under the round-robin scheduling policy can share the processor with other time-critical processes.

When a process raises its priority and preempts a running process, the scheduler saves the runtime context of the preempted process so that context can be restored once the process is allowed to run again. The preempted process remains in a runnable state even though it was preempted.

For information on using priority and scheduling policy functions, refer to Chapter 2.

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1.2.3    Realtime Clocks and Timers

Realtime timers often schedule tasks and events in time increments considerably smaller than the traditional one-second timeframe. Because the system clock and realtime timers use seconds and nanoseconds as the basis for time intervals, the resolution for the system clock, realtime timers, and the nanosleep function has a fine granularity. For example, in a robotic data acquisition application, information retrieval and recalculation operations may need to be completed within a 4-millisecond timeframe. Timers are created to fire every 4 milliseconds to trigger the collection of another round of data. On expiration, a timer sends a signal to the calling process.

Realtime timers must be flexible enough to allow the application to set timers based on either absolute or relative time. Furthermore, timers must be able to fire as a one-shot or periodic timer. The application creates timers in advance, but specifies timer characteristics when the timer is set.

Realtime applications use timers to coordinate and monitor the correctness of a realtime application. Some applications may require only one per-process timer; others may require multiple timers. Each timer is created and armed independently, which means that the application designer controls the action of each timer.

The DIGITAL UNIX system clock provides the timing base for realtime per-process timers, and is the source for timer synchronization. This clock maintains user and system time as well as the current time and date. An option is also available for using a high-resolution clock (see Section 6.1.5).

Clock and timer functions allow you to retrieve and set the system clock, suspend execution for a period of time, provide high-resolution timers, and use asynchronous signal and realtime signal notification.

For information on using clock and timer functions, refer to Chapter 6.

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1.2.4    Memory Locking

Memory locking is one of the primary tools available to the DIGITAL UNIX realtime application designer for reducing latency. Without locking time-critical processes into memory, the latency caused by paging would introduce involuntary and unpredictable time delays at runtime.

A realtime application needs a mechanism for guaranteeing that time-critical processes are locked into memory and not subjected to memory management appropriate only for timesharing applications. (In a virtual memory system, a process may have part of its address space paged in and out of memory in response to system demands for critical space.)

The P1003.1b memory-locking functions allow the application designer to lock process address space into memory. The application can lock in not only the current address space, but also any future address space the process may use during execution.

For information on using memory-locking functions, refer to Chapter 4.

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1.2.5    Asynchronous I/O

DIGITAL UNIX asynchronous I/O allows the calling process to resume execution immediately after an I/O operation is queued, in contrast to synchronous I/O. Asynchronous I/O is desirable in many different applications ranging from graphics and file servers to dedicated realtime data acquisition and control systems. The process immediately continues execution, thus overlapping operations.

Often, one process simultaneously performs multiple I/O functions while other processes continue execution. For example, an application may need to gather large quantities of data from multiple channels within a short, bounded period of time. In such a situation, blocking I/O may work at cross purposes with application timing constraints. Asynchronous I/O performs nonblocking I/O, allowing simultaneous reads and writes, which frees processes for additional processing.

Notification of asynchronous I/O completion is optional and can be done without the overhead of calling signal functions by using the aiocb data structure, providing faster interprocess communication.

For information on using asynchronous I/O functions, refer to Chapter 7.

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1.2.6    Synchronized I/O

Synchronized I/O may be preferable to asynchronous I/O when the integrity of data and files is critical to an application. Synchronized output assures that data that is written to a device is actually stored there. Synchronized input assures that data that is read from a device is a current image of data on that device. For both synchronized input and output, the function does not return until the operation is complete and verified.

Synchronized I/O offers two separate options:

For information on using synchronized I/O features, refer to Chapter 8.

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1.2.7    Realtime Interprocess Communication

Interprocess communication (IPC) is the exchange of information between two or more processes. In single-process programming, modules within a single process communicate by using global variables and function calls with data passing between the functions and the callers. In multiprocess programming with images running in separate address space, you need to use additional communication mechanisms for passing data.

DIGITAL UNIX interprocess communication facilities allow the realtime application designer to synchronize independently executing processes by passing data within an application. Processes can pursue their own tasks until they must synchronize with other processes at some predetermined point. When they reach that point, they wait for some form of communication to occur. Interprocess communication can take any of the following forms:

Some forms of interprocess communication are traditionally supplied by the operating system and some are specifically modified for use in realtime functions. All allow a user-level or kernel-level process to communicate with a user-level process. Interprocess communication facilities are used to notify processes that an event has occurred or to trigger the process to respond to an application-defined occurrence. Such occurrences can be asynchronous I/O completion, timer expiration, data arrival, or some other user-defined event.

To provide rapid signal communication on timer expiration and asynchronous I/O completion, these functions send signals through a common data structure. It is not necessary to call signal functions.

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1.3    Process Synchronization

Use of synchronization techniques and restricting access to resources can ensure that critical and noncritical tasks execute at appropriate times with the necessary resources available. Concurrently executing processes require special mechanisms to coordinate their interactions with other processes and their access to shared resources. In addition, processes may need to execute at specified intervals.

Realtime applications synchronize process execution through the following techniques:

The basic mechanism of process synchronization is waiting. A process must synchronize its actions with the arrival of an absolute or relative time, or until a set of conditions is satisfied. Waiting is necessary when one process requires another process to complete a certain action, such as releasing a shared system resource, or allowing a specified amount of time to elapse, before processing can continue.

The point at which the continued execution of a process depends on the state of certain conditions is called a synchronization point. Synchronization points represent intersections in the execution paths of otherwise independent processes, where the actions of one process depend on the actions of another process.

The application designer identifies synchronization points between processes and selects the functions best suited to implement the required synchronization.

The application designer identifies resources such as message queues and shared memory that the application will use. Failure to control access to critical resources can result in performance bottlenecks or inconsistent data. For example, the transaction processing application of a national ticket agency must be prepared to process purchases simultaneously from sites around the country. Ticket sales are transactions recorded in a central database. Each transaction must be completed as either rejected or confirmed before the application performs further updates to the database. The application performs the following synchronization operations:

Processes compete for access to the database. In doing so, some processes must wait for either confirmation or rejection of a transaction.

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1.3.1    Waiting for a Specified Period of Time or an Absolute Time

A process can postpone execution for a specified period of time or until a specified time and date. This synchronization technique allows processes to work periodically and to carry out tasks on a regular basis. To postpone execution for a specified period of time, use one of these methods:

The sleep function has a granularity of seconds while the nanosleep function uses nanoseconds. The granularity of the nanosleep function may make it more suitable for realtime applications. For example, a vehicle simulator application may rely on retrieval and recalculation operations that are completed every 5 milliseconds. The application requires a number of per-process timers armed with repetition intervals that allow the application to retrieve and process information within the 5-millisecond deadline.

Realtime clocks and timers allow an application to synchronize and coordinate activities according to a predefined schedule. Such a schedule might require repeated execution of one or more processes at specific time intervals or only once. A timer is set (armed) by specifying an initial start time value and an interval time value. Realtime timing facilities provide applications with the ability to use relative or absolute time and to schedule events on a one-shot or periodic basis.

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1.3.2    Waiting for Semaphores

The semaphore allows a process to synchronize its access to a resource shared with other processes, most commonly, shared memory. A semaphore is a kernel data structure shared by two or more processes that controls metered access to the shared resource. Metered access means that up to a specified number of processes can access the resource simultaneously. Metered access is achieved through the use of counting semaphores.

The semaphore takes its name from the signaling system railroads developed to prevent more than one train from using the same length of track, a technique that enforces exclusive access to the shared resource of the railroad track. A train waiting to enter the protected section of track waits until the semaphore shows that the track is clear, at which time the train enters the track and sets the semaphore to show that the track is in use. Another train approaching the protected track while the first train is using it waits for the signal to show that the track is clear. When the first train leaves the shared section of track, it resets the semaphore to show that the track is clear.

The semaphore protection scheme works only if all the trains using the shared resource cooperate by waiting for the semaphore when the track is busy and resetting the semaphore when they have finished using the track. If a train enters a track marked busy without waiting for the signal that it is clear, a collision can occur. Conversely, if a train exiting the track fails to signal that the track is clear, other trains will think the track is in use and refrain from using it.

The same is true for processes synchronizing their actions through the use of semaphores and shared memory. To gain access to the resource protected by the semaphore, cooperating processes must lock and unlock the semaphore. A calling process must check the state of the semaphore before performing a task. If the semaphore is locked, the process is blocked and waits for the semaphore to become unlocked. Semaphores restrict access to a shared resource by allowing access to only one process at a time.

An application can protect the following resources with semaphores:

For information on using shared memory and semaphores, refer to Chapter 3 and Chapter 9.

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1.3.3    Waiting for Communication

Typically, communication between processes is used to trigger process execution so the flow of execution follows the logical flow of the application design. As the application designer maps out the program algorithm, dependencies are identified for each step in the program. Information concerning the status of each dependency is communicated to the relevant processes so that appropriate action can be taken. Processes synchronize their execution by waiting for something to happen; that is, by waiting for communication that an event occurred or a task was completed. The meaning and purpose of the communication are established by the application designer.

Interprocess communication facilitates application control over the following:

Section 1.2.7 introduced the forms of interprocess communication available to the realtime application designer. For further information on using interprocess communication facilities refer to Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 9, and Chapter 10.

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1.3.4    Waiting for Another Process

Waiting for another process means waiting until that process has terminated. For example, a parent process can wait for a child process or thread to terminate. The parent process creates a child process which needs to complete some task before the waiting parent process can continue. In such a situation, the actions of the parent and child processes are sometimes synchronized in the following way:

  1. The parent process creates the child process.

  2. The parent process synchronizes with the child process.

  3. The child process executes until it terminates.

  4. The termination of the child process signals the parent process.

  5. The parent process resumes execution.

The parent process can continue execution in parallel with the child process. However, if child processes are used as a form of process synchronization, the parent process can use other synchronization mechanisms such as signals and semaphores while the child process executes.

For information on using signals, refer to Chapter 5, and for information on using semaphores, refer to Chapter 9.

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1.3.5    Realtime Needs and System Solutions

Table 1-1 summarizes the common realtime needs and the solutions available through P1003.1b functions and the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. The realtime needs in the left column of the table are ordered according to their requirement for fast system performance.

Table 1-1:  Realtime Needs and System Solutions

Realtime Need Realtime System Solution
Change the availability of a process for scheduling Use scheduler functions to set the scheduling policy and priority of the process
Keep critical code or data highly accessible Use memory locking functions to lock the process address space into memory
Perform an operation while another operation is in progress Create a child process or separate thread, or use asynchronous I/O
Perform higher throughput or special purpose I/O Use asynchronous I/O
Ensure that data read from a device is actually a current image of data on that device, or that data written to a device is actually stored on that device Use synchronized I/O
Share data between processes Use shared memory, or use memory-mapped files
Synchronize access to resources shared between cooperating processes Use semaphores
Communicate between processes Use messages, semaphores, shared memory, signals, pipes, and named pipes
Synchronize a process with a time schedule Set and arm per-process timers
Synchronize a process with an external event or program Use signals, use semaphores, or cause the process to sleep and to awaken when needed

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1.4    POSIX Standards

The purpose of standards is to enhance the portability of programs and applications; that is, to support creation of code that is independent of the hardware or even the operating system on which the application runs. Standards allow users to move between systems without major retraining. In addition, standards introduce internationalization concepts as part of application portability.

The POSIX standards and draft standards apply to the operating system. For the most part, these standards apply to applications coded in the C language. These standards are not mutually exclusive; the DIGITAL UNIX realtime environment uses a complement of these standards.

POSIX is a set of standards generated and maintained by standards organizations -- they are developed and approved by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) and adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). DIGITAL's POSIX implementations follow the standards and drafts defined by the POSIX standards.

Formal standards to date include POSIX 1003.1 for basic system interfaces, and POSIX 1003.13 for assertions a vendor must test to claim conformance to POSIX 1003.1. Draft standards are not formal standards. They are working documents that will evolve over time into formal standards.

POSIX standards for the programming interface (P1003.1), POSIX threads (P1003.1c), and realtime programming extensions (P1003.1b) are supported by DIGITAL UNIX.

As DIGITAL adds support for evolving and final standards, customers should modify their POSIX applications to conform to the latest version of these standards. Because draft standards are working documents and not formal standards, the level of backward compatibility and formal support for older versions (drafts) will be less than that normally expected from a stable DIGITAL product.

An application that strictly conforms to any combination of these standards can be developed on one system and then ported to another system that supports the same POSIX standards. (A strictly conforming application uses only the facilities within the applicable standards.) Similarly, an application developed on a non-DIGITAL platform, if it strictly conforms to the POSIX standards and drafts supported by DIGITAL systems, can be ported and run on a DIGITAL system on which the POSIX software is installed.

It is the source code of an application that is portable. Most applications written for a POSIX environment use the C programming language. Each system that supports a POSIX environment includes POSIX runtime libraries as well as C runtime libraries. A portable application that requires an executable image must be compiled and linked on a system after being ported. It is important that you compile and link your POSIX applications against the runtime libraries on the system where they will run.

The POSIX standards are based on the UNIX environment. However, POSIX specifies an interface to an operating system, not the operating system itself. Additional information on POSIX standards is contained in the IEEE Standard Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments manuals, published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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1.5    Enabling DIGITAL UNIX Realtime Features

The files that make up the realtime facility are included with the base system software, and are installed when you choose the realtime option during installation. This provides extended features such as realtime and symmetric multiprocessing.


If you install DIGITAL UNIX with the default options, realtime preemption is disabled. See the Installation Guide for complete installation instructions.

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1.6    Building Realtime Applications

To build a DIGITAL UNIX realtime application you must first define the POSIX environment, then compile the application with the appropriate compile command switches. These steps draw POSIX header information and realtime libraries into your code.

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1.6.1    Defining the POSIX Environment

Realtime applications should include the unistd.h header file before any other header files are included in the application. This header file defines the standard macros, for example _POSIX_C_SOURCE, that are required to compile programs containing POSIX 1003.1b functions. If you need to exclude any of the standards definitions provided by the unistd.h header file, you should explicitly define those standards macros in the source file or on the compilation command line.

As a general rule, use specific definitions in your application only if your application must exclude certain definitions related to other unneeded standards, such as XPG3. For example, if you defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE (#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L) in your application, you would get only the definitions for POSIX 1003.1b and other definitions pulled in by that definition, such as POSIX 1003.1.

The following example shows the code you would include as the first line of code in either your local header file or your application code:

#include <unistd.h>

Because the unistd.h header file defines all the standards needed for realtime applications, it is important that this #include is the first line of code in your application.

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1.6.2    Compiling Realtime Applications

You must explicitly load the required realtime runtime libraries when you compile realtime applications. The -l switch forces the linker to include the specified library and the -L switch indicates the search path for the linker to use to locate the libraries. You can specify the shareable realtime library, librt.so, or the nonshareable library, librt.a.

To find the realtime library, the ld linker expands the command specification by replacing the -l with lib and adding the specified library characters and the .a suffix. Since the linker searches default directories in an attempt to locate the realtime archive library, you must specify the pathname if you do not want to use the default.

The following example specifies that the realtime archive library, librt.a, is to be included from the /usr/ccs/lib directory.

# cc -non_shared myprogram.c -L/usr/ccs/lib -lrt

When you compile an application that uses asynchronous I/O, include the threads library on the compile command line. The following example shows the specification required if your application uses asynchronous I/O.

# cc -non_shared myprogram.c -L/usr/ccs/lib -laio -pthread

The realtime library uses the libc.a library. When you compile an application, the libc.a library is automatically pulled into the compilation.

Most drivers allow you to view the passes of the driver program and the libraries being searched by specifying the -v option on the compile command.

If, for some reason, you want to just link your realtime application, you must explicitly include the libc.a library. Since files are processed in the order in which they appear on the link command line, libc.a must appear after librt.a. For example, you would link an application with the realtime library, librt.a, as follows:

# ld -non_shared myprogram.o -L/usr/ccs/lib -lrt -lc

If your application fails to compile, you may need to check your programming environment to make sure that the realtime options are installed on your system. The lack of the realtime software and its function library will cause your program to fail.

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