Computer Science

The First Automatic Totalisator: More Background

This might later contain some more-detailed history but for now is just some links and references.

There is an earlier publication that gives an outline of the 1913 machine at an earlier stage of understanding. It starts with a brief history of the totalisator up to that time. It is at:

The same issue of the Rutherford Journal has another interesting article about Julius's company ATL:

Julius's 1915 patent is available on Google Patents. The photographs of the machine taken in Sydney are from the Power House Museum in Sydney which has the ATL archives. The photographs of the machine at Ellerslie were provided by Brian Conlon who maintains a museum at Eagle Farm race course in Brisbane and who runs a web site devoted to ATL here.

A recent (2010) discovery has been an interview with George Julius about the Ellerslie machine published in the Greymouth Argus and made available in "Papers Past" by the NZ National Library. The interview doesn't change our overall understanding of the machine but does clarify a few points. It is interesting reading and is reproduced here .

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