Computer Science

Computing History Displays: Fifth Floor - Historic Books

We have a collection of computer books, manuals, magazines, and sales-brochures etc. This was started as a private collection of incunablia - material from the 1950s. It has been extended through donations, including material from the library of the Applied Maths Division of the Department of Industrial and Scientific Research that was based at Victoria University. As well as "old" stuff the collection includes more-recent material that could be regarded as significant - we have, for example, a good selection of books and magazines from the early days of personal computers.

Not all of the collection has yet been catalogued. But details of the part that has are here:

Portions of the collection will be put on display from time to time. Currently there are two exhibits - "When Computers Had Names" and "When Computers Were Fun". On-line versions will be available here:


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