Computer Science

Computer Systems: COMPSCI 210 Semester 2, City Campus

This page is no longer maintained. Information on the current offering can be found on Canvas. The Canvas link for this course can be found here.


COMPSCI.101 and COMPSCI 105; seventh form knowledge of maths and physics assumed.


The course aims to give students an understanding of how computer systems work, at the lowest level seen by the programmer, namely the interface between the computer hardware and software.


Topics include: data representation, the development of computer architectures, digital logic circuits, assembly language programming, and an introduction to elementary C syntax.

Text books

Essential Reading:
Introduction to Computing Systems: from bits & gates to C & beyond, (2003, 2nd Edition)
   Authors: Yale Patt & Sanjay Patel
   Publisher: McGraw-Hill
   ISBN-13: 978-0072467505

Recommended Reading:
The Universal Machine: from the dawn of computing to digital consciousness (2012)
   Author: Ian Watson
   Publisher: Springer
   ISBN-13: 978-3-642-28101-3

Practical requirements

In order to pass the paper, you must:

  • Pass the assignment work
  • Pass test and exam combined The pass marks in each part and in total are not going to exceed 50%. If you have not achieved 50% in the assignments you are still advised to sit the exam.


Final Exam 60%; Test 20%; Assignments 20%
The course work consists of two parts: practical work and theory work.

Lecture/Lab Times and Locations

Please check the location and times at Student Services Online.

Cheating policy

Information about what is and isn't permitted in assignments etc. can be found from Academic honesty.


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