Computer Science


CompSci716 S2 T Exam

    All information here is subject to change - please check nDeva regularly
  • Date: TBA
  • Time: TBA - the exam will be in TAMAKI
  • Entry into the lecture theatre at about 15 minutes before the start of the exam; 10 minutes reading time.
When writing an exam you are likely to be under time pressure. My colleague Richard Lobb has compiled some useful advice on how to write an exam.
Note that in most cases the parts of a question are independent, i.e. even if you can't answer the first part you might be able to answer the second part.
The easiest questions are usually at the front and there is almost always one hard questions which only a small percentage of people can answer. Remember to make good use of the time you have, e.g. if you have 2 hours for 100 marks then you should spent about 6 minutes for a 5 mark question.

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