Computer Science

COMPSCI 316: Cyber Security
Semester 2, City Campus

Prerequisites: COMPSCI 210 and COMPSCI 215
Assessments: 30% Assignments, 20% Online Quiz and 50% Final Exam
Lecturers: Rizwan Asghar (Course Coordinator), Nalin Arachchilage, and Aniket Mahanti
Tutors: Ke He and Jinglu Xu

Brief Description

The course introduces various concepts related to software, system, and network security. It covers a range of topics including attacks on privacy and attack surface, static and dynamic analysis of malware, hardware security, network security and some hot topics including blockchain and bitcoin.

Time and Location

  • Tuesday 14:00-15:00 hrs Eng1401/401-401
  • Thursday 14:00-15:00 hrs Eng1401/401-401
  • Friday 14:00-15:00 hrs Eng1401/401-401


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