Multivariate generating functions

Recommended reading

The 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications most relevant to generating functions as an object of study in their own right are in section 05A Enumerative combinatorics, especially 05A15 (exact enumeration problems, generating functions) and 05A16 (asymptotic enumeration). Areas making reasonably heavy use of generating functions are 05 (Combinatorics), 11 (number theory), 33 (special functions), 60 (probability theory and stochastic processes), 68 (computer science), 82 (statistical mechanics). Particularly interesting applications are often found in: analysis of algorithms and data structures (68P05, 68Q25, 68W40); queueing theory (60K25, 68M20, 90B22); analytic number theory (e.g. 11N45); polyominoes (05B50).

Here are some links to MathSciNet searches:

Here is a personally biased and purposely short list of what I consider essential reading. There are many alternative books, some quite well-known, but I have found the ones listed more helpful.

Last updated: 2002-02-12 by Mark Wilson