Computer Science

Intelligent Vision Systems: COMPSCI 773 Semester 1, City Campus

This course introduces computational methods and techniques for computer vision, extended towards real-world problems such as vision-guided robotics based on 3D scene description. The students will interact with 3D vision equipments based in the city campus 3D vision lab. A particular feature of the course work is the emphasis on complete system design. This year the emphasys will be on the integration of 3d vision on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (quadcopter) with tentative field demos towards the end of the semester.

Recommended preparation

COMPSCI 373 and 15 points at Stage II Mathematics
Students should have active knowledge of C/C++/C# programming.


60% assignments, 40% exam


Associate Professor Patrice Delmas

Required Texts

The lecture notes on the course website cover the full extent of the lecturing material.


The course has a strong practical component and involves individual as well as group research reports (assignments) and project demonstration.

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