Computer Science

Assignments: Projects : COMPSCI 705 - SOFTENG 702

The project 30% component of the course is an group project. Deadlines are announced on the course webpage assignment page of the course webpage. Please take all further announcements and advice during the course of the project into consideration.

Project interim deliverables

This is 5% towards the final grade - assessed as groupwork (i.e. one hand-in per group). Use the same document format as for the seminar reports. Length 2-3 pages depending on the number of pictures.
For software projects
Intermediate planning document
For evalution/usability testing projects
Evaluation/Usability Test Draft Plan

Project final deliverables:

15% group (G) mark for the 'deliverable' and 5% individual(I) mark for your report. It's expected that the precise nature of your group deliverable will vary considerably depending on the nature of the project. In all cases your deliverable should include a document describing the deliverable and a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes; there may also be one or more other supplementary files (e.g. source code).

As a guide...

For software projects
1. The software artifacts: 14% towards the final grade, the assessment will take consistency of work on the project into account, and may include a review of log files concerning work on the project.(G)
2. Video of the usage of the tool: 1% towards the final grade.(G)
3. Report on the project: 5%.(I)
For evalution/usability testing projects
1. Evidence of thorough evaluation/usability testing, including full plan, recorded tests, full analysis of results: 11% towards the final grade, the assessment will take consistency of work on the project into account, and may include a review of log files concerning work on the project.(G)
2. Video of identified usablity issues: 4% towards the final grade.(G)
3. Report on the project: 5% towards the final grade(I)


Note the presentation mark is individual(I) - therefore you must all participate approximately equally.

Presentations represent 5% of the final grade
15 minutes max + 5 minutes for questions.

Peer Review

As this is groupwork, you will be asked to report on your own and partners' performance. In cases where there has clearly been uneven effort your grades may be adjusted.

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