Computer Science

COMPSCI 372 S2 C Mid-term test & Exam

This web page has been last updated on the 30th September 2008

COMPSCI 372 S2 C Mid-Term Test

  • Sample solution: 372S2C_2008_Test_v1_SampleSolution.pdf and list of answers for all four versions: CS372TestSampleSolutions.xls
  • You can pick up a copy of your answer sheet from Stefan (our tutor) during his office hours.
  • Remarks:
    I would rate the test as having a medium difficulty and average length. Since it was a multiple choice test no writing was required, but many of the questions required quite a bit of thinking before starting writing.
    Overall the results are pretty much as you would expect, except that it's skewed too much to the lower end. I would have expected that most people can get about 30 marks: about 20 marks for the basic OpenGL, geometry and memorisation questions, and about 10 marks by using "informed guesses" for the more difficult questions.
  • Here is the distribution of marks:

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