Three-Dimensional Data from Images

Reinhard Klette, Karsten Schlüns, and Andreas Koschan

Springer Singapore, 1998

ISBN 981-3083-71-9


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    1-CCD camera 69


    3-CCD camera 69
    3D model 367
    3D profile 360
    3D rotation matrix 51, 59, 65
    3D scanner 348
    3D translation vector 51, 59


    active color stereo analysis 370
    ADC 74
    ADJUST 15
    albedo 236
    albedo dependent 302, 310, 331
    albedo independent 302, 326, 335
    algorithm representation 15, 38
    analog/digital converter 74
    analytical reflection mode 248
      incident angle 237
      emergent angle 237
      emittance angle 237
      phase angle 237
    angle criterion 138
    anisotropic 237
    antiderivative 84, 127
    aperture problem (motion analysis) 180
    apparent contour 89
    approximation 130
    approximation of surfaces 39
    area-based stereo 145
    arithmetic mean 35
    azimuthal projection 118


    backprojection 99
    base distance 30, 131
    base line 131, 134
    beam-splitter prism 71
    Beckmann-Spizzichino model 250
    bidirectional reflectance-distribution function 232
    binary encoded light stripe projection 363
    binary image 12
    binocular image acquisition 5, 29, 129
    bit-plane stack 363
    black level 77
    block-matching method 146, 155
    blooming 74
    body reflection 253
    body reflection color 253
    bootstrap problem 142
    BRDF, see bidirectional reflectance-distribution function
    brightness constraint 280


    calculus of variations 285
      see direct linear transformation
      see Tsai calibration
    calibration marks 53
    calibration object 48, 53, 54, 63, 207, 246, 357
    calibration points 53
    calibration technique 53, 62
      CCD camera 6, 33, 62
      camera centered coordinate system 44, 
            51, 57, 58
      camera constant 48, 50
      camera coordinate system 48
      camera coordinates 43
      camera geometry 43
      camera modeling 130
      camera rotation 189
    capture of image data, see image acquisition
    CCD 68
    camera 6, 33, 62
    central projection 30, 44, 49, 100, 106, 132, 182, 185, 220
    centroid 53
    characteristic curve 273
    charge coupled device, see CCD
    clipping 73
    collinear 31
    collineation 46
    color 12
    color cube 13
    color difference 156
    color distance 156
    color encoded light stripe projection 367
    color gradients 166
    color histogram 255
    color image 12
    color image model 39
    color image stereo analysis 155
    color signal 72
    color-signal plane 255
    color stereo image 33
    color stripe filter 70, 71
    compatibility assumption for features 140
    compatibility assumption for intensity values 138
    compatibility constraint 136
    complementary color mosaic filter 71
    concave orientation edge 123
    concave-convex conflict 304, 305, 314
    conic section 243, 310, 332
    conservative vector field 84, 319
    constrained search space (turntable) 212
    constraint 10
    constraint combination 284
    continuity assumption for disparities 139
    continuity assumption for disparities along the edges 140
    continuity constraint 136, 139
    continuous function 82, 127
    continuous illumination 370
    continuous surface functions 83
    contour plot 115, 243
    contrasting illumination 370
    convex orientation edge 123
    convolution 25
    convolution operation 24
    coordinate system
      , image centered coordinate system 44, 45, 51, 57, 58
    coordinates ideal image43
    coordinates spherical 233
    coordinates stereographic 238, 241, 280, 286
    coordinates undistorted image 58
    coplanarity 123
    correspondence analysis 130, 207
    correspondence problem 33, 135
    corresponding points 31, 209
      assigning 135
    cross product 122
    cumulative dissimilarity functional 152
    curved surface 83
    cyclopean separation 143
    cylindrical lens 356


    dark current 77
    depth map 95, 97, 105
    determination equations 185
    dichromatic plane 255
    dichromatic reflection model 252
    difference quotient 90
    differential quotient 90
    diffuse reflection component 248
    direct linear transformation 53, 54, 63
    direction angle 22
    directional derivative 87
    discrete iteration scheme 196
    disparity 31
    disparity map 31, 33, 36
    disparity candidate multi-interval 162
    disparity gradient 143
    disparity gradient limit 144, 136
    disparity histogram, global 161
    disparity histogram, local 162
    disparity limit 136, 142, 152
    disparity smoothness constraint 139
    displacement parameters 185
    dissimilarity measure 35
    distance error 110
    DLT, see direct linear transformation
    dot notation 85
    DRM, see dichromatic reflection model
    dual point 122
    dual straight line 121, 244, 327
    dynamic programming 153, 172
    dynamic range 73, 
    dynamic stereo analysis 130, 180


    edge detection 19, 38
      , gray value 20
      , highlight 141
      , illumination 141
      , image value 20
      , object 2, 141
      , occlusion 141
    edge  operator 37
      , orientation 141
      , reflectance 141
      , shadow 141
    effective focal length 29, 48, 50, 55, 58
    emergent angle 237
    emittance angle 237
    empirical reflectance map 248
    empirical reflection model 246
    epipolar constraint 136, 137
    epipolar geometry 134
    epipolar line 135, 137
    epipolar epipolar plane 134, 135
    epipolar epipolar profile 151
    epipole 134
    error  function 67
      , sum of angular 205
      , sum of relative 205
    expected value 35
    extrinsic parameters 52


    f-stop 74
    face 2
    facet 82, 100, 124, 182
    fast Fourier transform 113, 114, 116, 125
    feature compatibility constraint 140
    feature extraction 130
    feature-based correspondence analysis 159
    feature-based stereo 159
    FFT, see fast Fourier transform
    field of local displacement vectors 177
    figural continuity constraint 136, 140
    focal length 9, 50
      see also effective focal length
    focal point 29
    focal separation 33
    forward differences 202
      see also fast Fourier transform
    Fourier  coefficient 110
    Fourier  expansion 110
    Fourier  function 110
    frame grabber 51, 62
    frame transfer sensor 68
    Frankot-Chellappa algorithm 109
    Fresnel term 250
    functional determinant 190
    functional representation 81


    gamma correction 76
    gamma recorrection 259
    gamma value 76
    Gauss filter 167
    Gaussian coordinates 92
    Gaussian curvature 118
    Gaussian hemisphere 92, 307
    Gaussian lens formula 49
    Gaussian sphere 92, 103, 118, 190, 266
    Gaussian general reflectance map 275
    general shape reconstruction problem 95
    general shape recovery problem 95
    generalized cylinder 270
    geometric similarity constraint 136, 138
    geometrical attenuation 250
    geometrical optics 249
    geometry of scene objects 124
    geometry of stereo analysis 172
    global integration method 109
    global minimization approach 280
    gnomonic projection 118, 241
    gonio-reflectometer 236
    gradient 20, 67, 87
    gradient map 95, 98, 105, 115
    gradient space 117, 124, 238
    gradient vector 20
    Gray code 363
    gray tone 13
    gray value 12
      see also image irradiance
    gray value relief 20
    great circle 92
    GretagMacbeth ColorChecker 16, 17, 77, 255
    ground truth 97


    halfway-vector 251
    height map 95, 97, 105
    Homogeneous coordinates 45
    Horn-Schunck algorithm 198
    Horn-Schunck constraint 193
    Horn-Schunck method 193, 222
    HSI model 14, 72
    human visual system 172
    hybrid reflection 248


    ideal image coordinates 43
    ideal lens 49
    illuminance 228
    illumination direction 237
      calculation 340
    illumination gradient 239
    image 6, 12, 44
    image buffer (coordinates) 51, 58
    image center 52, 63
    image-centered coordinate system 44, 45, 51, 57, 58
    image-centered projection 185
    image formation 258
    image irradiance 228, 229, 232, 233, 260
    image irradiance equation 258, 266
    image plane 6, 29
    image point 12, 44
    image processing 1, 38
    image resolution 12
    image segmentation 16
    image sequence 178
    image size 12
    image stitching 17
    image transformation 38
    image value 6
    image value function 20
      , digital 12
      , gray value 12
    image pixel 62
    image width 49
    image acquisition 43, 130
      , active 5
      , binocular 5, 29, 129
      , dynamic 2
      , monocular 5
      , polyocular 5
    incident angle 237
    indefinite integral 84
    inhomogeneous coordinates 45
    inhomogeneous dielectric 252
    inner vector product 121
    integrability condition 83, 127
    integrability constraint 110, 283, 318
    integration 95
    integration path 85, 128
    intensity 14
    intensity gradient constraint 284
    intensity-based correspondence analysis 146
    intercept 82
    interface reflection 253
    interline transfer sensor 68
    internal scattering 249
    interreflections 256
    intrinsic parameters 52
    inverse square law 231
    inverse photometric stereo method 341
    irradiance constraint 280
    irradiance gradient constraint 284
    irradiance pair 307
    irradiance triplet 331
      see also image irradiance
    isoirradiance curve 244
    isoradiance curve 244
    isotropic 237


    Jacobian determinant 190


    laboratory set-up 4
      see also image acquisition
    Lambertian reflectance map 240
    Lambertian reflector 234
    Lambertian surface 4, 236
    Lambertian texture 115
    Lambert's cosine law 235, 249, 266
    Laplace derivation 22
    Laplace operator 287
    Laplacian 22
    Laplacian-of-Gaussian 24
    laser range finder 6
      see also 3D scanner
    law of reciprocity 231
    LCD-projector 367
    length criterion 139
    light spot projection 349
    light spot stereo analysis 353
    light stripe projection 355
    linear reflectance map 238, 271, 308
    linear surface patch 82
    linear transformation 46
    linearity assumption 90
    local difference operation 199
    local displacement field 179
    local displacement vector 179
    local integration technique 109
    local shape from shading 293
    local velocity vector 179
    LoG filter 24
    LoG operator 40, 161
    look-up table 334
    luminance 228
    luminous emittance 228
    luminous energy 228
    luminous exitance 228
    luminous flux 228
    luminous intensity 228
    luminous power 228


    Macbeth ColorChecker, see GretagMacbeth ColorChecker
    master black control 77
    matching corresponding points 135
    mean 35
    mean square error 148
    measured image irradiance 258, 263
    median operator 150
    Mexican hat 24
    minimization problem 197
    mobile robots 173
    Moore-Penrose inverse 55, 64
      , 3D 177
      , absolute 178
      , relative 178
      vector 146
    moving light displays 177, 223
    MSE, see mean square error
    mutual illuminations 256


    National Television System Committee 76
    needle map 102, 115, 291, 297, 319, 324
    negative solution 315
    neutral interface reflection model 254
    NIRM, see neutral interface reflection model
    normal 87
    normal distribution 24
    normal vector 21
    NTSC, see National Television System Committee


      , 2.5-D  9
      , 3D 8
    object edge 2
    object face 2
    object in 3D Euclidean space 8
    object surface 2, 39, 81
    object tracking 11, 222
    object width 49
    occluding boundary 89, 141, 182, 218, 291
    occlusion edge 89
    optical axis 29
    optical center 29
    optical-lens camera model 48
      mapping 6
    optical flow 190
      , image value fidelity of the 192
      , motion fidelity of the 193
      , representation of 203
      , smoothness of 195
      technique 11, 222
    optimal difference recursive filter 37
    optimization problem 110
    ordering constraint 136, 144, 145, 151
    orientation 87
    orientation edge 89, 123
    orthogonal (parallel) projection, see parallel projection
    orthogonal matrix 189
    orthogonal vectors 121
    orthogonality 121
    orthographic projection, see parallel projection
    outer vector product 122


    PAL, see phase alternation line
    pan angle 52
    parallax 31
    parallel implementation 174
    partial derivatives 67
    pattern analysis 1, 2, 4, 38
    perfectly diffuse 234
    perspective projection 44, 57
    phase alternation line 76
    phase angle 237
    phase shift 366
    Phong model 251
    photogrammetry 129
    photometric calibration 75, 259
    photometric compatibility constraint 136, 145
    photometric compatibility constraint, 
    photometric differential 138
    photometric quanti-ties 228
    photometric sensor model 71
    photometric stereo 3, 5, 301
    photometric stereo analysis, see photometric stereo
    photometric stereo method, see photometric stereo
    physical optics 249
    pinhole camera 29, 44, 48
    pixel 12
    plane 88
      , slope 82
      , slope-intercept equation 82, 88
    plane at infinity 45
      , visible 96
    point-based differential techniques 206
    point at infinity 45, 47
    polar projection 118
    polyhedral scene object 101
    polyhedral world 101
    polyhedron 82
    position vector 6
    positive solution 315
    pre-knee-circuit 73
    primary color mosaic filter 69
    primary colors 13
    principal point 51, 52, 58, 63, 68
      , ill-posed 7
      , well-posed 7
    profile 89
    projection 44, 47, 108, 127, 179, 188, 218, 237, 259
      see also central projection
      see also parallel projection
    projection center 30, 45, 47
    projection equation 44, 45, 59, 46, 47
    projection optics 6
    projection plane 45
    projection points 45
    projection space 45
    propagation method 271
    PSM, see photometric stereo


    quadratic variation 22
    quantization 12


    radial lens distortions 59
    radiance 228, 230, 231, 233
    radiant emittance 228, 229, 234
    radiant energy 228, 229
    radiant exitance 228, 229
    radiant flux 228, 229
    radiant intensity 228, 229, 231
    radiant power 228, 229, 230
    radiation 228
    radiometric quantities 228
    radiosity 231
    range data analysis 2
    range image 97
    range scanner, see 3D scanner
    ray 225
    ray of projection 95
    ray theorem 9, 44, 59, 182
    re-correction 76
    reconstruction of object surfaces 1
    recovery of object shapes 1
    rectangle 179
    rectification 134, 138
    reflectance map 237
    reflected radiance 230, 234
      see also radiance
    reflection anisotropic 237
    reflection isotropic 237
    reflection component 248
    reflection hybrid reflection 248
    reflection model 227
      Dichromatic reflection model 252
      Beckmann-Spizzichino reflection model 250
      Phong reflection model 251
      Torrance-Sparrow reflection model 250
    registration 95
    regularization 281
    relief, gray value 20
    RGB model 12, 156
    right circular cone 266, 312
    rigid object 7, 81, 177
    rim 89, 218
    robotics 173
    roll 56
    roll angle 52
    rotation 131
    rotation matrix 189, 208, 214
    rotation parameters 188
    rotationally symmetric reflectance map 275
    rotationally symmetric Lambertian reflectance map 241, 268
    roughness 250
    ruled surface 305


    sampling theorem 25
    saturation 14, 74
    scalar disparity 31
    scalar product 121
    scaling factor 65
    scan algorithm 109
    scene 5, 44
      , dynamic 2
      , geometric resolution in the 9
      , indoor 2
      , outdoor 2
    scen analysis 2, 38
    scene objects, geometry of 39
    scene space 6
    scene value 6
    scene point 44
    scene radiance 230, 254, 260
    Schwarz function 126
    search window 146
    SECAM, see sequentiel couleur a memoire
    self-shadow 244
    self-shadow line 244
      , interline transfer 68
      , frame transfer 68
    sensor characteristics 43
    sensor coordinates 58, 61
    sensor elements 62
    sensor model 68
    sequentiel couleur a memoire 76
      , compact 8
    set simply-connected 8, 83
    SFS, see shape from shading
    shape 7
    shape from focus 5
    shape from motion 5, 11, 222
    shape from occluding boundaries 5, 223
      volume based approach 221
    shape from texture 11
    shape reconstruction 2
    shape recovery 1, 129
    shape from shadows 11
    shape from shading 11, 263
      classification 267
      limitations 302
      , local shape from shading 293
      , global minimization 280
      , propagation 271
    Shirai algorithm 33, 40, 140, 142
    silhouette 89
      function 41
      measure 35, 145, 151
    slant 21, 56, 92, 103, 113, 118
    smoothing 24
    smoothness constraint 110, 281, 292
    smoothness error 195
    Sobel operator 23
    solid angle 229
    spatial resolution 9
    spectral power distribution 71
    spectral reflectance factor 71, 77
    spectral reflection component 249
    spectral response curve 71
    spectral sensitivity 71
    specular lobe 250
    specular spike 250
    sphere 2, 91, 98
    spherical coordinates 233
    spherical lune 93
    square error 35
    ssg, see standard stereo geometry
    staircase example 109
    standard deviation 24
    standard stereo geometry 30, 31, 40, 130, 133, 175
    static light pattern projection 362
    static scene 2
    static stereo analysis 29, 129, 353
    stereo pipeline 130
    steradiant 94
      , area-based 145
    stereo color image 36
    stereo vision 129
    stereographic coordinates 238, 241, 280, 286
    stereographic projection 118
    stereopsis 129
    structured lighting 5, 347
    subpixel accuracy 160
    surface 2, 39
      , Lambertian 4
    surface curvature 118
    surface function 112
    surface gradient 260
    surface patches 10
    surface point 8
    surface reconstruction 2
    surface representation 125
      , floating horizon 115
      , grid 115
      , shaded 115
    surface roughness 251
    symmetry plane 312


    tangent plane 86
    Taylor expansion 90, 193
    texture 4
    three source photometric stereo 331
    tilt 56, 92, 103, 118
    tilt angle 52
    topology of 3D objects 39
    Torrance-Sparrow model 250
    translation vector 208
    triangulation 130, 133, 207, 349
    trinocular stereo analysis 169, 170
    tristimulus values 13
    Tsai calibration 62
    turntable 207, 214, 218
    two source photometric stereo 307


    undistorted image coordinates 58
    uniqueness assumption 136, 138
    unit (surface) normal 87, 92, 118, 238
    unit (surface) normal constraint 284


    valid (distorted) image coordinates 58
    vanishing plane 45
    variance 24, 35
    variation calculus 196
    vector field 84, 128
    vector product 122, 182
    velocity 183
    velocity space 194
    viewer direction 237
    vignetting 259
    visible, entirely from outside, 8
      , active 191
      , animate 191
    visual sensor 2
    visualizations of object surfaces 125


    weighted moments 53
    weighting parameter 196
    white balance 78
    white level 74
    world coordinate system 48, 58
    world coordinates 43, 51, 209


    Ye-Cy-Mg-G color mosaic filter 71


    zero crossing 23, 28
    vector 161
    zero-irradiance 307

    CITR: last update: 21 April 1998