Example Programs

Some simple programs that demonstrate how to use python-libtrace.


Source Code

Python source code for all these example programs is supplied in the distribution's doc/examples directory, together with a few example trace files that they read.  
Click on the links below to reach the sources.

Python support code for the example programs

A collection of handy functions used in these example programs for things like opening trace files and displaying the contents of python-libtrace objects.

Programs that read and display trace files

Demonstrate libtrace's protocol header decodes.

Demonstrates packet-level attributes, e.g. ethertype and times.

Demonstrates decoding of packets as a series of protocol layers,
and looking at the data in each layer.

Reads a trace file, changes 'source' and 'target' IP addresses in ARP records.
Demonstrates using class set methods to change  fields within a Packet

Programs that decapsulate parts of a packet

Creates new objects from various parts of IPv4/IPv6 packets, and compares those with their original forms.

Programs that write trace files

Copies the first n records from one trace to another

Reads a trace file, changes 'source' and 'target' IP addresses in ARP records.
Demonstrates using class set methods to change  fields within a Packet

Looks through a trace for UDP records with source or destination port
53, i.e. DNS records.  Displays their UDP and UDP payload data.

Same as sw-filter.py, but uses a bpf filter 'udp port 53'.   Also demonstrates how to get and print libtrace errors.

Same as bpf-filter.py, but demonstrates how to catch plt_exc_libtrace exceptions, and how to change a Trace's bpf filter part-way through the trace. Also demonstrates working with the payload from UDP and TCP packets.

Nevil Brownlee
Thu, 15 Mar 14 (PDT)