#+TITLE: Simple instructions for running GBFHS #+AUTHOR: Mike Barley #+EMAIL: barley@cs.auckland.ac.nz * Introduction These instructions are a work in progress. They should allow you to re-create the experiments that were reported in "GBFHS: A Generalized Breadth-First Heuristic Search Algorithm" in SoCS 2018. Hopefully, going through the bsharp-june-19-2018/scripts directory will give a reasonable idea of how to run other experiments. ** Contents - There is an archive bsharp-june-19.tar that contain all the files needed to generate and run GBFHS. - There is a configuration file tarball-socs-2018-pancake10.conf which will generate and run the experiments described in the 2018 SoCS paper. ** Running the experiments The scripts run on linux boxes, but have not been tried on any other platform. - Unarchive the archive file, which will create a directory bsharp-june-19-2018. - In that directory, execute the command line statement: ./scripts/run-experiment.sh --conf tarball-socs-2018-pancake10.conf - That will generate and run the experiments which will produce a directory "results" and number of subdirectories and files. The files you will want to look at are in the subdirectory: results/pancake10/tarball-test-pancake10/Jan11/ There are a lot of result files there and hopefully the format of the contents of the files is obvious. If not, please send me any questions you have and I will try to find the answers for you.