How to make your entry for


The People file contains the information we hold about you and publish in handbooks and similar documents. It is not any sort of official document, but we like to get it right.

Therefore, each year as the new handbooks are slowly brought into being, you should receive an electronic mail message including your current record in the People file, and a request to change it if necessary to bring it up to date. I try to incorporate changes through the year if they come to my notice, but don't guarantee to catch them all, and some just don't come my way. New members of the department will probably receive an emptyish record, and are asked to fill it in from scratch - it might help you to look at the lists in the current Graduate Handbook to see what sort of information people give. The information appears in the sections for General Staff, and Academic Staff Profiles.

The format of the file is the sort-of-standard mark-up form we shall perhaps use for our information files if I ever get round to it, in which a curious symbol precedes some information. It should be fairly self-explanatory, but the notes below might help to clarify some details.

In accord with my egalitarian spirit, everyone gets ( or, at least, starts off with ) the same form, so you all have an opportunity to tell us about your publications, interests, etc. The general rule is that if you don't think an item is relevant to you, then you ignore it; use your judgment. Please remember, though, that the intention is to help people who read the handbook, so if you have special abilities, background, or experience which you think might be useful ( and which you are willing to have used ), do include it in your return.

Here's the list of items.

|!|name!|Your name, as you wish it to be used. If it contains any accented or unusual characters which won't easily go through the e-mail, send me a printed copy.
|!|style!|Academic qualification - Dr, Professor, etc. You don't have a style field if I don't think you have that sort of qualification or if I've missed you out somehow. Put one in if you should have one. ( If you wish, and are entitled, to be addressed as Sir, Lord, HRH, etc., put that in the name field. )
|!|sort!| What we use to sort you into alphabetical order. ( Listed for completeness; it's in the file, but you shouldn't see it. )
|!|identifier!|A convenient abbreviation of your name which we use to store any files about you. ( Listed for completeness; it's in the file, but you shouldn't see it. )
|!|group!|Academic, admin, or technical.
|!|email!|Your preferred e-mail address. The suffix "" is assumed unless otherwise specified.
|!|room!|Your room number - <building>.<number>. ( City building = 303; Tamaki building = 731; 70 Symonds Street = 439. If you live anywhere else, look at the map at the back of the Calendar. )
|!|phone!|Your telephone number - assumed to be the university extension number, but we'll print whatever you offer.
|!|www!|The URL for your World-Wide Web home page. The easy way is to open your home page, then copy the URL from the web browser and paste it into your mail reply. Leave it blank if you don't have a web page, or you're exceedingly shy.
|!|publications!|A list of up to four publications which are relevant to your connection with the department. If you give me more than four, I choose four by whim. This is mainly intended for the academics, but I don't see why anyone else who wants to shouldn't have relevant publications displayed.
|!|arrived!|The year in which your connection with the department began.
|!|position!|The name of your present position, or positions if that makes sense. Don't include department duties as assigned ( directly or indirectly ) by the HoD; I know what they are. Well, I will when he tells me.
|!|history!|Any background which you think is relevant to your job - qualifications, past experience, etc. NOT your autobiography.
|!|interests!|Any interests or activities which are connected with your job. Research interests are appropriate for academics; others might be.

The remarks in this page are specific to the request for personal information for the handbooks. Please also look at the more general descriptions and requests which apply to the handbook as a whole if you're not familiar with them

Alan Creak,
2001 June.

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