Data Structures and Algorithms
Finding the Convex Hull

The Convex Hull is the line completely enclosing a set of points in a plane so that there are no concavities in the line. More formally, we can describe it as the smallest convex polygon which encloses a set of points such that each point in the set lies within the polygon or on its perimeter.


Graham's scan has these steps:
  1. Find p0, the point with the minimum y coordinate,
  2. Sort all the remaining points in order of their polar angle from p0
  3. Initialize a stack, S
  4. push(S,p0)
  5. push(S,p1)
  6. push(S,p2)
  7. for i=3 to n do
    while (angle formed by topnext(S), top(S) and pi makes a right turn push(S,pi
  8. return S
This algorithm takes O(n logn) time.

A second algorithm, known as Jarvis' march proceeds as follows:

This algorithm takes O(n h) time, where h is the numer of vertices in the convex hull.


Two animations of the convex hull algorithm have been written:
Convex Hull Animation
This animation was written by KyungTae Kim
It is a prototype: volunteers to improve it are welcome!
Convex Hull Animation
This animation was written by JiMo Jung
It is a prototype: volunteers to improve it are welcome!

Key terms

convex hull
Line enclosing a set of points in a plane with no concavities.

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John Morris, 2004