import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; /** * The BinTree class provides the utilities to draw a complete * binary tree on the corresponding graphical context. It also contains * some animation methods used in heap sort, priority queue * and sorting using priority queue *

* There are basically 4 types of graphical objects: input, * output, tree representation of heap, and * array representation of heap. * The Node class is used to store the graphical objects. * @see Node */ public class BinTree extends Node { Font bigFont, smallFont, tinyFont, hugeFont, fixFont; DrawingPanel drawingPanel; Node tree, posn; Vector nodeList, posnList; int max_node_per_level, depth; Node movingNode; Point[] aPoints; Color darkgreen = new Color(0, 140, 0); Color darkRed = new Color(140, 0, 0); Color darkBlue = new Color(0, 0, 140); int max_size; int tmp1X, tmp1Y, tmp2X, tmp2Y, tmp3X, tmp3Y; String tmp1Str = new String(), tmp2Str = new String(), tmp3Str = new String(); static final int horizSpace = 32, vertSpace = 17; /** * Create a new heap and pre-calculate the location of each node * given the maximum number of node passed in as the parameter. * @param drawingPanel The drawing panel where the heap is to be drawn. * @param max_size The maximum number of nodes in the heap. */ public BinTree(DrawingPanel drawingPanel, int max_size) { this.bigFont = drawingPanel.bigFont; this.smallFont = drawingPanel.smallFont; this.tinyFont = drawingPanel.tinyFont; this.hugeFont = drawingPanel.hugeFont; this.fixFont = drawingPanel.fixFont; this.drawingPanel = drawingPanel; this.max_size = max_size; this.tree = null; nodeList = new Vector(); posnList = new Vector(); calNodesCoord(max_size); hideMovingNode(); } /** * Repaints the drawing panel and delay. */ public void redraw() { drawingPanel.repaint(); drawingPanel.delay(); } /** * Re-initialize the heap. This method is called when the animation * is re-started. */ public void initBinTree() { this.tree = null; tmp1Str = new String(); tmp2Str = new String(); tmp3Str = new String(); nodeList = new Vector(); } private void hideMovingNode() { movingNode = new Node(-1); } /** * Re-assign the heap using the array of weights passed in as the * parameter. * @param a Array of weight for the newly re-assigned heap. */ public void setBinTree(int[] a) { if (a.length > posnList.size()) calNodesCoord(a.length); tree = null; nodeList = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) insert(new Node(a[i])); } // setData() private void insert(Node node) { nodeList.addElement(node); if (posnList.size() >= nodeList.size()) { node.x = ((Node)posnList.elementAt(nodeList.size()-1)).x; node.y = ((Node)posnList.elementAt(nodeList.size()-1)).y; } if (tree == null) { tree = node; } else { // locate blank branch to link to this node for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size()-1; i++) { Node n = (Node)nodeList.elementAt(i); if (n.getLeftNode() == null) { n.setLeftNode(node); break; } else if (n.getRightNode() == null) { n.setRightNode(node); break; } } } } public void insertNodeAt(Node node, int posn) { node.x = ((Node)posnList.elementAt(posn-1)).x; node.y = ((Node)posnList.elementAt(posn-1)).y; if (parent(posn) > 0) { Node posnNode = (Node)posnList.elementAt(parent(posn)-1); Node parentNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) { parentNode = (Node)nodeList.elementAt(i); if (parentNode.x == posnNode.x && parentNode.y == posnNode.y) break; } if (left(parent(posn)) == posn) parentNode.setLeftNode(node); else parentNode.setRightNode(node); } nodeList.addElement(node); } /** * Re-assign the weight of node i according to the parameters. * @param i The node, which weight is going to be re-assigned. * @param val The new weight to be set. */ public void setNode(int i, int val) { ((Node)nodeList.elementAt(i)).setWeight(val); } private void calNodesCoord(int size) { // count max number of nodes needed int i = 0; int sum = power(2, i++); while (sum < size) sum += power(2, i++); max_node_per_level = power(2, i-1); depth = i-1; int max_nodes = sum; // insert nodes with no value into position tree Node backTree = tree; // backup current tree Vector backNodeList = nodeList; nodeList = new Vector(); posnList = new Vector(); for (int j = 0; j < max_nodes; j++) { Node node = new Node(-1); insert(node); } posn = tree; posnList = nodeList; tree = backTree; nodeList = backNodeList; // assign Y int curDepth = 0; sum = power(2, 0); int offset = drawingPanel.offset + 340; //int yStart = drawingPanel.panel_height/2 -100 - depth*20; int yStart = drawingPanel.offset + 300; for (int j = 0; j < posnList.size(); j++) { Node node = (Node)posnList.elementAt(j); if ( (j+1) > sum) { curDepth++; sum += power(2, curDepth); } node.depth = curDepth; node.y = yStart + curDepth*40; // assign X for bottom level if (curDepth == depth) { node.x = 22 + offset; offset = node.x; } } // assign remaining X for (int j = posnList.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Node node = (Node)posnList.elementAt(j); if (node.depth == depth) continue; if (node.getLeftNode() != null && node.depth == depth-1) { node.x = node.getLeftNode().x + 12; } else if (node.getLeftNode() != null && node.getRightNode() != null) { node.x = (node.getLeftNode().x + node.getRightNode().x)/2; } else { // both children null -> can only at depth - 1 int l = left(j+1); } } } /* ------------------------ Utils -------------------- */ /** * Performs the exponent of num to the power of * pow. * @param num Base. * @param pow Exponent. */ public int power(int num, int pow) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < pow; i++) result *= num; return result; } /** * @return The position of the parent of node i. * @param i The node, whose parent is of interest. */ public int parent(int i) { return (i/2); } /** * Returns the left child of node i. */ public int left(int i) { return (2*i); } /** * Returns the right child of node i. */ public int right(int i) { return (2*i + 1); } /* ------------------------ Graphical Primitives ------------------ */ /** * Draws all graphical objects within this class. * @param g Graphical context. */ public void drawTree(Graphics g) { if (tmp1Str.length() > 0) drawBox(g, tmp1X, tmp1Y, tmp1Str, Color.white,, fixFont); if (tmp2Str.length() > 0) drawBox(g, tmp2X, tmp2Y, tmp2Str, Color.white,, fixFont); if (tmp3Str.length() > 0) drawBox(g, tmp3X, tmp3Y, tmp3Str, Color.white,, fixFont); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) { Node node = (Node)nodeList.elementAt(i); drawNode(g, node); } if (movingNode.getWeight() > -1) drawNode(g, movingNode); } public void drawBox(Graphics g, int x, int y, String str, Color fg, Color bg, Font font) { String blank = new String(); for (int i = 0; i < 4-str.length(); i++) blank = blank.concat(" "); g.setColor(bg); g.fillRect(x, y, horizSpace, vertSpace); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(x, y, horizSpace, vertSpace); g.setColor(fg); g.setFont(font); g.drawString(blank + str, x + 2, y + vertSpace - 4); } /** * Draw an arrowed line segment using the array of points. * @param g Graphical context * @param points The vortices of the line segment. * An arrow head will be drawn using the last point in the array at the tip. */ public void drawArrow(Graphics g, Point[] points) { // remember: no drawPolyline in jdk1.0.* int[] axPoints = new int[3], ayPoints = new int[3]; g.setColor( Color.magenta ); if (points.length < 3) { Point endArrow = points[1], startArrow = points[0]; if (endArrow.y == startArrow.y) { g.drawLine(startArrow.x, startArrow.y, endArrow.x, endArrow.y); axPoints[0] = endArrow.x; ayPoints[0] = endArrow.y; int unit = (endArrow.x - startArrow.x)/ Math.abs(endArrow.x - startArrow.x); axPoints[1] = endArrow.x - unit*2; ayPoints[1] = endArrow.y - 2; axPoints[2] = endArrow.x - unit*2; ayPoints[2] = endArrow.y + 2; g.fillPolygon(axPoints, ayPoints, 3); } else if (endArrow.x == startArrow.x) { g.drawLine(startArrow.x, startArrow.y, endArrow.x, endArrow.y); axPoints[0] = endArrow.x; ayPoints[0] = endArrow.y; int unit = (endArrow.y - startArrow.y)/ Math.abs(endArrow.y - startArrow.y); axPoints[1] = endArrow.x - 1; ayPoints[1] = endArrow.y - unit*2; axPoints[2] = endArrow.x + 2; ayPoints[2] = endArrow.y - unit*2; g.fillPolygon(axPoints, ayPoints, 3); } } else if (points.length == 3) { // draw a line for the first and second points then use // drawArrow to draw the remaining segment g.drawLine(points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y); Point[] line = new Point[2]; line[0] = points[1]; line[1] = points[2]; drawArrow(g, line); } } /** * @param node The root node of the tree * @return The width of the tree in the number of pixels. */ public int treeWidth(Node node) { return (rightMostPosn(node) - leftMostPosn(node)); } /** * @param node The root node of the tree * @return The left most position of the tree */ public int leftMostPosn(Node node) { if (node.isLeaf()) return node.x; else return leftMostPosn(node.getLeftNode()); } /** * @param node The root node of the tree * @return The right most position of the tree */ public int rightMostPosn(Node node) { if (node.isLeaf()) return (node.x + 20); else return rightMostPosn(node.getRightNode()); } /** * @param node The root node of the tree * @return The height of the tree in the number of pixels. */ public int treeHeight(Node node) { return (bottomMostPosn(node) - node.y); } /** * @param node The root node of the tree * @return The bottom most position of the tree */ public int bottomMostPosn(Node node) { if (node == null) return 0; if (node.isLeaf()) return (node.y + 30); else { int rightBottom = bottomMostPosn(node.getRightNode()); int leftBottom = bottomMostPosn(node.getLeftNode()); return (rightBottom > leftBottom ? rightBottom : leftBottom); } } /** * Drawing a leaf node of the heap. * @param g Graphical context * @param node The node to be drawn */ public void drawLeafNode(Graphics g, Node node) { int x = node.x; int y = node.y; int weight = node.getWeight(); if (node.highlight) g.setColor(; else g.setColor( ); g.fillRect(x, y, 20, 30); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(x, y, 20, 30); if (node.getLabel().length() > 0) { g.setColor( Color.yellow ); g.setFont( hugeFont ); g.drawString(node.getLabel(), node.x + 5, node.y + 12); } g.setColor( Color.white ); g.setFont( bigFont ); g.drawString(""+node.getWeight(), node.x + 2, node.y+27); } /** * Draw a node of the array representation of the heap. * @param g Graphical context * @param x The x coordinate of the top left corner of the node * @param y The y coordinate of the top left corner of the node * @param node The node to be drawn */ public void drawArrayNode(Graphics g, int x, int y, Node node) { int weight = node.getWeight(); if (node.highlight) g.setColor(; else g.setColor( ); g.fillRect(x, y, 20, 30); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(x, y, 20, 30); g.setFont(hugeFont); g.setColor( Color.yellow ); g.drawString(""+weight, x+2, y+25); } /** * Drawing a node based on the input parameters. * @param g Graphical context * @param node The node to be drawn */ public void drawNode(Graphics g, Node node) { if (node.highlight) g.setColor(; else g.setColor( darkgreen ); g.fillRect(node.x, node.y, 20, 30); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(node.x, node.y, 20, 30); if (node.getLabel().length() > 0) { g.setColor( Color.yellow ); g.setFont( hugeFont ); g.drawString(node.getLabel(), node.x + 5, node.y + 12); } g.setColor( Color.white ); g.setFont( bigFont ); g.drawString(""+node.getWeight(), node.x + 2, node.y+27); // draw links to children if (node.getLeftNode() != null) { g.setColor( ); g.drawLine(node.x + 6, node.y + 30, node.getLeftNode().x + 10, node.getLeftNode().y); if (node.highlightLeft) { g.drawLine(node.x + 5, node.y + 30, node.getLeftNode().x + 9, node.getLeftNode().y); g.drawLine(node.x + 4, node.y + 30, node.getLeftNode().x + 8, node.getLeftNode().y); } } if (node.getRightNode() != null) { g.setColor( ); g.drawLine(node.x + 14, node.y + 30, node.getRightNode().x + 10, node.getRightNode().y); if (node.highlightRight) { g.drawLine(node.x + 15, node.y + 30, node.getRightNode().x + 11, node.getRightNode().y); g.drawLine(node.x + 16, node.y + 30, node.getRightNode().x + 12, node.getRightNode().y); } } } /** * Move the tree starting with node dx pixels to the right and dy * pixels down. * @param node The root node of the tree to be moved. * @param dx The change in x direction. * @param dy The change in y direction. */ public void moveNode(Node node, int dx, int dy) { if (node == null) return; node.x += dx; node.y += dy; if (!node.isLeaf()) { moveNode(node.getLeftNode(), dx, dy); moveNode(node.getRightNode(), dx, dy); } } public void highlightNode(Node node) { node.highlight = true; if (node.getLeftNode() != null) highlightNode(node.getLeftNode()); if (node.getRightNode() != null) highlightNode(node.getRightNode()); } public void restoreNode(Node node) { node.highlight = false; if (node.getLeftNode() != null) restoreNode(node.getLeftNode()); if (node.getRightNode() != null) restoreNode(node.getRightNode()); } public Node getNodeAt(int posn) { Node posnNode = (Node)posnList.elementAt(posn-1); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) { Node node = (Node)nodeList.elementAt(i); if (node.x == posnNode.x && node.y == posnNode.y) { return node; } } return null; } public int sumNodeWeight(Node node) { if (node == null) return 0; return (sumNodeWeight(node.getRightNode()) + sumNodeWeight(node.getLeftNode()) + node.getWeight()); } }