/* TextFrame.java */ import java.awt.*; import java.net.*; /** * This TextFrame class brings up a frame containing the text * panel. The class constructor is normally called during the initialization of * of a AlgAnimFrame instance. * * @see TextPanel */ public class TextFrame extends Frame { private Scrollbar vScrollbar; private TransformPanel tp[]; static final int n_tf = 6; /** * Construct a text frame and initialize the text panel to be added to * the text frame. By default, this frame is going to be displayed * with its top-left corner at position (600,0). This can be changed * in the constructor according to preference. * @param sourceURL The URL of the algorithm source code to be display * on the text panel. */ public TextFrame( URL sourceURL ) { int j, k, m; GridBagLayout lay = new GridBagLayout (); this.setLayout( lay ); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); System.out.println( "TextFrame( URL ) constructor" ); constraints.weightx = constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = constraints.gridy = 0; constraints.gridwidth = constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; move(600, 0); setTitle("Transformations"); m = 0; tp = new TransformPanel[n_tf*2]; for(k=0;k