
SPREANS has been implemented by Matthias Bild as part of this master thesis. Please download SPREANS here:

Please read the file readme.html.

Please contact us, if you need help to run SPREANS:


In order to run SPREANS with a bookshop example the following steps are necessary: When running SPREANS with WINDOWS the following steps are necessary (each "start" opens a new command line, mydir is the directory where you have inflated

command line 1>cd mydir
command line 1>setcp.bat

command line 1>start

command line 2>cd axis
command line 2>startAxis.bat

command line 1>start

command line 3>cd axis
command line 3>startTcpMon.bat

command line 1>start

command line 4>cd webroot
command line 4>startWebServer.bat

command line 1>cd src
command line 1>startBrowser.bat

When running SPREANS with UNIX you need to use the appropriate *.sh-files


Compiling is done with the Ant tool. The scripts, compile.bat, compileTest.bat, are used for this purpose. When compiling SPREANS with WINDOWS you need to call setcp.bat in order to set the path correctly.


Test classes has been developed that test the crucial features of the application. The test classes have been implemented with JUnit. The test can be executed in the directory test:
test>java junit.textui.TestRunner demo.FoaTestSuite


XUL files: src/chrome/form/startup
Self-defined XUL tags: src/chrome/form/config/tags.xul

Important Classes

model class for the client demo.foa.form.XmlDoc
generic form class demo.foa.form.GenericForm
validation framework demo.foa.validation.*
XmlGrid tag and TableModel for XmlGrid demo.foa.widget.*
Action classes demo.foa.action.*


src Sources of SPREANS
test Tests and test data
axis Root directory of Axis
webroot Root directory of the web server
endorsed JAXP 1.3 classes
lib-b8 Jar-Archive of the used software
build compiled classes