db_process_query("update", $rgsTbl, $fldName, "none","rgsID = '$rgsID'", "none"); // save anybody information .... $fldName = "anbAddr = '$anbAddr', anbSEmail = '$anbSEmail', anbPCode = '$anbPCode', anbCntry = '$anbCntry',anbPhone = '$anbPhone', anbFax = '$anbFax'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $anbTbl, $fldName, "none","anbID = '$anbID'", "none"); // save orderline information... // First find the cost out xtra proceedings.. $fldName = "odlOrderedAmount = '$xtraProceedingNumber'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $odlTbl, $fldName, "none","rgsID = '$rgsID' and odlName = 'xtraProceedingNumber'", "none"); $fldName = "odlOrderedAmount = '$xtraDinnerTicket'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $odlTbl, $fldName, "none","rgsID = '$rgsID' and odlName = 'xtraDinnerTicket'", "none"); // save miscellaneous information .... $fldName = "mscDescription = '$reception'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $mscTbl, $fldName, "none","mscID = '$mscRAID'", "none"); $fldName = "mscDescription = '$dinner'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $mscTbl, $fldName, "none","mscID = '$mscDRID'", "none"); } break; } // get the registration details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$rgsTbl,"*","none","rgsID = '$rgsID'","none"); $sRsltSet_rgs = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. $sCurRow_rgs = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_rgs); $anbID = $sCurRow_rgs["anbID"]; $pymID = $sCurRow_rgs["pymID"]; $ctgID = $sCurRow_rgs["ctgID"]; $rgsTagName = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsTagName"]; $rgsTagAddress = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsTagAddress"]; $rgsStatus = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsStatus"]; $rgsNote = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsNote"]; } // get the participant details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$anbTbl,"*","none","anbID = '$anbID'","none"); $sRsltSet_anb = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the user.. $sCurRow_anb = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_anb); $anbTitle = $sCurRow_anb["anbTitle"]; $anbFName = $sCurRow_anb["anbFName"]; $anbLName = $sCurRow_anb["anbLName"]; $anbAddr = $sCurRow_anb["anbAddr"]; $anbPCode = $sCurRow_anb["anbPCode"]; $anbCntry = $sCurRow_anb["anbCntry"]; $anbEmail = $sCurRow_anb["anbEmail"]; $anbSEmail = $sCurRow_anb["anbSEmail"]; $anbPhone = $sCurRow_anb["anbPhone"]; $anbFax = $sCurRow_anb["anbFax"]; } // get the orderLine requests.. for xtra proceedings.. $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$odlTbl,"*","none","rgsID = '$rgsID' and odlName = 'xtraProceedingNumber'","none"); $sRsltSet_odl = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { $sCurRow_odl = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_odl); $xtraProceedingNumber = $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]; } // get the orderLine requests.. for xtra dinner tickets... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$odlTbl,"*","none","rgsID = '$rgsID' and odlName = 'xtraDinnerTicket'","none"); $sRsltSet_odl = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { $sCurRow_odl = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_odl); $xtraDinnerTicket = $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]; } // get the payment details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$pymTbl,"*","none","pymID = '$pymID'","none"); $sRsltSet_pym = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. $sCurRow_pym = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_pym); $pymMethod = $sCurRow_pym["pymMethod"]; $pymNote = $sCurRow_pym["pymNote"]; } // get the rest of the details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$mscTbl,"*","none","rgsID = '$rgsID'","mscID"); $sRsltSet_msc = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. // the reception attendance thingee.. $sCurRow_msc = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_msc); $mscRAID=$sCurRow_msc["mscID"]; $reception=$sCurRow_msc["mscDescription"]; // the dinner request thingee... $sCurRow_msc = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_msc); $mscDRID=$sCurRow_msc["mscID"]; $dinner=$sCurRow_msc["mscDescription"]; } // represent some of the short forms in understandable format... switch ($ctgID) { case "umc2kFul" : $ctgIDE = "Full (UMC2K): US$100"; break; case "umc2kStd" : $ctgIDE = "Student (UMC2K) US$50 (no discounts)"; break; } switch ($xtraProceedingNumber) { case "0" : $xtraProceedingNumberE = "Zero"; break; case "1" : $xtraProceedingNumberE = "One"; break; case "2" : $xtraProceedingNumberE = "Two"; break; case "3" : $xtraProceedingNumberE = "Three"; break; case "4" : $xtraProceedingNumberE = "Four"; break; case "5" : $xtraProceedingNumberE = "Five"; break; } switch ($xtraDinnerTicket) { case "0" : $xtraDinnerTicketE = "Zero"; break; case "1" : $xtraDinnerTicketE = "One"; break; case "2" : $xtraDinnerTicketE = "Two"; break; case "3" : $xtraDinnerTicketEE = "Three"; break; case "4" : $xtraDinnerTicketE = "Four"; break; case "5" : $xtraDinnerTicketE = "Five"; break; } switch ($pymMethod) { case "crd" : $pymMethodE = "credit card"; break; case "cbd" : $pymMethodE = "cheque/bank draft by mail"; break; case "inv" : $pymMethodE = "invoice"; break; case "cmt" : $pymMethodE = "committee member"; break; } switch ($reception) { case "yes" : $receptionE = "Yes, I am attending the welcome reception"; break; case "no" : $receptionE = "No, I am not attending the welcome reception"; break; } if ($pymNote == "") { $pymNote = "none"; } if ($rgsNote == "") { $rgsNote = "none"; } // php codes ends .............................................................................. ?>
Individual Information - . Registration Status -
Participant Details
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Alternative E-mail:
Name on tag:*
Institution on tag:*
Conference Details
Registration Category:*
Reception :
Extra Proceedings : extra proceedings
Extra Dinner Tickets : extra dinner tickets
Special Dinner Requests :
Payment Details
Form of payment:*
Special Payment Notes:
Other Information / Requests: