0) { while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { if (($magic_quotes_gpc_off) && (! $slashesadded)){ $value = addslashes($value); } ${$key} = $value; } } $slashesadded = true; //authenticate user.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select", $athTbl, "*", "none", "athUserName = '$usernm' and athPassword = '$passwd' and athLevel = 'organizer'", "none"); $db_CMS->dbNumRow = 1; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow == 0) { // error something wrong..... reset the whole page... echo "something wrong"; } else { if ($mode == "save") { if ($athUserName != '') { // save registration information ... $fldName = "rgsParticipantNote = '$rgsParticipantNote', rgsInternalNote = '$rgsInternalNote', rgsTagName = '$rgsTagName', rgsTagAddress = '$rgsTagAddress', rgsCategory='$rgsCategory'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $rgsTbl, $fldName, "none","athUserName = '$athUserName'", "none"); // save password information $fldName = "athUserName = '$athUserNameOfParticipant',athPassword = '$athPasswordForParticipant'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $athTbl, $fldName, "none","athUserName = '$athUserName'", "none"); // save anybody information .... $fldName = "anbTitle = '$anbTitle',anbFName = '$anbFName',anbLName = '$anbLName',anbAddress = '$anbAddress',anbEmail = '$anbEmail',anbSEmail = '$anbSEmail',anbPCode = '$anbPCode',anbCountry = '$anbCountry'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $anbTbl, $fldName, "none","athUserName = '$athUserName'", "none"); // save miscellaneous information .... $fldName = "mscDescription = '$mondayPlan'"; $db_CMS->db_process_query("update", $mscTbl, $fldName, "none","mscID = '$mscMPID'", "none"); // update registration category - this is messy because we need to arrange for a refund if required. if ($rgsCategory != $rgsCategoryOld) { // First, get the descriptions, prices etc. for the two registration categories involved: // For the new category... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$ctgTbl,"*","none","ctgShortName = '$rgsCategory'","none"); $sRsltSet_ctg = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. $sCurRow_ctg = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_ctg); $ctgName = $sCurRow_ctg["ctgName"]; $ctgCost = $sCurRow_ctg["ctgCost"]; $ctgDescription = $sCurRow_ctg["ctgDescription"]; } // For the old category... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$ctgTbl,"*","none","ctgShortName = '$rgsCategoryOld'","none"); $sRsltSet_ctg = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. $sCurRow_ctg = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_ctg); $ctgNameOld = $sCurRow_ctg["ctgName"]; $ctgRefund = $sCurRow_ctg["ctgCost"]; $ctgDescriptionOld = $sCurRow_ctg["ctgDescription"]." - Refund"; } // now update the orderLine table // refund: $db_CMS->db_process_query("insert", $odlTbl, "odlName, odlDescription, odlPrice, odlEntryType, odlStartDate, odlEndDate, rgsID, odlOrderedAmount","'$ctgNameOld','$ctgDescriptionOld','$ctgRefund','Cr','2000-12-13','2000-12-16','$rgsID',1","none","none"); // charge for new category: $db_CMS->db_process_query("insert", $odlTbl, "odlName, odlDescription, odlPrice, odlEntryType, odlStartDate, odlEndDate, rgsID, odlOrderedAmount","'$ctgName','$ctgDescription','$ctgCost','Dr','2000-12-13','2000-12-16','$rgsID',1","none","none"); } } } // get the registration details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$rgsTbl,"*","none","athUserName = '$athUserName'","none"); $sRsltSet_rgs = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. $sCurRow_rgs = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_rgs); $rgsID = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsID"]; $pymID = $sCurRow_rgs["pymID"]; $rgsStatus = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsStatus"]; $rgsCategory = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsCategory"]; $rgsParticipantNote = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsParticipantNote"]; $rgsInternalNote = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsInternalNote"]; $rgsTagName = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsTagName"]; $rgsTagAddress = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsTagAddress"]; } else { echo "Partipant record not found!"; } // get the participant details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$athTbl,"*","none","athUserName = '$athUserName'","none"); $sRsltSet_ath = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the user.. $sCurRow_ath = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_ath); $athUserName_ofParticipant = $sCurRow_ath["athUserName"]; $athPassword_forParticipant = $sCurRow_ath["athPassword"]; } // get address details $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$anbTbl,"*","none","athUserName = '$athUserName'","none"); $sRsltSet_anb = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the user.. $sCurRow_anb = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_anb); $anbTitle = $sCurRow_anb["anbTitle"]; $anbFName = $sCurRow_anb["anbFName"]; $anbLName = $sCurRow_anb["anbLName"]; $anbAddress = $sCurRow_anb["anbAddress"]; $anbPCode = $sCurRow_anb["anbPCode"]; $anbCountry = $sCurRow_anb["anbCountry"]; $anbEmail = $sCurRow_anb["anbEmail"]; $anbSEmail = $sCurRow_anb["anbSEmail"]; } // get the payment details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$pymTbl,"*","none","pymID = '$pymID'","none"); $sRsltSet_pym = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. $sCurRow_pym = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_pym); $pymCardType = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardType"]; $pymMethod = $sCurRow_pym["pymMethod"]; $pymCardHolderName = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardHolderName"]; $pymCardNumber = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardNumber"]; $pymCardExpiryDate = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardExpiryDate"]; $pymParticipantNote = $sCurRow_pym["pymParticipantNote"]; $pymCardStatus = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardStatus"]; } // get the miscellaneous details.... $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$mscTbl,"*","none","rgsID = '$rgsID'","mscID"); $sRsltSet_msc = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) { //ok we found the registration.. while ($sCurRow_msc = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_msc)) { switch ($sCurRow_msc["mscName"]) { case "Monday plan" : $mscMPID=$sCurRow_msc["mscID"]; // monday plan... $mondayPlan=$sCurRow_msc["mscDescription"]; break; } } } // represent some the short forms in understandable format... switch ($rgsCategory) { case "Full" : $rgsCategoryE = "Full Registration: US$100"; break; case "Stdn" : $rgsCategoryE = "Student Registration: US$50"; break; } switch ($pymCardType) { case "visa" : $pymCardTypee = "Visa"; break; case "mastercard" : $pymCardTypee = "Master Card"; break; case "americanexpress" : $pymCardTypee = "American Express"; break; } switch ($pymMethod) { case "crd" : $pymMethode = "credit card"; break; case "other" : $pymMethode = "other (approval required)"; break; case "inv" : $pymMethode = "invited speaker"; break; } if ($pymParticipantNote == "") { $pymParticipantNote = "none"; } // php codes ends .............................................................................. ?>
Indvidual Information - Full User Name
Participant Details
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Alternative E-mail:
Name on name tag:
Address on name tag:
Conference Details
Registration Category:*
Payment Details
Form of payment:*
Type of card:
Name on card:
Card number:
Expiry date:
Special Payment Notes:
Other Information / Requests:
(Entered by participants - can be viewed/edited by them)
Internal Memorandum:
(Can only be viewed/edited by organizers)