
Flying to Auckland

An Airbus ride to City takes 40 minutes and costs NZ$10 one way or NZ$16 return. Airbuses depart City and Airport every twenty minutes from 6.10am to 8.50pm daily.

A taxi ride from the airport to City takes about 30 minutes, and costs approximately NZ$35.

Check out the transport information page of Auckland International Airport for more details.

Flying out of Auckland

A NZ$20 departure fee must be paid by international passengers. The fee is payable at the airport, and all major credit cards are accepted for the payment.

If you need to take a taxi to the Airport, Dial-a-Cab charges a special flat rate of NZ$25 to the Airport from the City (or inner suburbs). Call 0800-DialACab or 6279666 for reservation.

Local transport around Auckland

The Link bus service is the most convenient way to move around the central city. The full adult fare is a flat NZ$1 for any distance travelled. For more information on local buses, ferries, and trains, check out the rideline page.

Visas for Overseas Visitors

If you are not a resident of Australia or New Zealand, you need to get a Vistor's Permit on arrival in New Zealand. Certain nationals need to get a Visitor's Visa endorsed on their passport before they commence their travel to New Zealand. Please check the New Zealand Immigration Service pages to get more information..

Money Matters

The New Zealand currency is cents (c) and dollars ($), with 100 cents equal to a dollar. Coins are in the denominations of 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, and $2. There are $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 notes available.

There are automatic teller machines in the airport and throughout the City, should you wish to withdraw cash on your credit or debit cards.