db_process_query("select",$anbTbl,"*","none","athUserName = '$athUserName'","none"); $sRsltSet_anb = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; //Decide whether a participant exists given the login name "$participantLogin" if($db_CMS->dbNumRow == 0){ //Participant does not exist ?>
No such participant exists!!!
db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_anb); $anbID = $sCurRow_anb["anbID"]; $anbTitle = $sCurRow_anb["anbTitle"]; $anbFName = $sCurRow_anb["anbFName"]; $anbLName = $sCurRow_anb["anbLName"]; $anbAddress = $sCurRow_anb["anbAddress"]; $anbPCode = $sCurRow_anb["anbPCode"]; $anbCountry = $sCurRow_anb["anbCountry"]; $anbEmail = $sCurRow_anb["anbEmail"]; ?> db_process_query("select",$pymTbl,"*","none","pymID = '$pymID'","none"); $sRsltSet_pym = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; $sCurRow_pym = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_pym); $pymCardType = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardType"]; $pymMethod = $sCurRow_pym["pymMethod"]; $pymCardHolderName = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardHolderName"]; $pymCardNumber = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardNumber"]; $pymCardExpiryDate = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardExpiryDate"]; $pymParticipantNote = $sCurRow_pym["pymParticipantNote"]; $pymCardStatus = $sCurRow_pym["pymCardStatus"]; switch ($pymCardType) { case "visa" : $pymCardTypee = "Visa"; break; case "mastercard" : $pymCardTypee = "Master Card"; break; case "americanexpress" : $pymCardTypee = "American Express"; break; } switch ($pymMethod) { case "crd" : $pymMethode = "credit card"; break; case "other" : $pymMethode = "other (approval required)"; break; case "inv" : $pymMethode = "invited speaker"; break; default : $pymMethode = "none"; } // php code ends............................... ?>
Participant Details
First Name:
Last Name:
Payment Details
Form of payment:*
Type of card:
Name on card:
Card number:
Expiry date:
Special Payment Notes:

db_process_query("select",$rgsTbl,"*","none","athUserName = '$athUserName'","none"); $sRsltSet_rgs = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; $sCurRow_rgs = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_rgs); //Get the Participant's regisration ID $rgsID = $sCurRow_rgs["rgsID"]; //Using the participant's registration ID "$rgsID" $db_CMS->db_process_query("select",$odlTbl,"*","none","rgsID = '$rgsID'","none"); $sRsltSet_odl = $db_CMS->dbRsltSet; $totalNumberOfInvLines = $db_CMS->dbNumRow; //This loads the line numbers, $invLinesToDisplay[] collects them for those lines that the //user wishes to display for($i=0;$i<$totalNumberOfInvLines;$i++) { if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["show".$i] != "") { $invLinesToDisplay[] = $HTTP_POST_VARS["show".$i]; } } $invLinesToShowString = ""; //This deals with selective invoice displays again for($i = 0; $idbNumRow > 0) { $rowCount = 0; // initialize a counter.. $colValue = array("ItemID","Date","Name","Description","Type","Status","Qty","Cost","AmountDR","AmountCR","Show/Hide"); //Show all invoicelines if (($invLinesToShowString != "") && ($HTTP_POST_VARS["shrink"]=="Shrink Statement")){ while ($sCurRow_odl = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_odl)) { $odlID = $sCurRow_odl["odlID"]; for($j = 0; $j "; $rowCount++; break; } }//for }//while } //Show selective views of invoice else{ while ($sCurRow_odl = $db_CMS->db_fetch_array($sRsltSet_odl)) { $odlID = $sCurRow_odl["odlID"]; for ($i = 0; $i<9; $i++) { $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[$i]] = " "; } // ok store the respective values... $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[0]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlID"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[1]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlStartDate"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[2]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlName"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[3]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlDescription"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[4]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlEntryType"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[5]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlStatus"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[6]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[7]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlPrice"]; if($sCurRow_odl["odlEntryType"]=="Dr"){ $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[8]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]*$sCurRow_odl["odlPrice"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[9]] = " "; $totalDR += $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]*$sCurRow_odl["odlPrice"]; } else{ $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[8]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[9]] = $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]*$sCurRow_odl["odlPrice"]; $totalCR += $sCurRow_odl["odlOrderedAmount"]*$sCurRow_odl["odlPrice"]; } $showItemName = "show".$rowCount; $del = "delete".$rowCount; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[10]] = "Show "; $rowCount++; }//while }//else (($invLinesToShowString != "") && ($HTTP_POST_VARS["expand"]=="")) }//if ($db_CMS->dbNumRow > 0) $array = null; //Calculating end balance.... $endBalanceDate = date("Y-m-d",time()); if($totalCR>$totalDR){ $endBalance = $totalCR - $totalDR; $endBalanceStatus = "Credit Balance"; } else if($totalDR>$totalCR){ $endBalance = $totalDR - $totalCR; $endBalanceStatus = "Debit Balance"; } $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[0]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[1]] = $endBalanceDate; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[2]] = $endBalanceStatus; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[3]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[4]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[5]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[6]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[7]] = " "; if($totalDR>$totalCR){ $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[8]] = " " . $endBalance; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[9]] = " "; } else{ $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[8]] = " "; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[9]] = " " .$endBalance; } $showItemName = "show".$rowCount; $del = "delete".$sCurRow_odl["odlID"]; $rowValue[$rowCount][$colValue[10]] = "Show "; //This is the beginning of the section holding the following: //The "Condense","Expand","Delete" function buttons echo "
"; $colCount = count($colValue); // get the number of columns. echo ""; echo ""; // create the coloumn names... for ($count=0;$count<$colCount;$count++) { echo ""; } echo ""; // let's fill their respective values........... $rowCount = count($rowValue); // get the number of columns. for ($countX=0;$countX<$rowCount;$countX++) { if($countX==($rowCount-1)){ echo ""; } else{ echo ""; } for ($countY=0;$countY<$colCount;$countY++) { echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "
"; echo "$colValue[$count]"; echo "
"; echo "".$rowValue[$countX][$colValue[$countY]].""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; //ends FORM "SUBMITFORMSHOWHIDEDEL" // wht r these variables for?? //$string = ""; //$array = null; //..... end question... //This calls the method that contructs the "Add traction" panel on the page. addTransaction($rgsID); } //This method contructs the "Add traction" panel on the page. function addTransaction($rgsID){ global $athUserName, $usernm, $passwd; global $db_CMS; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; ?> "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

Add/Modify a transaction

"; echo "
"; echo "

Hint: \"Leave the \"Date\" field blank to use today's date\"

"; echo "
"; echo "

Hint: \"Only use the \"ModifyItem(ID)\" field to modify an existing order line item\"

"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "ModifyItem(ID):
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Date(Optional):
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Name:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Description:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Cost:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Qty:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Type:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Status:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
I want to:
"; ?>
"; //ends form "SUBMITADDITION" } ?>