
Each performance metric can be displayed in several display types. Display types are chosen from the option menus to the right of each metric in the main window. Click on the icons below to see examples of each display type:





Stack Bar


Floating Displays

When a new session is opened, all displays are shown in the session window; however, individual displays can be expanded, collapsed, or "floated out" in their own separate windows.

To expand or collapse a display

To float a display

  1. Select the metric title, which changes color to show it is selected, as shown in the figure below:

  2. From the toolbar, choose choose the first flag icon, Float Selected Display, or from the session window's File menu, choose Current Display, then choose Float.

    The display now appears in its own window.

You must save a session after floating displays if you want the displays to appear in their own windows when the session is reopened.

Consolidating Displays

Floating displays can be closed so that they reappear in the session window.

To consolidate a floating display into the session window

Manipulating Displays

You can interact with the graph displays in Performance Manager in the following ways:

Setting Display Styles

You can change the data styles chosen for the Performance Manager displays by modifying the PM resource file. The resource file is in this location:


A copy of the resource file is included in the reference section of the Performance Manager Help Volume.

The following information may help you work with the resource file:

Default Data Styles

The XrtDataStyle data structure contains all the information about how a set of data will be represented graphically. The fields are broken down as follows:


The line pattern used for plots.


The fill pattern used in area graphs and bar and pie charts.


The color used when drawing lines in plots and for fills in area graphs and bar charts. It is either a named color or a '#' character followed by two hexadecimal characters for each of the Red, Green, and Blue components.


The line width used for plots. Must be greater than or equal to one.


The point style used for plots.


The point color used for points in plots. It is either a named color or a '#' character followed by two hexadecimal characters for each of the Red, Green, and Blue components.


The size of points that appear in plots. Must be greater than or equal to 0. A size of 0 will result in no point being drawn. A point size is a relative measure. It should not be assumed thta a point size of 12 means that the point's glyph will be exactly 12 pixels from top to bottom.

For further information on resource files and their usage, please see your Xt Intrinsics documentation.

List of Data Styles

Resources of type (XtRXrtDataStyles) are specified as a parenthesized list, with each member specifying a complete data style (XtRXrtDataStyle). For example:

  ! change the graph data styles
  pmgr*xrtDataStyles: (( LpatSolid FpatSolid "blue" 1 PointDot "blue" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid FpatSolid "yellow" 1 PointTri "yellow" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid FpatHorizStripe "magenta" 1 PointBox "magenta" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid Fpat25Percent "cyan" 1 PointDiamond "cyan" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid FpatVertStripe "#6699ff" 1 PointStar "#6699ff" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid FpatDiagHatched "#ff9900" 1 PointCircle "#ff9900" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid Fpat45Stripe "#33cc99" 1 PointSquare "#33cc99" 4 ) \
  ( LpatSolid FpatCrossHatched "#cc3333" 1 PointCross "#cc3333" 4 ))

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