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Special Characters

.Xdefaults file

.xsession file
        customizing keyboard with

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application groups

Application Manager
Application Manager
Application Manager
        desktop applications
        desktop tools
        information group
        organizing applications
        running applications from
        starting applications
        system administration group
        using menus

application windows

        accessing application groups
        accessing DECwindows Motif and CDE equivalents
        accessing desktop applications
        accessing desktop tools
        accessing from Front Panel
        accessing help volumes
        accessing system administrative tools
        accessing using CDE
        adding to Front Panel
        adding to subpanels
        authorizing access to X server
        default application groups
        enabling the display
        integrated into CDE
        managing from Application Manager
        organizing in groups
        recommended for use
        running across network
        running from a remote system
        running from Application Manager
        starting automatically
        starting from Application Manager
        starting from File Manager
        starting from the terminal emulator
        using drag and drop

ascii text files

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background patterns

Backspace function key

beep volume

Bourne shell
        setting DISPLAY environment variable

built-in applications groups

busy indicator

busy light

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C shell
        setting DISPLAY environment variable

        converting to CDE format

Check buttons

        using mouse


        changing in screen

command-line session

        turn on and off at logout

        of dxcalendar databases

copying files and directories

current session

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DECwindows Motif session

DECwindows Motif
        migrating to CDE applications

Default Printer control

Delete function key

deleting files and directories

desktop applications
        integrated into CDE

desktop session
        selecting a session type

dialog boxes
        using list boxes
        using push buttons
        using Radio and Check buttons
        using sliders and scales

        changing display attributes
        comparing files
        displaying files
        exiting from application
        moving between differences
        selecting files

        changing permissions
        changing permissions
        displaying contents of
        displaying when hidden
        moving to workspace
        moving to workspace
        printing from File Manager
        searching for

DISPLAY environment variable
        setting from different shells


display-specific session

        viewing image files

double click
        using mouse

drag and drop
        using mouse



dtwmrc file

        converting to CDE format
        converting to CDE format

dxcaltodtcm command

        converting to CDE mail format


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ending a session
ending a session

        customizing using Style Manager

exiting a session

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failsafe session

File Manager
File Manager
        changing directories
        changing directories
        changing permissions
        converting dxmail folders
        copying files and directories
        creating new directories
        creating new files
        deleting files and directories
        displaying files and directories
        displaying hidden files and directories
        dragging an application from
        managing directories and files
        moving files and directories
        moving objects to workspace
        opening a new window
        opening terminal emulator window
        printing files and directories
        renaming files and directories
        running applications from
        saving settings
        searching for files and directories
        specifying formats
        using File menu
        viewing directories

        changing permissions
        displaying contents of
        displaying when hidden
        managing in directories
        moving to workspace
        printing from File Manager
        searching for
        viewing different formats

Front Panel
        accessing Application Manager
        accessing calendar
        accessing clock
        accessing File Manager
        accessing Help Manager
        accessing lock
        accessing mail
        accessing Print Manager
        accessing Style Manager
        accessing Text Editor
        accessing Trash Can
        accessing workspaces
        adding applications
        adding applications
        busy light
        exiting a session
        locking a session
        pausing a session
        removing customizations
        replacing a control

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Help Manager

Help subpanel

hidden directories

hidden files

home session
home session

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image files

Image Viewer
        viewing files formats

Input Methods
        changing keystroke characters
        changing servers
        specifying preediting modes
        specifying style preferences

Install Icon
        using to add tools

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key events

key mappings

key settings

Keyboard Options
        saving settings
        specifying attributes
        using to change settings

keyboard types
        specifying a language for

        changing keystroke characters
        customizing settings
        displaying graphical picture of
        listing alternate types
        LK-style with PCXAL
        modifying key settings
        navigating with
        PC-style with LK201/LK401
        redefining mappings
        resetting default
        saving attribute settings
        saving attributes
        simulating key events
        specifying a type
        specifying attributes
        specifying editing modes
        specifying style preferences

        customizing keyboard
        displaying graphical picture of
        duplicating keys
        editing keys
        exchanging keys
        listing alternate keyboards
        modifying key settings
        resetting default
        saving attributes
        simulating key events

keystroke characters

Korn shell
        setting DISPLAY environment variable

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language types
        specifying for keyboard

        changing input methods
        specifying at login

list boxes

lock mechanism

locking a session
locking a session

logging in
        resetting login screen
        specifying a language
        specifying a session
        specifying system behavior

logging out
        specifying system behavior
        turning on or off confirmation

Login Manager

login screen
        selecting options
        specifying a command-line session
        specifying a DECwindows Motif session
        specifying a failsafe session
        specifying a language
        specifying a regular desktop session
        specifying a session type

logout confirmation
        turning on or off

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mail conversion utility

        converting to CDE format
        differences between dtmail and dxmail
        storing in dtmail format
        storing in MH/DXmail format

mailcv utility

        See mail

managing directories

managing files

menu bar

        opening dialog boxes
        using Option menu
        using pop-up
        using pulldown
        using submenus

        from DECwindows Motif to CDE

mouse button 1

mouse button 2

mouse button 3

        changing button control
        changing click action
        copying and pasting text in windows
        navigating with
        performing click action
        performing double click action
        performing drag and drop
        using to activate windows
        using to move windows

multiple windows

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        using keyboard
        using mouse

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On Item help

Option menu
        in windows

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        selecting colors

pausing a session
pausing a session

PC-style keyboard

        changing for files and directories

Personal Application subpanel

Personal Printer subpanel

pop-up menus

Print Manager

Print Screen
        exiting application
        saving settings
        specifying printer options
        using options

pulldown menus

push buttons

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Radio buttons

regular desktop session

remote applications
        running on local system

resizing windows

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screen captures
        specifying options
        specifying output format

screen saver

        capturing picture of
        changing appearance
        changing color of
        changing workspaces
        changing workspaces
        specifying fonts

scroll bars

session manager
        changing settings

        choosing a type
        differences between DECwindows Motif and CDE
        ending with applications running

sessionetc file


        taking picture of screen

starting a session

startup environment

        specifying attributes

Style Manager
Style Manager
        changing colors
        changing fonts
        changing screen appearance
        customizing environment
        setting up backdrops
        specifying startup and logout behavior


        adding an application
        adding to Front Panel
        using Help menu
        using menus
        using Personal Application menu
        using Personal Printer menu

SysMan applications

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terminal emulator
        opening from File Manager
        starting applications

text editor

text files

        copying and pasting

trash can

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viewing documents

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warning bell

window frame

        copying and pasting text
        making active
        opening dialog boxes
        setting characteristics
        using controls
        using dialog boxes
        using list boxes
        using menus
        using menus
        using minimize and maximize buttons
        using Option menus
        using pop-up menus
        using pulldown menus
        using push buttons
        using Radio and Check buttons
        using scroll bars
        using sliders and scales
        using submenus
        using title bar

work area
        using windows

Workspace button pop-up menu

Workspace menu
        lists of options

workspace switch
workspace switch
        adding workspaces
        changing workspaces
        changing workspaces
        renaming workspaces
        renaming workspaces
        renaming workspaces

workspace switches

        changing colors of
        dropping directories and files
        moving between work areas
        moving between work areas
        specifying a background pattern

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X Window System

Xaccess file

xhost program
        using to enable access to display

Xservers file

Xsession file
