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I    Thread Local Storage

In DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0D, Thread Local Storage (TLS) support has been added to the DEC C compiler.

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I.1    Definition

Thread Local Storage is a name for data that has static extent (that is, not on the stack) for the lifetime of a thread in a multithreaded process, and whose allocation is specific to each thread.

In standard multithreaded programs, static extent data is shared among all threads of a given process, whereas Thread Local Storage is allocated on a per-thread basis such that each thread has its own copy of the data that can be modified by that thread without affecting the value seen by the other threads in the process. For a complete discussion of threads, see the Guide to DECthreads and the Programmer's Guide.

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I.2    Background

The essential functionality of Thread Local Storage is and has been provided by explicit application program interfaces (APIs) such as POSIX (DECThreads) pthread_key_create(), pthread_setspecific(), pthread_getspecific(), and pthread_key_delete().

Although these APIs are portable to POSIX-conforming platforms, using them can be cumbersome and error-prone. Significant engineering work is typically required to take existing single-threaded code and make it thread-safe by replacing all of the appropriate static and external variable declarations and their uses by calls to these thread-local APIs. Furthermore, for Win32 platforms there is a somewhat different set of APIs: TlsAlloc(), TlsGetValue(), TlsSetValue(), and TlsFree(), which have the same kinds of usability problems as the POSIX APIs.

By contrast, the Thread Local Storage language feature is much simpler to use than any of the APIs, and it is especially convenient to use when converting single-threaded code to be multithreaded. This is because the change to make a static or external variable have a thread-specific value involves only adding a storage-class qualifier to its declaration. The compiler, linker, program loader, and debugger effectively implement the complexity of the API calls automatically for variables declared with this qualifier. Unlike coding to the APIs, you do not need to find and modify all uses of the variables, or to add explicit allocation and deallocation code. While the language feature is not generally portable under any formal programming standard, it is portable between DIGITAL UNIX and Win32 platforms.

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I.3    The __thread Attribute

The C and C++ compilers for DIGITAL UNIX include the extended storage-class attribute, __thread.

You must use the __thread attribute with the __declspec keyword to declare a thread variable. For example, the following code declares an integer thread local variable and initializes it with a value:

__declspec( __thread ) int tls_i = 1;

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I.4    Guidelines and Restrictions

You must observe the following guidelines and restrictions when declaring thread local objects and variables: