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.rhosts file
        interaction with /etc/hosts.equiv file
        security concerns
        suggested permissions on

.Xdefaults file
        block input with allowSendEvents

/dev/console file

/dev/pts/* file

/dev/tty* file

/etc/auth/system/default file

/etc/auth/system/devassign file

/etc/auth/system/gr_id_map file

/etc/auth/system/pw_id_map file

/etc/auth/system/ttys file

/etc/auth/system/ttys.db file

/etc/group file

/etc/hosts.equiv file
        interaction with .rhosts file
        security concerns

/etc/passwd file
/etc/passwd file
/etc/passwd file
/etc/passwd file

/etc/sec/auditd_clients file
/etc/sec/auditd_clients file

/etc/sec/audit_events file for

/etc/sec/audit_events file

/etc/sec/event_aliases file

/etc/sec/site_events file


/sbin/rc[023] files

/tcb/files/auth directory

/tcb/files/auth/r/root file


/usr/tmp file
        tmp file

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absolute pathname

access control list (ACL)

access control list
        See ACL

accessing the databases

account lock

account management

account template, modifying


accounting tools


        anonymous ftp

        base entry
        data package structure
        data package
        decision process
        discretionary access control (DAC)
        emacs editor
        entry rules
        execute access definition
        exported data
        external representation
        getacl command
        getacl command
        header for data package structure
        imported data
        kernel status
        library routines
        ls command
        object creation rule
        object creation
        owner access definition
        permission bits
        protecting objects
        replication rule
        search access definition
        setacl command
        setacl command
        setting example
        standalone system
        verifying status
        working storage data structure
        working storage
        write access definition

administrative roles
        See role responsibilities

aliases for auditable events
aliases for auditable events

allowSendEvents resource
allowSendEvents resource

anonymous ftp account

        symbol preemption

antecedent directories


        adding to the file control database
        audit records
        disabling auditing in
        generating audit records in
        modifying process audit attributes of

assigning terminal devices
assigning terminal devices

attributes, file
        See file attributes

audcntl routine

audgen command
        using to create log entries

audgen system call

AUDGEN8 trusted event

audit daemon
audit daemon

audit events
        default events

audit features

audit hub

audit ID (AUID)
audit ID (AUID)
audit ID (AUID)

audit log

audit mask
audit mask

audit subsystem
        /etc/sec/auditd_clients file
        accounting tools
        active processes
        administration tools
        anonymous ftp
        application records
        audit hub
        auditing remotely
        audit_setup script
        audit_tool command
        choosing events
        continuous reporting of
        creating log entries for
        data recovery
        default auditable events
        default event aliases
        default event auditing
        dependencies among audit events
        deselection files
        deselection files
        events to audit
        example report
        fallback location
        files used for
        filtering data
        fixed-length tokens
        generating reports
        implementation notes
        log file location
        log files
        log overflow
        logging tools
        negative process IDs
        new log
        object selection/deselection
        pointer-type tokens
        processing audit information
        reading audit reports
        reducing audit information
        report location
        reports by AUID
        reports by dxaudit
        reports by events
        reports by process IDs
        reports by time range
        reports by trusted events
        reports, abbreviated
        selecting audit records
        selecting events
        selection files
        setting up
        site event mask
        site-defined events
        status display
        suggested audit events
        system audit mask
        tracing system calls
        trusted application audit data
        trusted application responsibility
        trusted events
        turning off
        ULTRIX compatibility
        user audit mask
        using audgen
        using audit_tool interactively

audit trail

auditable events

auditd command

auditd_clients file

auditi subsystem
        reports by process IDs


audit_daemon_exit trusted event

audit_log_change trusted event

audit_log_create trusted event

audit_log_overwrite trusted event

audit_reboot trusted event

audit_setup trusted event
audit_setup trusted event

audit_start trusted event

audit_stop trusted event

audit_tool command
audit_tool command

audit_tool.ultrix command
audit_tool.ultrix command

audit_xmit_fail trusted event

        See audit ID

authaudit routines

authck command

authck program

authentication configuration
        log in records
        maximum log in attempts
        password aging
        password change time
        password-changing controls
        profile migration
        terminal break-in
        time between log in attempts
        time between log ins

authentication database
authentication database
authentication database
authentication database

authentication files

authentication profile
authentication profile
authentication profile
authentication profile
authentication profile
authentication profile
authentication profile

authentication program

authentication subsystem


authorization list
        See terminal authorization list


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background job

backup procedures
backup procedures

base entry ACL

binary compatibility

binary databases

boot loading software

buffer management

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C2 features
        login control
        password control

centralized account management

changing a password

character-mode terminal

child process
        inherited file access
        signal mask and

chmod command
        octal example of

chown system call
        SUID or SGID permissions

close-on-exec flag

compatibility with ULTRIX auditing

        log in records
        maximum log in attempts
        password aging
        password change time
        password-changing controls
        profile migration
        terminal break-in
        time between log in attempts
        time between log ins

configuring enhanced security

        extended passwords
        security features

console file

console messages

convauth command

core files

create_file_securely() library routine

creating accounts
creating accounts

creating groups
creating groups

crypt() support

cu command
        example of

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        inheritance attribute
        protecting the TCB

daemon programs

data files

data loss

data package ACL representation example

data package

data structure

        storing in a secure location

database update


databases fields

        file control
        file control
        protected password
        system defaults
        terminal control

dcp command

DECnet protocol
        dcp command
        dlogin command
        dls command
        generic guest accounts

DECterm window
        See also DECwindows environment
        if application not using

DECwindows ACLs
DECwindows ACLs
        contention between system and local
        saving changes to
        system list in /etc/X*.hosts

DECwindows environment
        use of in a secure environment
        writing secure programs in

DECwindows secure keyboard
        example of

DECwindows session
        pausing current

        authorizing host access
        blocking keyboard and mouse information
        controlling application access to
        secure keyboard

default ACL

default event auditing

defaults database

defaults for devices

deleting layered security products

denial of service

dependencies among audit events

deselection files
deselection files

device assignment database
device assignment database
device assignment database
device assignment database


disabled accounts

discretionary access control
        See DAC

discretionary check

display access

dlogin command

dls command

dxaccounts program
dxaccounts program

dxaudit program
dxaudit program

dxdevices program

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EACCES errno value

effective group ID

effective user ID

        See effective group ID

emacs editor

encrypted password
encrypted password

encryption configuration

enhanced passwords

entry points

EPERM errno value

EROFS errno value

errno variable

        See effective user ID

evasion time configuration

event aliases
event aliases

events to audit
events to audit

execute access
        ACL definition

execve system call

exported data

extended passwords

extended profile configuration

external representation

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fcntl system call
        close-on-exec flag

file attributes

file control database
        reading and writing

file descriptors

file permissions
        remote sessions
        restrict access to .Xdefaults file

file protection mechanism

file summary

file systems

        deselection files
        deselection for audit
        protecting with ACLs
        selection for audit

filtering audit data

fixed-length audit tokens

fork system call
fork system call

ftp command
        description of
        security risks of anonymous ftp
        use of .netrc file with

FTP protocol

fverfy command

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getacl command

getluid system call

getty command

        See group ID

group database

group ID
        effective (EGID)
        map file
        real (RGID)

        database file

gr_id_map file
gr_id_map file

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hardware privilege

header files

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I and A
I and A
I and A

identification and authentication
        See I and A

imported data

Information Systems Security Officer



installed subsets

installing enhanced security

installing layered security products

integrating security mechanisms

integrity features


interoperating with ULTRIX auditing

interprocess communication
        security consideration

invalid maps


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        securing in DECwindows environment

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LAT protocol
        description of
        LAT groups

libaud library

        as part of the TCB
        security relevent

library routines

libsecurity library
libsecurity library

Local Area Transport
        See LAT protocol

local host, workstation as

lock file

locked accounts

log files
        creating entries in

log in records configuration

log in
        maximum tries configuration

logging in
        to remote systems with rlogin

logging tools

login command

login timouts

login tips

LOGIN trusted event

login user ID

        invalidating terminal file descriptors
        setting password during
        user ID (AUID)

logout tips

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maintaining accounts

mapping database

        system audit mask
        user audit mask

matrix.conf file
matrix.conf file

mechanism-dependent interface

migration issues
        audcntl routine
        audgen system call
        authaudit routines
        BIND/Hesiod authentication files
        password databases
        secauthmigrate script
        secure attention key (SAK)
        trusted path
        ULTRIX authentication files

        with tip and cu commands
        with UUCP utility

modifying database entries

modifying the account template

modifying user accounts


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naming routines

need-to-know access

network protocols

network security concerns
        .rhosts file
        /etc/hosts.equiv file
        anonymous ftp
        DECnet generic guest accounts
        file permissions
        tip and cu commands
        UUCP commands
        workstation display access

        audit hub
        auditing across a network

new routines

        account management
        automated procedures
        backing out
        client setup
        large databases
        master server setup
        password database
        slave server setup
        user account database

null password

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object code

object creation

obsolete interfaces

obsolete structures

opaque data structure

open file descriptor

operational features

operator responsibilities

owner access
        ACL definition

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passwd file

password databases

password parameters

password protection
        DECwindows secure keyboard mode

        aging configuration
        change time configuration
        coding example
        controls configuration
        expiration of
        expiration time
        ID map file
        maximum tries configuration
        new accounts
        protected database
        random character
        random letter
        random pronounceable
        setting and changing

PATH variable
        null entry in
        secure shell scripts


permanent file

permission bits

physical device

physical security
        in DECwindows environment

pointer-type audit tokens

private audit tokens

private tokens

process priority

profile migration configuration

protected password database
protected password database
protected password database
protected password database
protected password database
protected password database

protected subsystem pseudogroup

protected subsystems

protecting removable media

prpasswd file

pseudo tty

pts/* file

public audit tokens

public tokens

pw_id_map file
pw_id_map file

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rcp command

rc[023] files

read access
        ACL definition
        ACL definition

read-only file systems

recovering ACLs

relative pathname

remote audit log

remote auditing

remote file transfer
        with UUCP utility

remote login
        suggestions for tip and cu commands
        using dlogin command
        using rlogin command
        using tip and cu commands

remote systems
        in .rhosts file
        in /etc/hosts.equiv file

replication of ACLs

        See audit subsystem

required files

        system administrator

retired account

retiring user accounts

rlogin command

role programs

role responsibilities
        system administration
        system administrator

root authentication profile

root user

rsh command

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search access
        ACL definition

secauthmigrate script

secsetup command

secure attention key (SAK)

Secure Keyboard menu item

secure keyboard

security administrator
        DECwindows ACLs

security breach
        possible program responses to

Security Integration Architecture (SIA)
Security Integration Architecture (SIA)

Security Integration Architecture
        See SIA

security policy

security requirements

security sensitive commands

segment sharing


selection files


session priority

set group ID on execution
        See SGID

set user ID on execution
        See SUID

setacl command

setluid system call

setting up enhanced security

set_auth_parameters() library routine

        set group ID on execution
        set group ID programs

shadowed passwords
shadowed passwords
shadowed passwords

shared libraries,

shell process

shell script
        security consideration

shell variable
        specific shell variables

        defining variables
        path variable syntax
        rsh command invokes remote

        accessing secure information
        audit logging
        changing a user shell
        changing finger information
        changing secure information
        coding example
        deleting layered security product
        group info, accessing
        header files
        installing layered security product
        installing layered security product
        integrating mechanisms
        interface routines
        login process
        maintaining state
        matrix.conf file
        matrix.conf file
        mechanism-dependent interface
        packaging layered products
        parameter collection
        parameter collection
        password, accessing
        passwords, changing
        return values
        return values
        rlogind process
        rshd process
        security sensitive commands
        session authentication
        session establishment
        session initialization
        session launch
        session processing
        session release
        SIAENTITY structure
        siainit command
        sialog file

signal routine

        secure response to

SIGQUIT signal
        security consideration

SIGTRAP signal
        security consideration

single-user mode

site event mask

site-defined audit events

site_events file

standalone system

startup script

state-dependent audit events

sticky bit
        using to secure temporary files
        UUCP directory

sticky directory

strong symbols

su command
        set secure keyboard

subset installation

subsets, security

        set user ID on execution
        set user ID programs

supplementary groups

symbol preemption

symbolic link

system administrator
        remote file transfer concerns
        See also role responsibilities

system audit mask

system call
        common return value
        security consideration for a failed call

system console
system console

system defaults database
        undefined fields

system startup

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        defining a trusted system
        executable file
        hardware privilege
        indirect programs
        security configuration
        trusted program
        trusted system directories

TCP/IP protocol

temporary files
temporary files

terminal authorization list

terminal break-in configuration

terminal character-mode

terminal control database
terminal control database
terminal control database
terminal control database
terminal control database

terminal devices, assigning
terminal devices, assigning

terminal file descriptors

terminal session
        security suggestions

tftp command
        description of

TFTP protocol

time delay

tip command

tmp file
        security consideration


tools for auditing

tracing system calls

traditional file protection mechanism
        permission bits

traditional logging,log files

traditional security

trojan horse program


trusted computing base
        See TCB

trusted event

trusted path

trusted program auditing

trusted program

tty* file

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ULTRIX audit compatibility

ULTRIX authentication files
ULTRIX authentication files

ULTRIX interoperability issues

ULTRIX migration issues

umask system call
        using to secure temporary files


undefined field

UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program
        See UUCP

unlink system call
        protecting file access

update installation

user audit mask

user ID
        effective (EUID)
        real (RUID)

user input
        security consideration

uucp command

UUCP utility

uux command

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vouching configuration


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weak symbols

windowing environment

working storage

workstation environment

        See also DECwindows
        physical security
        protecting removable media

write access
        ACL definition

writing database entries

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X displays

xauth program

XGrabKeyboard() routine

XIsso program
XIsso program

XReparentWindow() routine
        using in a secure environment

XSendEvent() routine

XSysAdmin program