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Special Characters

        See ampersand

< >
        See angle brackets

        See asterisk

        See at sign

        See backslash

{ }
        See braces

[ ]
        See brackets

        See circumflex

        See colon

        See dollar sign

( )
        See parentheses

        See period

        See plus sign

        See question mark

        See semicolon

        See slash

        See vertical bar

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        in awk
        in awk
        lexical analyzer
        lexical analyzer
        lexical analyzer
        lexical analyzer
                multiple actions for one expression
                null action
        yacc parsers
        yacc parsers
        in yacc

address, sed editor

admin command
admin command

        in make
        in sed

angle brackets
        in lex
        in make

archiving source files
        See RCS
        See SCCS

arithmetic, in m4

array, in awk
array, in awk

        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in regular expressions
        in make
        in make
                in $* macro

at sign
        in make
                in $$@ macro
                in $@ macro

awk utility
        action operator
                before or after processing the file
        BEGIN statement
        beginning of a field in an expression
        command-line syntax
        comments in programs
        concatenating strings
        control structure
        control structure
        end of a field in an expression
        END statement
        field separator
        field variable
        fields in
                regular expressions
                to specify ranges of records
        print command
        printf command
        program structure
                entering on the command line
        ranges of records
        records in
        regular expressions as patterns
        relational expression
        semicolons in a program
        semicolons in a program
        separating patterns from actions
        sequence of operations
        sequence of operations
        split function
        string manipulation
        string manipulation
        string manipulation
                treatment of
                treatment of
                value if uninitialized

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        in awk
        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in regular expressions
        in sed
        in sed

basic regular expression

BEGIN statement
        in awk
        in lex

blank characters in macros, in m4

blank lines (spurious) in m4 output

        in awk
        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in lex
        in lex
        in lex
        in make
        in yacc

        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions

building programs
        See lex program
        See make utility
        See yacc program

built-in macro
        See macro

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        See circumflex

changecom macro, in m4

changequote command, in m4

changequote macro, in m4

character class
        in regular expressions
        in regular expressions

ci command
ci command

        in awk
        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in make

collating sequence
        in regular expressions
        in regular expressions

collating symbol
        in regular expressions

colon, in yacc

comment characters, in m4

conditional action
        in m4
        in make

context address
        in sed

control structure
        in awk
        in awk
        in sed

controlling revisions of source files
        See RCS
        See SCCS

create command

creating a new release

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declaration, in yacc

define command, in m4

defining macros
        See m4 macro preprocessor
        See make utility

deledit command

delget command

delta command


dependency file

        See dependency file

description file, in make
        commands in
        echoing commands in
        echoing commands in
        echoing commands in
        stopping on errors

diffs command

divert macro, in m4

divnum macro, in m4

dlen macro, in m4

dnl command, in m4

dollar sign
        in awk
        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in m4
        in make
        in make
        in sed

dumpdef macro, in m4

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echoing commands in make
echoing commands in make
echoing commands in make

edit command
        merging branches with, in SCCS
        -r option

editing of files, simultaneous, management of
        by RCS
        by SCCS

        See grep

embedded newline character
        in sed

end of file
        in lex
        in sed

endmarker token
endmarker token
        value of

environment variable, in make

error token, in yacc

escape character
        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in lex
        in lex
        in sed

eval macro, in m4

extended regular expression

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        See grep

        in awk
        in awk

file name

                in RCS
                in SCCS
        editing, SCCS
        getting multiple, in SCCS
        getting status of, in SCCS
        getting, SCCS
        names in RCS
        names in SCCS
        versions of, in RCS or SCCS

finite-state automaton
finite-state automaton
finite-state automaton
        stack usage

        in sed

flags in SCCS files
        list of

functions in awk

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g-file, defined

        See awk

get command
        -p option

getting files from an RCS library
        specifying version

getting files from an SCCS library
        for editing
        specifying version
        writing to standard output

getting multiple SCCS files

getting status of SCCS files

grammar file, in yacc
        contents of
        declarations section
        programs section
        rules section

grep utility

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help command, in SCCS

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ID keywords in SCCS
        See also percent sign
        See also SCCS

ifdef macro, in m4

ifelse macro, in m4

include macro, in m4

index macro, in m4

info command

input/output routines, in lex
        null character in
        translation table for

internal macro
        See macro

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keyword, processing, in yacc

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LC_TYPE environment variable
        See collating sequence

len macro, in m4

lex library
lex library

lex program
        calculator example
        escape character
        escape character
        finding substrings
        See also lexical analyzer
        matching wildcards
        quote characters
        quote characters
        REJECT action
                alternative to
        returning input to the input stream
        using with yacc
        yyless function action

lex utility
        substitution string

lexical analyzer
        action if no rule specified
                multiple for one expression
                with yacc parsers
        BEGIN statement
        default action
        end of file
        endmarker token
        file name
        file name
        getting more input
        input look-ahead
        input/output routines
                null character in
                translation table for
        length of a matched string
        lex library
        lex library
        See also lex program
        passing code to generated program
        printf function
        printing a matched string
        regular expressions in
        regular expressions in
        regular expressions in
        regular expressions in
        regular expressions in
        return statement
        returning input to the input stream
                extent of
                conflicts in
                matching input
        specification file
                definitions section
                        using y.tab.h in
                elements of
                format of
                lines lex cannot interpret
                matching input
                rules section
        start condition
        translation table
        yyleng variable
        yylval variable
        yymore function
        yytext variable
        yywrap function

library, RCS
        See RCS

library, SCCS
        See SCCS

line number
        in sed

literal string, in yacc

look-ahead token, in yacc

        lexical analyzer

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m4 macro preprocessor
        blank characters in macros
        changecom macro
        changequote macro
        conditional action
        defining macros
                in terms of other macros
                to track other macros
        divert macro
        divnum macro
        dlen macro
        dnl macro
        eval macro
        ifdef macro
        ifelse macro
        including a file
        index macro
        len macro
        macro argument
        macro argument
        macro argument
        macro argument
        macro syntax
        maketemp macro
        print macro
        quote characters
        quoting in nested macros
        redefining macros
        spurious blank lines in output
        string manipulation
        substr macro
        temporary file
        temporary file
        translit macro
        undefine macro
        undivert macro
        using system programs

        arguments, in m4
        arguments, in m4
        arguments, in m4
        arguments, in m4
                in m4
                in make
        checking for definition of, in m4
        defined, for m4
                in make
                in make
        defining, in m4
                in terms of another macro
                to track another macro
        definition, in make
        expansion, in m4
                recursive nature of
                in m4
                in make
                in make
                        file name prefix
                        out-of-date file list
                        target file name
                                first out-of-date file
                                on dependency line
        in lex
                expansion of
        See m4 macro preprocessor
        See also m4 macro preprocessor
        See also make utility
        nested, in m4
                quoting in
        precedence of definitions in make
        redefining, in m4
        removing, in m4
        substitution, in make

main function, in yacc
main function, in yacc
main function, in yacc

$(MAKE) macro
        testing description files with

make utility
        command execution by
        command syntax
        conditional action
        creating files
        defining macros
        defining macros
        dependency list
        description file
        description file
        description file
        description file
        environment variable
        including other files
        internal macro
                file name prefix
                first out-of-date file
                out-of-date file list
                target file name
                        on dependency line
        macro definition
        macro substitution
        nested call
        on distributed system
        operation of
        out-of-date file
        out-of-date file
        rules file example
                single suffix
        shell invocation by
        target file creation process
        target files with no dependents
        testing description files
        updating files


maketemp macro, in m4

merging branches of an SCCS file

multiple matches in the sed editor

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        See embedded newline character

noninteractive editing
        See sed editor

nonterminal symbol
nonterminal symbol
nonterminal symbol

null character
        grammar rule
        in lex

null string, in yacc

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        action, in awk
        Boolean, in awk
        Boolean, in awk
        regular expression, defined for
        relational, in awk

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        in awk
        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions
        in m4
        in m4
        in make

        ambiguous action
        conflicting actions
        controlling during a rule's action
        endmarker token
        endmarker token
        error handling
                to allow correction
        including the yylex function
        main function
        main function
        reduce action
        shift action
        using with a lexical analyzer
        See also yacc program
        yychar variable
        yyerror function
        yyerror function
        yylex function
        yylval variable

pattern space

        in awk
        in awk
        in awk
                ranges of records
        See also regular expression
        in sed
        in sed

percent sign
        in lex
        in lex
        in yacc
        in yacc

        in basic regular expressions
        in extended regular expressions

pipes, in awk

placing files in an RCS library

placing files in an SCCS library

plus sign
        in extended regular expressions
        in regular expressions

print command
        in awk

print macro, in m4

printf command
        in awk

processing text files
        See awk
        See m4 macro preprocessor
        See sed editor

prs command

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question mark
        in extended regular expressions
        in regular expressions
        in make
                in $? macro

quote characters, in m4

quoting strings
        in lex
        in lex
        in m4

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rcs command

        ci command
        ci command
        creating a new release
        file names
        file storage
        getting files from the library
                specifying version
        ID keywords
                getting files from
                        specifying version
                name of
                placing files in
        placing files in the library
        preventing simultaneous editing of files
        rcsdiff command
        versions of files


rcsdiff command
rcsdiff command

        in awk

        in m4
        in make
        in yacc

redefining macros, in m4

        in awk
        in m4

reduce action, in yacc

regular expression
        in awk
                escape character in
                saving and reusing patterns
        character classes
        character classes
        collating considerations
        collating considerations
        collating sequences
        concatenating multiple
        equivalence classes in
                escape character in
        internationalized usage
        internationalized usage
        length of attempted match
        in lex
        in lex
        in lex
        in lex
        in lex
        matching selected characters
        matching selected characters
        precedence of operators in
        restricting matches in
        restricting matches in
        restricting matches in
        restricting matches
        restricting matches
        rules, for sed editor
        specifying multiple

REJECT action, in lex
        alternative to

relational expression
        in awk

release, creating new

removing a macro, in m4

repeating matches in the sed editor

return statement, in lex

Revision Control System
        See RCS

RLENGTH variable, in awk

RSTART variable, in awk

        in lex
                conflicts in
                matching input
        in make
        in yacc

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sccs command
sccs command
        -d option
        options, list of

        admin command
        admin command
        create command
        creating a new release
        deledit command
        delget command
        delta command
        diffs command
        edit command
                merging branches with
                -r option
        file names
        file names
        file storage
        get command
                -p option
        getting files from the library
                for editing
                specifying version
                writing to standard output
        getting multiple files
        getting status of files
        help command
        ID keywords
        ID keywords
        info command
                getting files from
                        for editing
                        specifying version
                        writing to standard output
                name of
                name of
                placing files in
                specifying path to
        placing files in the library
        preventing simultaneous editing of files
        prs command
        sccsdiff command
        versions of files

sccsdiff command

        See sed editor, command script

searching for text with grep

security for RCS libraries

security for SCCS libraries
security for SCCS libraries

sed editor
                limitations on using
        combining flags
        command script
                command syntax
                multiple, using together
                on the command line
                buffer manipulation
        command-line syntax
        context address
        control structure
        escape character
        hold area
        input and output
        input file, treatment of
        limitations of
        limitations of
        line number
        order of operations
        pattern space
        patterns in
        patterns in
        printing lines
                after substituting text
        repeating matches
        selecting lines for editing
        string manipulation
        substituting text
                modifying command behavior
                using flags
        using an ampersand
        using backslashes
        using backslashes
        using semicolons
        using slashes
        using the hold area
        writing a file

        in awk
        in awk
        in lex
        in sed
        in yacc

shift action, in yacc

shift command, in m4


simultaneous editing of files, management of
        by RCS
        by SCCS

sincldue macro, in m4

        in awk
        in sed
        in sed

Source Code Control System
        See SCCS

specification file, in lex
        Definitions section
        definitions section
                using y.tab.h in
        format of
        lines lex cannot interpret
        matching input
        rules section

split function, in awk

start condition, in lex

start symbol, in yacc

stopping on errors in make

stream editor
        See sed editor

string manipulation
        in awk
        in awk
        in awk
        in lex
        in m4
        in sed

string variable, in awk

substr macro, in m4


symbol, in yacc
symbol, in yacc
symbol, in yacc

        See individual utility entries

syscmd macro, in m4

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target file
        creation process in make
        without dependents

temporary file, in m4
temporary file, in m4

terminal symbol

time stamp
        used by make utility

token number, in yacc

        in m4
                interpretation of
        in yacc
                finding names of
                list of

translation table, in lex

translit macro, in m4

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undefine macro, in m4

undivert macro, in m4

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        in awk
                treatment of
                treatment of
                value if uninitialized
        global, in yacc

vertical bar
        in extended regular expressions
        in lex
        in yacc

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what command

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y.tab.c file

y.tab.h file
y.tab.h file
        using in lex specification file

yacc program
        calculator example
        debug mode
        finding token names
        global variable
        grammar file
                declarations section
                programs section
                rules section
        library routines
        look-ahead token, clearing
        null character
        null string
        parameter keywords
                default values
        See also parser
        processing keywords
        start symbol
        token number
        using with lex

younger file

yy.lex.c file
yy.lex.c file

yychar variable

yyerror function
yyerror function

yyleng variable

yyless function, in lex

yylex function
yylex function
        called by yyparse
        including in a parser

yylval variable
yylval variable
yylval variable

yymore function

yyparse function
yyparse function

yytext variable

yywrap function
        in lex