MOVZ Instruction

Purpose:To convert an unsigned integer to a wider unsigned integer
Format:opcode src.rx, dst.wy
Operation:dst <- zero extended src;
N <- 0;
Z <- dst EQL 0;
V <- 0;
C <- C;
9BMOVZBWMove Zero-Extended Byte to Word
9AMOVZBLMove Zero-Extended Byte to Long
3CMOVZWLMove Zero-Extended Word to Long
Description: For MOVZBW, the low 8 bits of the destination are replaced by the source operand. the top 8 bits are set to 0. The source operand is unaffected.

For MOVZBL, the low 8 bits of the destination are replaced by the source operand. the top 24 bits are set to 0. The source operand is unaffected.

For MOVZBW, the low 16 bits of the destination are replaced by the source operand. the top 16 bits are set to 0. The source operand is unaffected.