Epipolar Geometry / Matching Fundamentals


The epipolar geometry of a stereo system allows us to search for corresponding points only along corresponding image lines:

The two above pinhole cameras have the projection centres Ol and Or, focal lengths fl and fr, and image planes πl and πr, respectively. Each camera identifies a 3D reference frame, the origin of which coincides with the projection centre, and the Z-axis with the optical axis. The vectors Pl = [Xl,Yl,Zl]T and Pr = [Xr,Yr,Zr]T represent the same 3D point, P, in the left and right camera reference frames, respectively. The vectors pl = [xl,yl,zl]T and pr = [xr,yr,zr]T express the projections of P onto the left and right image plane, respectively, in the corresponding reference frame. For all the image points, zl = fl or zr = fr, according to the image.

The reference frames of the left and right cameras are related via the extrinsic parameters defining a rigid transformation in 3D space defined by a translation vector T = (OlOr) and a rotational matrix, R. Given a point P in 3D space, the relation between Pl and Pr. is as follows: Pr = R(PlT). The name epipolar geometry appears because the points el and er at which the line through the centres of projection intersects the corresponding image planes are called epipoles. Thus, the left epipole depicts the projection centre of the right camera and vice versa. If the line through the centres of projection is parallel to one of the image planes, the corresponding epipole is the point at infinity of that line.

The relation between a point P in 3D space and its projections pl and pl onto the 2D image planes is described by the vector-form equations of perspective projection: pl = flPl/Zl and pr = frPr/Zr.

The plane through the points P, Ol, and Or is called epipolar plane. It intersects each image in a line, called epipolar line. Both the lines are called conjugated epipolar lines. Given a point pl on the left image, the 3D point P can lie anywhere on the ray from Ol through pl. Since this ray is depicted in the right image by the epipolar line through the corresponding point, pr, the true match must lie on the epipolar line. The mapping between points in the left image and lines in the right image and vice versa is called the epipolar constraint. Since all rays include the projection centre, all the epipolar lines of one camera go through the camera's epipole. With the exception of the epipole, only one epipolar lines goes through any image point.

The epipolar constraint restricts the search for the match of a point in one image along the corresponding epipolar line in another image. Thus the search for correspondences is reduced to a 1D problem. Alternatively, false matches due to occlusions can be rejected by verifying whether or not a candidate match lies on the corresponding epipolar line.

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Essential and Fundamental Matrices

To estimate the epipolar geometry, i.e. determine the mapping between points in one image and epipolar lines in the other image, the equation of the epipolar plane through a 3D point P is written as the coplanarity condition of the vectors Pl, T, and PlT, or (PlT)T T×Pl = 0. Here, × denotes the vector (or outer, or cross) product of two vectors (see its definition in Wikipedia).

But PlT = RTPr due to the aforementioned relationship Pr = R(PlT) and the fact that the rotation matrix is orthonormal and thus its inversion is equivalent to transposition. Thus (RTPr) TT×Pl = 0, or PrTR T×Pl = 0.

The vector product T×Pl can be written as a multiplication by a rank-deficient matrix: T×Pl = SPl where

Therefore, PrTR T×Pl = PrTE Pl = 0 where the matrix E=RS is called the essential matrix. By construction, S has always rank 2 so that the essential matrix also has rank 2.

The essential matrix establishes a natural link between the epipolar constraint and the extrinsic parameters of the stereo system. The equality PrTE Pl = 0 is easily rewritten for the image points: prTE pl = 0 to indicate that the essential matrix is the mapping between points and epipolar lines, i.e. the vector ar = Epl specifies parameters of the epipolar line prTar=0 in the right image corresponding to the point pl in the left image, as well as the vector alT = prTE specifies parameters of the epipolar line alTpl=0 in the left image corresponding to the point pr in the right image.

The mapping between points and epipolar lines can be obtained from corresponding points only, with no prior information on the stereo system. Let Ml and Mr be the matrices of the intrinsic parameters of the left and right camera, respectively, that produce points in pixel coordinates corresponding to points in camera coordinates:
where are points in homogeneous pixel coordinates. Therefore, , and the above equation with the essential matrix E yields . The matrix F is called fundamental matrix. Just as the essential matrix, the fundamental matrix has rank 2 (since E has rank 2 and Ml and Mr have full rank). The essential matrix encodes only information on the extrinsic parameters of the stereo system, whereas the fundamental matrix encodes information on both the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. Both matrices enable full reconstruction of the epipolar geometry.

The most important difference between these matrices is that the fundamental matrix is defined for pixel coordinates and the essential matrix is defined for points in 3D camera coordinates. If the fundamental matrix is estimated from a number of point matches in pixel coordinates, the epipolar geometry can be reconstructed without information on the intrinsic or extrinsic parameters. Therefore, the epipolar constraint, as the mapping between points and corresponding epipolar lines, can be established with no prior knowledge of the stereo parameters.

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The eight-point algorithm to compute matrices E and F

The simplest technique for computing the essential and fundamental matrices assumes that n; n ≥ 8, point correspondences between the images are known. Each correspondence produces a homogeneous linear equation like for the nine unknown entries of F. These equations form a homogeneous linear system, and if the n points do not form degenerate configurations, the nine entries of F are determined as the nontrivial solution of the system. Since the system is homogeneous, the solution is unique up to a signed scaling factor. Typically, n > 8, so that the system is overdetermined and its solution is obtained using singular value decomposition (SVD) related techniques (see Appendix 2). If A is the system's matrix and A = UDVT, the solution is the column of V corresponding to the only null singular value of A. Because of noise, numerical errors and inaccurate correspondences, A is more likely to be full rank, and the solution is the column of V associated with the least singular value of A. Because the estimated fundamental matrix is almost certainly nonsingular, the singularity constraint can be enforced by adjusting the entries of the estimated matrix Fest as follows: compute the SVD of the estimated matrix, Fest = UDVT; set the smallest singular value on the diagonal of the matrix D equal to zero; and compute the corrected estimate F′ = UD′VT, where D′ is the corrected matrix D.

In order to avoid numerical instabilities, the coordinates of the corresponding points should be normalised so that the entries of A are of comparable size. Typical pixel coordinates can make A seriously ill-conditioned. A simple procedure to avoid numerical instability is to translate the two coordinates of each point to the centroid of each data set, and scale the norm of each point so that the average norm over the data set is 1. This can be accomplished by multiplying each left (right) point in homogeneous coordinates by two suitable 3×3 matrices, Hl and Hr. The eight-point algorithm is then used to estimate the matrix F′ = HrFHl, and F is obtained as Hr−1F′Hl−1.

The normalising matrices Hl and Hr are determined as follows: given a set of points in homogeneous coordinates pi = [xi,yi,1]T, the desired normalising 3×3 matrix H produces the points pi′ = Hpi such that pi′ = [(xi-mx)/d, yi-my)/d,1]T, where , , and . In this case the average length of each component of pi′ equals 1.

The matrices Hl and Hr depend on the corresponding data centroids, ml = [ml,x, ml,y, 1]T and mr = [mr,x, mr,y, 1]T, and average lengths, dl and dr, as follows:

The eight-point algorithm for the fundamental matrix F
Input: n pixel-to-pixel correspondences {(pl,i = [xl,i,yl,i,1]T, pr,i = [xr,i,yr,i,1]T ):  i = 1,2,...,n}; n≥8
Data normalisation: for i = 1,2,...,n do { pl,i = Hlpl,i; pr,i = Hrpr,i }
SVD A = UDVT of the n×9 matrix A for the (overdetermined) system of linear equations Af = 0:
        The entries of F′ (up to an unknown, signed scale factor) are the components of the column of V
         corresponding to the least singular value of A.
SVD F′ = UDVT of F′ in order to enforce the singularity constraint:
        Set the smallest singular value in the diagonal of D equal to 0 to obtain the corrected matrix D
        and compute the corrected estimate F" = UD′VT of the fundamental matrix.
Renormalisation: The output estimate F = Hr−1F"Hl−1
Outpit: The fundamental matrix, F.

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Locating the epipoles

Since the left epipole el lies on all the epipolar lines of the left image, the relationship prTF el holds for every pr. But F is not identically zero, so that this is possible if and only if Fel = 0. Because F has rank 2, it follows that the epipole, el, is the null space of F (the null space of a matrix A is the set of all solutions s to the matrix-vector equation As = 0; see Wikipedia or notes of Dr. John Mitchell from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA). Similarly, er is the null space of FT.

Accurate localisation of the epipoles is helpful for refining the location of corresponding epipolar lines, checking and simplifying the stereo geometry, and recovering 3D structure in the case of uncalibrated stereo. To determine the location of the epipoles, it is sufficient to find null spaces of F and FT using, e.g., the SVD F = UDVT and FT = VDUT (notice that there is exactly one singular value equal to 0 because the eight-point algorithm enforces the singularity constraint explicitly).

The algorithm for locating the epipoles
Input: the fundamental matrix F.
The epipole el is the column of V corresponding to the null singular value.
The epipole er is the column of U corresponding to the null singular value.
Output: The epipoles, el and er.

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Rectification of stereo images

Given a pair of stereo images, rectification is defined as a transformation, or warping of each image such that pairs of conjugate epipolar lines become collinear and parallel to one of the image axes, usually the horizontal one. An example below shows an initial and the rectified stereo pair:
A stereo pair of images of the same scene
The rectified stereo pair

The rectification reduces generally 2D search for correspondence to a 1D search on scanlines having the same y-coordinate in both the images. The image transformation that makes conjugated epipolar lines for a given stereo pair of images collinear and parallel to the horizontal image axis can be computed using the known intrinsic parameters of each camera and the extrinsic parameters of the stereo system. The rectified images can be thought of as acquired by a new stereo rig, obtained by rotating the original cameras around their optical centres.

Without losing generality, one can assume that in both cameras (i) the origin of the image reference frame is the principal point (i.e. the trace of the optical axis), and (ii) the focal length is equal to f. The rectification algorithm consists in four steps:

The rotation matrix Rrect for the first step is built as follows:

using a triple of mutually orthogonal unit vectors e1, e2, and e2. Since the problem is underconstrained, the choice is in part arbitrary. The first vector, e1, is given by the epipole; since the image centre is in the origin, e1 coincides with the direction of translation T. The only constraint on the second vector, e2, is that it must be orthogonal to e1. To this purpose, the cross-product of e1 with the direction vector of the optical axis (coinciding with the Z-axis) is computed and normalised to get e2. The third unit vector is unambiguously determined as e3 = e1 × e21.

The remaining steps are straightforward so that the rectification algorithm is as follows:

The rectification algorithm
Input: the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of a stereo system;
a set of points in each camera to be rectified (which could be the whole images).
Build the above rotation matrix Rrect.
Set Rl = Rrect and Rr = RRrect.
for each left-camera point, pl = [x, y, f]T, compute the coordinates of the corresponding
rectified point, pl′, as .
Repeat the previous step for the right camera using Rr and pr.
Output: the pair of transformations to be applied to the two cameras in order to rectify
the two input point sets, as well as the rectified sets of points.

To obtain integer coordinates to rectify the whole image, the rectification algorithm should be implemented backwards, i.e. starting from the new image plane and applying the inverse transformations. The pixel values in the new image plane are computed by bilinear interpolation of the pixel values in the old image plane. The rectified image is not in general contained in the same region of the image plane as the original image. To keep all the points within images of the same size as the original, one may have to alter the focal lengths of the rectified cameras.

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3-D Reconstruction

Given the epipolar geometry and pixel correspondences, what the 3-D reconstruction of a scene observed can be obtained depends on the amount of a priori knowledge available on the parameters of the stereo system. There are the following three basic cases:
  1. Both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters are known - then the reconstruction problem is unambiguously solved by triangulation.
  2. Only the intrinsic parameters are known - then the reconstruction problem is solved and, simultaneously, the extrinsic parameters are estimated, but only up to an unknown scaling factor.
  3. Neither the intrinsic, nor extrinsic parameters are known - then a reconstruction of the environment is still obtained, but up to an unknown, global projective transformation.

Reconstruction by triangulation is straightforward: given the known intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, compute the absolute 3-D coordinates of the points from their projections, pl and pr. The point P projected into the pair of corresponding points pl and pr, lies at the intersection of the two rays from Ol through pl and Or through pr respectively. By assumption, the rays are known and the intersection can be computed. But since parameters and image locations are known only approximately, the two rays may not actually intersect in space. Their intersection is only estimated as the point of minimum distance from both rays.

Let apl, where a is a real number, be the ray through Ol (a=0) and pl (A=1) in the left reference frame. Let T+bRTpr, where b is a real number, be the ray through Or (b=0) and pr (b=1) expressed in the left reference frame. The vector w = pl×RT is orthogonal to both the rays. Let apl + cw, where c is a real number, be the line through apl (for some fixed a) and parallel to w. The endpoints, a0pl and T+b0RTpr, of the segment belonging to the latter line that joins the rays are determined by solving the linear system of equations, apl - b0RTpr +c(pl × RTpr) = T, for the unknown a0, b0, and c0.

The determinant of the coefficients of this system of equations is not equal to zero and the system has a unique solution if and only if the two rays are not parallel. This reconstruction can be perfoirmed from rectified images directly, i.e. without going back to the coordinate frames of the original pair. In this case, one uses the simultaneous projection equations associated to a 3-D point in the two cameras.

If the geometry of a stereo system does not change with time, the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of each camera can be estimated by calibration. Let Tl, Rl, and Tr, Rr, be the extrinsic parameters of the two cameras in the world reference frame. Then the extrinsic parameters of the stereo system, T and R, are: R = RlRrT and T = Tl - RTTr. It is easily shown by taking into account that for a point P in the world reference frame the following relationships hold: Pr = RrP + Tr and Pl = RlP + Tl. The relation between Pr and Pl is given by Pr = R(Pl - T). In accord with the former two relationships, P = RlT (Pl - Tl) and Pr = Rr(RlT (Pl - Tl) - Tr), so that Pr = RrRlT (Pl - (Tl - Rl RrTTr)) (notice that the rotation matrices are orthogonal, so that their inversion is equivalent to the transposition).

Reconstruction up to a scale factor involves the essential matrix, so that by assumption at least n point correspondences, n>≥8, are established, the intrinsic parameters are known, and the location of the 3-D points are computed from their projections, pl and pr. Since the baseline of the stereo system is unknown, the true scale of the viewed scene cannot be recovered, and the reconstruction is unique only up to an unknown scaling factor. This factor can be determined if the distance between two points in the observed scene is known.

The first reconstruction step requires estimation of the essential matrix, E, which can only be known up to an arbitrary scaling factor. From the definition of the essential matrix, it follows that

If the entries of E are divided by the square root of the halved trace of ETE, it is equivalent to normalising the length of the translation vector to unit:

Here "hat" indicates the normalised essential matrix and the normalised translation vector T/||T||. The components of the normalised translation vector are easily recovered from any row or column of the matrix . Then the rotation matrix is obtained from the normalised essential matrix and translation vector using simple algebraic computations.

Reconstruction up to a projective transformation is performed in the absence of any information on the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. It is assumed that only n point correspondences; n≥8, and therefore the location of the epipoles are given in order to compute the location of the 3-D points from their projections, pl and pr.

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Matching Fundamentals - Search Regions

Computational binocular stereo reconstructs 3-D coordinates of visible points from 2-D coordinates of the corresponding image points. Image difference, or disparity, in a stereo pair is the main carrier of 3-D information. Positional differences of the images of individual 3-D points in the left and right stereo images are measured by point-to-point or region-to-region matching. Due to different views of stereo cameras, there are horizontal and vertical disparities of the corresponding points (see e.g. H. A. Mallot: Stereopsis, Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, vol.2, Academic Press, 1999, pp. 485 - 505).

Horizontal, or x-disparity is the difference between the horizontal coordinates of the corresponding points, whereas vertical, or y-disparity is the like difference between the vertical coordinates. The baseline of a stereo system is usually horizontal, so that vertical disparities are small. With a canonical geometry of a stereo pair, e.g. with an epopolar stereopair, the vertical disparity is absent.

A disparity map is a continuous 1-1 vector-valued function d(x,y) = [dx,y, δx,y] that maps the coordinates (x,y) of binocularly visible points in one image to the coordinates (x + dx,y, y + δx,y) of the corresponding points in the other image of a stereo pair. Its components are the horizontal, d, and vertical, δ, disparities, respectively. In other words, the disparity map relates the corresponding signals in both the images: g1: x,yg2: xdx,y, y − δx,y. The mapping is undefined for image regions with no stereo correspondence, e.g. for partial occlusions due to depth discontinuities.

Search region depends on the expected range of x- and, if exist, y-disparities. Let [dmin, dmax] and [δmin, δmax] be the range of x- and y-disparities, respectively. Let (x, y) denote a pixel position in the left image, g1. Then the search region in the right image, g2, is {(x′,y′): xdmaxx′xdmin; y − δmaxy′y − δmin}.

Each binocularly visible 3-D area is represented by (visually) similar corresponding regions in the images of a stereo pair, and stereo correspondences are searched for by measuring similarity or dissimilarity between the image regions. Human vision find these similarities easily and at least reliably, and this easiness hides the principal ill-posedness of the binocular stereo, namely, that there always exist a multiplicity of optical 3-D surfaces giving just the same stereo pair. Figure 1 below exemplifies a continuous digital epipolar profile through the nodes in an epipolar (X,Z)-plane that represent possible correspondences between the points in digital images of a stereo pair with integer x-coordinates:

Figure 1: Digital profile in an epipolar plane.

These nodes correspond to the admissible x-disparities and zero y-disparity under the cyclopean (symmetric) X and Y coordinates in the 3-D space; the cyclopean coordinate frame has the origin in the midpoint of the baseline. The blue, green, and black strokes indicate the binocularly visible parts of the profile, the parts being visible only monocularly in the image 1, and the parts being visible only monocularly in the image 2, respectively. For compactness, these profiles are represented below on the cyclopean (x,d)-plane to show a few distinct profile variants producing just the same stereo images:

Figure 2: Epipolar profiles in (x,d) coordinates giving the same image signals.

Because the stereo problem is ill-posed, it is impossible to reconstruct precisely the real 3-D scene from a single stereo pair. Stereo matching pursues a more limited and thus more practical goal of bringing the reconstructed surfaces close enough to those perceived visually or restored by conventional photogrammetric techniques from the same stereo pair. Due to a multiplicity of visually observed 3-D scenes, there is only a very general prior knowledge about the optical 3-D surfaces to be found, e.g. specifications of allowable smoothness, curvature, discontinuities, and so forth.

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Symmetric epipolar geometry of binocular stereo

Under symmetric epipolar geometry, a disparity map represents a set of epipolar profiles, points of each profile having the same y-coordinate. To reconstruct a pro file, only the signals along the conjugate scan-lines (with the same y-coordinate in both images of a canonical stereo pair) have to be matched. Both the scan-lines represent the intersection of the image plane by an epipolar plane. The latter contains the stereo base-line which is parallel to the image plane.

Let pixels along the conjugate scan-lines in the images have integer x-coordinates and let the scan-lines themselves have integer y-coordinates with unit steps. The disparity map contains in this case only the x-disparities of the corresponding pixels. Figure 1 above shows a cross-section of a digital surface by an epipolar plane. Lines o1x1 and o2x2 represent the corresponding x-lines in the images. The correspondence between the signals in the profi le points and in the image pixels is given by the symbolic labels from "a" to "k" Notice that all the profi les in Figure 2 above give just the same labels in the images provided that the signals for these profi les have the shown labels. Let [X,y,Z]T be a vector of symmetric 3-D coordinates of a binocularly visible point. Here, y = y1 = y2 denotes the y-coordinate of the epipolar lines that indicates an epipolar plane containing the point and [X,Z]T are Cartesian 2-D coordinates of the point in this plane. The spatial X-axis coincides with the stereo baseline linking the optical centres O1 and O2 of the cameras and is the same for all the planes. The Z-axis is orthogonal to X-axis in the epipolar plane with the index y. The origin O of the symmetric (X,Z)-coordinates is midway between the optical centres (rather than coincides with the centre O1 as in the conventional asymmetric canonical geometry). If spatial positions of the origin O and of the epipolar plane with the index y are known, the symmetric coordinates [X,y,Z]T are easily converted into any given Cartesian 3-D coordinate system.

Let pixels [x1,y]T and [x2,y]T in the images correspond to a 3-D point [X,y,Z]T. Then the x-disparity, or x-parallax d = x1x2 is inversely proportional to the depth (distance,or height) Z of the point [X,y,Z]T from the baseline OX: d = bf/Z where b denotes the baseline length and f is the focal length of the cameras.

Each digital profi le in the epipolar plane y is a chain of the isolated 3-D points [X,y,Z]T that correspond to the pixels [x1,y]T and [x2,y]T. If the 3-D points [X,y,Z]T that relate to all the possible stereo correspondences are projected onto the image plane through the "cyclopean" coordinate origin O, they form an auxiliary "cyclopean" image which lattice has x-steps of 0.5 and y-steps of 1. Symmetric stereo mappings in Figure 2 are obtained by replacing the coordinates X and Z of digital profiles in the epipolar plane y with the corresponding (x)-coordinate and x-disparity in the cyclopean lattice, respectively. If the pixels [x1,y]T and [x1,y]T in a stereo pair correspond to a 3-D point with the planar cyclopean coordinates [x,y]T, then the following simple relationships hold:

x1 = x + d/2;  x2 = xd/2   ⇔  x = (x1 + x2)/2;   d = x1x2.
Figure 2 shows the epipolar plane of Figure 1 in the symmetric (x,d)-coordinates.

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Stereo matching constraints

Stereo matching is governed by general constraints reflecting intrinsic properties of stereo viewing and 3-D scenes observed:

To simplify stereo matching, some additional assumptions are sometimes added to the above-mentioned restrictions, such as