Computer Science

COMPSCI 120 - Mathematics for Computer Science

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Communicate mathematically: To read and interpret basic mathematical symbols and notation (for example, standard terminology of numbers, functions, strings, trees and graphs), and to translate and communicate their own ideas into mathematical language. (Graduate profile: items 1, 2, and 4)
  2. Perform simple mathematical modelling: To translate simple real-life tasks into algorithms, and to describe such tasks in mathematical language and abstraction using the language and ideas represented by functions, strings, trees and graphs. (Graduate profile: items 3 and 5)
  3. Understand counting and probability. To explain the basic ideas in probability and counting, and to apply them in easy real-life settings (for example, counting arrangements of items). (Graduate profile: items 3, 4, and 5)
  4. Understand formal logic and perform elementary proofs, including inductive proofs: To be familiar with elementary formal mathematical proof techniques and inductive reasoning, and to apply these to prove theorems, such as correctness of a simple algorithm. (Graduate profile: items 1-5)

There will be 5 assignments, each worth 4%.
Tutorials (10%) (learning outcomes 1-4)
Assignments (20%) (learning outcomes 1-4)
Mid-semester test (20%) (learning outcomes 3-4)
Exam (50%) (learning outcomes 3-4)


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