Some entries for an error message haiku contest

Spring will come again, 
But it will not bring with it
Any of your files. 

The action you took
Severed hope of connection
With the Internet. 

Water spills downwards. 
Electric stream cascades sparks.
Data flow ceases.

Memory shaken,
The San Andreas of all
Invalid page faults. 

Sorrow in my heart,
Bad sectors on your hard drive, 
Dead leaves on the ground. 

Path does not exist.
He who travels without bounds 
Can't locate data. 

The blue screen of death, 
Fatal to OS; take the time
to gaze at blue sky. 

The blue screen of death, 
Fatal exception to your
Desire to surf. 

Something has gone wrong.
Format your disk, because this
Error won't help you. 

Technical support
Would be a flowing source of 
Sweet commiseration. 

Far-off, placid moon.
Seek such quiet and distance. 
There you'll find your files. 

	-by Cheryl Walker

Your work has vanished.
Please Abort, Retry, Ignore.
Weep not bitter tears.

Fatal exception.
Code has looped upon itself
like the coiled serpent.

This pretty blue screen
warns of  dark inner turmoil.
Apply service pack.

	-by Loren DeLaOsa