Image matching to relatively orient multiple views

This research was conducted together with graduate students, Some resent results can be found in the paper

G. L. Gimel'farb and J.Zhong, "Matching Multiple Views by the Least Square Correlation"

presented at the 10th International Workshop "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision" on Multi-Image Search, Filtering, Reasoning and Visualization, Schloss Dagstuhl/Wadern, Germany, March 12 - 17, 2000.

Below you will find experimental results in relative orientation of several pairs of the RADIUS model board images reduced to size of 83 × 65 pixels. In all these experiments the same window of size 61 × 51 pixels was centered to the central pixel (41, 32) of the prototype image, and the the least-square-correlation-based search has the goal to find the affine parameters transforming the second image to this prototype. The search grid of translations in the second image was centered to the same pixel (41,32). The final correlation value is denoted C, and the apparently wrong matches are given in red colour.

(images 1350 × 1035 reduced to 83 × 65; the prototype window 61 × 51 with the central pixel (41,32))
M08 M02 M03 M13 M14 M18 M27
M08 to M02: C=0.58 M02 to M03: C=0.75 M03 to M13: C=0.78 M13 to M14: C=0.55 M14 to M18: C=0.63 M18 to M27: C=0.65
M02 to M08: C=0.55 M03 to M02: C=0.76 M13 to M03: C=0.84 M14 to M13: C=0.78 M18 to M14: C=0.59 M27 to M18: C=0.53
M27 M31 M34 M40 M12 M37 M02
M27 to M31: C=0.52 M31 to M34: C=0.76 M34 to M40: C=0.71 M40 to M12: C=0.76 M12 to M37: C=0.52 M37 to M02: C=0.73
M31 to M27: C=0.56 M34 to M31: C=0.69 M40 to M34: C=0.66 M12 to M40: C=0.66 M37 to M12: C=0.56 M02 to M37: C=0.59
M08 M09 M23 M29 M30 M36 M39
M08 to M09: C=0.77 M09 to M23: C=0.82 M23 to M29: C=0.87 M29 to M30: C=0.77 M30 to M36: C=0.61 M36 to M39: C=0.66
M09 to M08: C=0.84 M23 to M09: C=0.83 M29 to M23: C=0.87 M30 to M29: C=0.75 M36 to M30: C=0.78 M39 to M36: C=0.57
M09 M20 M19 M11 M10 M24 M25
M09 to M20: C=0.75 M20 to M19: C=0.80 M19 to M11: C=0.68 M11 to M10: C=0.85 M10 to M24: C=0.82 M24 to M25: C=0.83
M20 to M09: C=0.76 M19 to M20: C=0.86 M11 to M19: C=0.82 M10 to M11: C=0.47 M24 to M10: C=0.87 M25 to M24: C=0.89