Large-Memory Computations

  1. The Economics of Large-Memory Computations, by Clark Thomborson, Information Processing Letters 66, 263-268, 1998.
  2. The Economics of Large-Memory Computations, by Clark Thomborson, Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (Proceedings of the 1997 3rd International Conference), eds. Goscinski, Hobbs, and Zhou, World Scientific, pp. 579-592, December 1997.
  3. Submission to ICA3PP-97, in gnu-compressed postscript.
  4. Submission to ICA3PP-97, in gnu-compressed Adobe PDF format; also available in uncompressed PDF. Warning: the PDF version is only marginally legible on many terminals, because the source PostScript document was prepared with standard (bitmapped) LaTeX/dvips fonts, not PostScript fonts.
  5. Workstation DRAM spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  6. Workstation disk spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  7. Pile of PCs spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  8. Network of workstations' DRAM spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  9. Network of workstations' disk spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  10. Origin 2000 spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  11. Cray T3E spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  12. Cray T932 spreadsheet (Excel 5.0)
  13. When Virtual Memory Isn't Enough, U Auckland CS Technical Report 136, 1996.
Last modified: 17 March 1997