Quiz on Punctuation [Logo]
1.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
My first job in a factory involved the manufacture of escalator handles and ketchup bottle lids.
My first job in a factory involved the manufacture of escalator handles, and ketchup bottle lids.
There is no need for a comma after handles because the and is capable of connecting two things on its own. More than two things is required to make up a list.

2.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
Ms. Espinoza has offered to coach the team this year, however, the competition for the job is intense.
Ms. Espinoza has offered to coach the team this year, however the competition for the job is intense.
Ms. Espinoza has offered to coach the team this year; however, the competition for the job is intense.
A typical pattern for connecting two independent clauses with a semicolon is semicolon + conjunctive adverb + comma.

3.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
The team's major concerns this year, however, are staying healthy, finding a good shooting guard, and maintaining good relations with the public.
The team's major concerns this year, however, are: staying healthy, finding a good shooting guard, and maintaining good relations with the public.
The team's major concerns this year; however, are -- staying healthy, finding a good shooting guard, and maintaining good relations with the public.
You wouldn't use a colon after are in this sentence because the sentence cannot come to a complete stop as an independent thought at that point. And however is not being used as an introductory transitional expression.

4.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
Three major cities Hartford Bridgeport and Stamford make up the crucial voting blocks of Connecticut.
Three major cities, Hartford, Bridgeport, and Stamford, make up the crucial voting blocks of Connecticut.
Three major cities -- Hartford, Bridgeport, and Stamford -- make up the crucial voting blocks of Connecticut.
To avoid confusion, we need those two dashes to set apart the list in the middle of this sentence.

5.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
My favorite teacher, who just happens to be my uncle, retired from the university last summer.
My favorite teacher who just happens to be my uncle, retired from the university last summer.
My favorite teacher, who just happens to be my uncle retired from the university last summer.
The parenthetical element -- who just happens to be my uncle -- requires a comma on either side of it.

6.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
It seems a shame that a diligent, sincere politician like Fuentes should be ignored by shallow and thoughtlessly fickle voters.
It seems a shame that a diligent sincere politician like Fuentes should be ignored by shallow and thoughtlessly fickle voters.
It seems a shame that a diligent sincere politician like Fuentes should be ignored by shallow, and thoughtlessly fickle voters.
Coordinate adjectives (which could be separated by the word but or and) should be separated by a comma.

7.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
Given the hard choices our coach has had to make this year it's no wonder she's decided to retire.
Given the hard choices our coach has had to make this year, it's no wonder she's decided to retire.
A comma is required after the introductory modifier.

8.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
Raoul hasn't been able to keep up with his courses because he took on too many extracurricular activities.
Raoul hasn't been able to keep up with his courses, because he took on too many extracurricular activities.
There's nothing wrong with an educated guess!

9.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
Believing in her own skills and possessing a supreme confidence, proved to make the difference in her campaign.
Believing in her own skills and possessing a supreme confidence proved to make the difference in her campaign.
There is no need for a comma in this sentence.

10.  Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group.
My favorite pizza combinations are sausage peppers and onions mushrooms extra cheese and anchovies and hamburger sun-dried tomatoes pepperoni and sliced red potatoes.
My favorite pizza combinations are: sausage, peppers, and onions, mushrooms, extra cheese, and anchovies, and hamburger, sun-dried tomatoes, pepperoni, and sliced red potatoes.
My favorite pizza combinations are sausage, peppers, and onions; mushrooms, extra cheese, and anchovies; and hamburger, sun-dried tomatoes, pepperoni, and sliced red potatoes.
Use the semicolon to help sort out a "monster list," in which the elements of a series already contain commas. The colon would be inappropriate in this sentence.

Results: 0 Correct -- 9 Wrong -- 1 Skipped


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