Daniel Joseph Bertinshaw

Daniel Bertinshaw

I am currently starting the second year of study for PhD at university in automatic generation and management of workflows for semantic service oriented architectures. After completing my masters degree, entitled "Weighted Update Games", I spent 4 years in industry. My industry time was spent working on integrated websites and services as an in house developer for GSB SupplyCorp and it's sister company conexa. Upon return to study I have involved myself in other department projects, including the construction of a peer-learning system called "StudySeive", which is currently in testing.

Research Interest

My main research focus is currently formal methods to automate workflows for the semantic web, which is the primary focus of my PhD. Areas of interest i have that are related to my PhD are planning algorithms, distributed systems, formal methods, service oriented architecture, and semantic data.

I have other interests in language theory, automata and complexity; language design; game theory, social choice theory, and other formal models of social interaction; graph theory and learning algorithms.


My current project is building a formal model that can be used to model interaction of semantic web components to show that the construction and execution of composite web services can be automated.


Bertinshaw, D. & Guesgen H. (2004). Physical Approximations for Urban Fire Spread Simulations, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference

Deng, L., Bertinshaw D., Klette G., & Jeffries D. (2004). Footprint Identification of Weta and Other Insects Communication and Information Technology Research Technical Report 153

Bertinshaw, D. & Jing, S. & Dobbie, G. (2010) Using Multi-Agent Based Middleware to Implement a Distributed Peer-To-Peer Semantic Service Oriented Architecture Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference 2010

Luxton-Reilly, A. & Denny, P. & Plimmer, B. & Bertinshaw, D (2011) Supporting Student-generated Free-response Questions ITiCSE�11, June 27�29, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany. (Accepted)