LaTeX Quick Guide

If you are using a Windows, MikTeX is a free TeX environment for Windows.

LaTeX comes pre-packaged on most of the Linux distribution CDs. All you have to do is to install it, if it is not installed by default.

A template report is available here. The following steps (i.e. command-line commands) produce a PDF report.

  1. pdflatex report
  2. bibtex report
  3. pdflatex report
  4. pdflatex report

At this stage, you would have a report.pdf file.

The report template available in contains several files. The file report.tex is the top level document of a template report (this file includes other TeX files such as chapter1.tex, abstract.tex, and so on). There is also a file presentation.tex which is a template for preparing transparencies in LaTeX.

Not So Short Introduction To LaTeX 2e is a good free book on LaTeX. The LaTeX command summary is a handy reference.