dbHost = "tui.tcs.auckland.ac.nz"; $CMS->dbHost = 'localhost'; $CMS->dbName = "dmtcs01"; $CMS->dbUser = "dmtcsadmin"; $CMS->dbPasswd = "pukekoe"; $CMS->confName = "DMTCS01"; /* define database error handling behavior, since we are in development stages * we will turn on all the debugging messages to help us troubleshoot */ $DB_DEBUG = true; $DB_DIE_ON_FAIL = true; /* load up standard libraries */ require("./PARSERfn.php3"); require("./MYSQLfn.php3"); /* setup some global variables */ $ME = $SCRIPT_NAME; /* create a database object */ $db_CMS = new db_mysql_obj($CMS->dbHost, $CMS->dbName, $CMS->dbUser, $CMS->dbPasswd); $db_CMS->dbDebug = true; /* is magic_quotes_gpc turned off in php.ini? */ $magic_quotes_gpc_off = true; ?>